UPDATE: I was thinking about this. How to secure the firmware so updates could be done, yet only by an official entity (in this case, Microsoft).
You don't want to use passwords. Too easy to break... Automated authentication in the firmware update itself? Nope. That could be re-verse engineered, thus giving the hackers a way in.
I got it!
Since this would no doubt require new motherboard design, or at a minimum a PCI card to implement, have a button or switch on the motherboard back panel or card back panel that would require the user to press when the firmware update asks for it.
If there is fear that the firmware update may be a forgery, there would be a phone number and key displayed that the user could call to verify it's originality before pressing that button.
Rough, but workable. There are people a lot smarter than me that can work out the rest :)