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  Why XP must be saved
Time: 05:27 EST/10:27 GMT | News Source: InfoWorld | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

The clock is ticking for Windows XP, the tried-and-true Microsoft operating system that millions of businesses and individuals depend on. Soon, the only Windows option will be Vista, an operating system that businesses as well as individuals have disliked and often avoided. The lackluster changes to Vista, coupled with the high costs of switching tens of millions of computers to it, have convinced InfoWorld that XP should not be retired as planned on June 30.

Millions of us have grown comfortable with XP and don't see a need to change to Vista. It's like having a comfortable apartment that you've enjoyed coming home to for years, only to get an eviction notice. The thought of moving to a new place -- even with the stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, and maple cabinets (or is cherry in this year?) -- just doesn't sit right. Maybe it'll be more modern, but it will also cost more and likely not be as good a fit. And you don't have any other reason to move. That's exactly the conclusion people have come to with Vista. For most of us, there's really no reason to move to it -- yet we don't have a choice. When that strong desire to stick with XP became obvious in spring 2007, major computer makers such as Dell and Hewlett-Packard quietly reintroduced new XP-based systems (but just to business customers, so as not to offend Microsoft).

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#1 By 61 ( at 1/14/2008 5:56:29 AM
And the same exact things were said about Windows 2000 when XP came out.

#2 By 75046 ( at 1/14/2008 6:50:12 AM
It´s just me or other people are getting tired of those "articles"? Same old thing... people was comfortable with Win 98 when XP cames out... I remember how XP was a pain in instalation with a virus turning it off in 60s. I had a lot of headache with drivers in begining, it was a lot more unstable that Vista is today. Come on ppl, move on to the new... And I don´t think XP is that comfortable...

#3 By 2138 ( at 1/14/2008 7:30:41 AM
#2: here here.

XP is great becuase we grew used to it but with windows evolving there will always be resistance to change. it is a human nature affect. vista is not as good as they say it is?? these are the ones that just do not like change or are just to scared to jump in the wagon. you can still buy vista and install on your old rig and you can still obtain drivers for all your hardware, etc... and if there are problems vista will still run but not as fast as one expects. this will give you and idea of what to upgrade for example memory and video cards are a first step and nic becuase the legacy devices just to not have the new features that vista offers but it will still work after obtaining the legacy drivers.

#4 By 3746 ( at 1/14/2008 7:35:16 AM
It is funny that people think XP is some intuitive god like OS. They forget that they have just got used to something over 5 years. Now things change and they whine like little babies because Add Remove programs is named something different and they can't find it. All these articles can be summed up as follows - people don't like change. They are comfortable in the little ruts that are their lives and anything that throws them off is something to freak out about. I don't get the big deal though. If you like XP that much then continue to run it. By the tone of these articles it is like people have a gun to their heads forcing them to upgrade to Vista.

This post was edited by kaikara on Monday, January 14, 2008 at 07:36.

#5 By 432 ( at 1/14/2008 8:07:57 AM
c'mon guys/gals, you can't be serious. I tried Switching to Vista 3 times now. Twice at Home and once at Work. What I find is that the sudden and often mysterious crashes prevent me from actually getting any work done, or worse (as was one case at home, some serious data loss).

Believe me, I am a new technology whore, I run Alphas/Betas/RC's just to see what is the next best thing. I code for Silverlight/.net 3.5....I mean bleeding edge is where it's at!

I was foaming at the mouth with rabbid anticipation for vista, but it just ended up bringing me to my knees begging for mercy.

And yes, the same things were said about XP when 2000 was around, however, the issues were quickly resolved, service packs were released and they actually fixed errors AND had performance gains, but with Vista, over 1 year later and SP1 just around the corner, they are saying no performance gains, fixes for many of my problems (that I reported) have gone unfixed and beyond all this...I still going to give it a try AGAIN when SP1 comes out, however if I am disappointed again...back to WIN XP SP3 for me (I am running the RC with 0 issues).

I know we all love microsoft (if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have a job), but lets be honest, VISTA is just not ready for least not on my machines....maybe on yours...but certainly not mine....and absolutely not on the 600 machines my team supports.

This post was edited by SidX on Monday, January 14, 2008 at 08:08.

#6 By 2231 ( at 1/14/2008 8:09:20 AM
Businesses will not change until it can be shown in concrete ways how Vista will increase revenue or reduce expenses. It's that simple.

XP is the devil we know. We've got a stable environment with XP and Windows 2003. They do what we need and they are paid for. Changing to Vista will be costly on multiple levels and the benefits compared to XP are pie in the sky at best.

You don't go out and buy the newest truck every year because its newer. You replace the old one when it's more costly to keep than to replace. XP is cheaper to keep than replace if Vista is what you are replacing it with.

I suspect this all may end up like the new coke/old coke campaign.

