I don't know about this bug, but I can say that the HP/MHS combo is terrific. I live during the week near my work, but travel some distance to my home on the weekends to be with my wife. So, I bought the HP MHS and put it on my network at my weekend home.
It's great!. I bought the minimum hard drive version (1 X 500GB HDD) and then, pulled that out and replaced it with 4 X 1TB HDDs and 1 x 1TB eSATA external drive for a total of 5TBs of hard drive space. I connected it to my wireless router/switch and plugged in my Dell MP printer/fax/copier/scanner. I installed the software on my desktops and laptop and volila! - one network finished. Time - about 15 mintures. On Monday, I installed the software on my desktop at work and my desktops and laptop at my condo. I can now connect over the Internet to it from either work or my condo.
Instead of having several computers all with different datasets on them (music, photos, videos, financial information, etc), I now have one. Instead of several computers with various backups at various locations, I now have one. If I need a file I can get it wherever I am so long as I have a comptuer and an Internet connection.
I have gotten my kids (they are grown up and living in D.C. and Boston) set up on the MHS. They can log on any time and retrieve/deliver family photos, a program, anything. If they want to leave me something that has to have my signature, they send it to the printer at the house. They can even use it to fax a file from it. It is becoming the entire family's network server.
I spent a little less than $2k for the HP MediaSmart EX470, five 1TB drives and an external eSATA enclosure. My family (and friends) are looking forward to many years of use from it.
Great idea, Microsoft and HP!
Here's a demo page at HP's web site that explains some of its features:http://www.hp.com/united-states/digitalentertainment/mediasmart/serverdemo/msserver.html?jumpid=re_r602_de_artgen_lnav_psg_msserverdemo_447351 .