#7 By 79018 ( at 1/14/2008 8:27:45 AM
I’m Really really tired of these articles. 10 months now with VISTA, kept XP and Ubuntu Studio on 2nd PC. I can’t believe it’s been almost a year. No regrets, Vista works great on my HP pc. Had less trouble with Vista install then Ubuntu, although HP supplied all the necessary drivers. Only one program needed to be updated “Nero”. Vista runs smooth on my system [even with Office 2003]. Absolutely no hardware issues, I did upgrade my power supply, I have a lot of peripherals, 3 hard drives [1 external], 2 DVD burners [1 external] and 1 DVD player, Wacom tablet, scanner etc. I had no issues running cable internet connection through a router to split the high speed connection.
Vista for me was a great upgrade.

#8 By 29967 ( at 1/14/2008 8:30:39 AM
All I'm gonna say is this- People with serious vista problems have serious driver/3rd party software problems. Bottom line. It works very well on new, name brand hardware.... that was one great thing about xp, was that u could pretty much run it on anything.... but such is not the case with vista. Its more demanding, as xp was to 98/me/2000... u cant run it on 5 year old hardware. Get new systems with vista preinstalled (preferably NOT dell), dont overload it with shitty 3rd party software, and it will run fine. In fact, thats pretty much the way it was with XP back in the day... It worked great on new hardware, and not so great on older stuff. Why are you people so surprised that Vista is the same way? have you forgotten what the XP switch was like? HELL would be one word for it..... Vista switch, for me and people with decent hardware, is more like going from a cold climate to a hot one... its a big adjustment, but in the long run, you're happy u made the move.

#9 By 15406 ( at 1/14/2008 9:04:45 AM
People grumbled about XP in the early days but the adoption rate increased. Vista has flat-lined after one year and nobody wants it. Vista is like the cat that pees on the rug.

#10 By 92283 ( at 1/14/2008 10:31:39 AM
#9 I'm sure you are an expert on peeing on rugs.

We know your knowledge of Vista is zilch.

#11 By 92283 ( at 1/14/2008 10:41:12 AM
As for "flat-lined", Vista market share jumped from 9.19 to 10.48% from Nov to Dec.

Thats the largest increase since release.

This post was edited by NotParkerToo on Monday, January 14, 2008 at 10:41.

#12 By 26048 ( at 1/14/2008 10:55:06 AM
I prefer XP. If I wanted to work for Microsoft rather than usa my computer, I would apply for a job.

#13 By 3746 ( at 1/14/2008 11:20:00 AM

Flatlined huh? Do you just make up everything you write or are you going to post some sources to back that lie up?

#14 By 15406 ( at 1/14/2008 11:58:36 AM
#13: Parkkker did it for me already. Vista gained one whole percent in a month, it's best growth so far, to take it to 10% after one year. At that rate, Vista should take over for XP sometime around 2015.

#15 By 3746 ( at 1/14/2008 12:04:46 PM

I still don't see where Vista sales are flatlining. If anything they are picking up momentum after the increase from November to December. If you need a definition of flatline then you should look it up

Also you math isn't very good either. Even if Vista adoption doesn't speed up at all and stays in the 1-1.5% per month it would take 2-2.5 years for Vista to meet and exceed XP in market share so it would be more like 2010.

This post was edited by kaikara on Monday, January 14, 2008 at 12:14.

#16 By 28801 ( at 1/14/2008 12:16:25 PM
#14 If FireFox or Linux gained that much in a month all you OpenSores losers would be pounding your chests and declaring the end of Microsoft.

This post was edited by rxcall on Monday, January 14, 2008 at 12:25.

#17 By 37047 ( at 1/14/2008 12:46:51 PM
#16: If Firefox or Linux only gained that much in a month, all you apologists would be making the same statements that Latch is making, only about Firefox and Linux, and decrying the end of Linux and Firefox. Pot, meet kettle.

#18 By 37047 ( at 1/14/2008 12:48:58 PM
For the record, I couldn't care less one way or the other. When I have a machine capable of running Vista well, I will switch to it. Until then, my XP install runs fine on my existing hardware. The end of support won't change that overnight, so it is a non-issue to me.

#19 By 28801 ( at 1/14/2008 12:58:22 PM
The difference is, we're not losers. And if you look closely, nobody here is pounding chests.

#20 By 8556 ( at 1/14/2008 3:12:39 PM
DOS 4.1 should be brought back to life. By now the bug infested abomination must have matured.

#21 By 97934 ( at 1/28/2008 2:35:00 AM
Problem is Vistas (lack of) speed! Why must progress imply a cut to half in performance.
REAL progress would be for MS to use their resources and talent to rewrite a lean OS containing what 95% of users really need.
That's why businesses all over want to stick to XP. With the new SP3 it becomes twice as fast as Vista:
so why go through with the hassle

#22 By 254367 ( at 12/3/2009 1:51:04 AM

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#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 6:09:29 AM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/29/2023 10:00:01 AM

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