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  Mini How-To: Remove the Windows BSOD icon in Leopard, make OS X a little less smug
Time: 18:12 EST/23:12 GMT | News Source: Engadget | Posted By: Andre Da Costa

It's pretty clear that Apple left no stone unturned in Leopard, making changes and fixes throughout the new operating system. Unfortunately, that also included an upgrade to its crucial smugness subsystem: the image you see above of an old school CRT monitor with a blue screen of death is actually the not-so-subtle gag icon Leopard uses to represent Windows machines on your local network. (Is it any wonder why PC and Mac fanboys tend to get in so many fights?) Granted, many Leopard beta users have seen this icon since the early releases, but we didn't actually think the shipping version would include something so pompous and galling to the other 90%.

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#1 By 1896 ( at 10/30/2007 6:20:07 PM
This is a joke, isn't it?
I mean is it legal to do something like this? What about the damages to the public image of Windows?
I am speechless!

#2 By 17996 ( at 10/30/2007 6:51:37 PM
Say what you want about Microsoft's business practices, but this is exactly the kind of thing that MS does *not* do. (Unless you go back 20 years to the "DOS ain't done" days...) They are much more professional and mature than this. And if they did do something like this you can bet they'd be sued the day after release.

#3 By 37 ( at 10/30/2007 6:58:17 PM
I will assume #2 was completely sarcastic. At least let's hope so.

#4 By 82766 ( at 10/30/2007 7:14:22 PM
#3 - why sarcasim? what 2 says is true. The moment Microsoft does anything, people look for ways of suing them or "putting them down".

What would really happen if Microsoft used a crappy icon to represent Mac's on the network?? Just imagine what the out cry would be!! Apple should change this immediately!

One rule for all - even if Microsoft is held to a far higher bar than most other businesses in this industry!

How about this link as a piece of unbias news?

This post was edited by MyBlueRex on Tuesday, October 30, 2007 at 19:19.

#5 By 17996 ( at 10/30/2007 7:52:51 PM
#3 - I wasn't being sarcastic at all.

Remember "Redmond, start your photocopiers" from the WWDCs? And how Apple spends large amounts of time in its keynotes bashing a specific competitor (Microsoft)?

I don't know about you, but I don't see Microsoft spending large amounts of time at its PDCs and WHDCs bashing other competitors.

I remember hearing that Microsoft internally made some funny videos parodying the Mac vs PC ads, but I have never come across one on the net. Microsoft is taking the high road here, choosing professional and responsible behavior over childish jabs.

#6 By 23275 ( at 10/30/2007 10:26:22 PM
There are great partners out here - doing great work and building solid machines based upon Windows Vista - which more than at any point in its history, is well integrated to the enterprise and an equally solid family of servers. The combination is very powerful and the ecosystem is stronger than ever. Where scale is smaller, there are products that are just as solid for the SMB market and the home - Windows Home Server, Xbox 360, Zune II and supported by consumer friendly networking products. Across every market segment, Microsoft is building the infrastructure, and the fabric that millions of partners use each day in the service of at least a billion human beings.

The truth about how far along Windows is, is well known and daily, nearly a billion computers boot into not just the operating system, but the ecosystem created around it.

Windows and therefore Microsoft, has nothing to prove to anyone, that the collective voice of those billion PC's doesn't firmly, but professionally say each and every day. I am proud that Microsoft simply allows its work to speak for it. It's amazing work and I am grateful to their engineers and company for the products they build and we use to build our own solutions for our own customers.

"When you're in a race, drive your own car." That's what Microsoft does. They set a great example.

#7 By 3653 ( at 10/30/2007 10:55:48 PM
I say POWER TO THEM! Apple, get down and dirty and do stuff just like this. Keep doing it. It will only help Microsoft.

Don't believe me?

Ask Larry Ellison. Ask Jonathan Schwartz.

The amount of this crap by apple, is inversely proportional to the number of days before Gates makes another cameo at macword.

#8 By 88850 ( at 10/31/2007 3:35:40 AM
It's not new that Apple has resorted to "cheap" behavior and Microsoft remains dignified w.r.t their competitors...aggressive and monopolistic but dignified.

#9 By 37 ( at 10/31/2007 7:21:35 AM
#4, I sure as heck hope it was sarcasm, but I see it was not, based on his reply that followed. Anyone who believes "They (MS) are much more professional and mature than this." is true, is delusional.

Here is Microsoft using one of their Microsoft Studio Games to take a stab at Sony:

And a classic conclusion: "Now that Microsoft has taken the bait and retold a seven month old joke, can we please, please, please let it go?"

This post was edited by AWBrian on Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 07:35.

#10 By 79018 ( at 10/31/2007 7:48:37 AM
Since their TV ad campaign [PC guy and apple guy], I get some pleasure from filtering all email from apple as junk mail.

#11 By 13030 ( at 10/31/2007 8:44:45 AM
You zealots really crack me up sometimes...

Laugh a little--I promise it won't hurt.

#12 By 15406 ( at 10/31/2007 8:54:11 AM
#11: It's funny how they take everything soooo personally, like Apple slapped their mother in the face.

#13 By 37 ( at 10/31/2007 10:42:01 AM
What is even more funny is that people take sides for either company. Unless they are getting paid by either one, what is the purpose of shilling for them?

#14 By 23275 ( at 10/31/2007 11:44:50 AM
#13, Let's explore that.

Energy and time are factors. If a partner, building solutions which depend heavily on Microsoft software has to overcome perceptions in the market that are unfounded, unkind, unprofessional and our outright lies - then the partner is going to have a more difficult time of it.

So, indirectly, all MS partners are getting paid to assess and present the truth - the reality that the customer will have to live with and that the partner has to support. Much of that "truth" is good news for all, and even the challenges [security, management, migration] are attended by effective solutions.

I assess it is appropriate to recognize the connections and relevance here. The more time and energy one has to expend to overcome inaccurate information, the less time one has available to perform meaningful work.

#15 By 37 ( at 10/31/2007 1:03:42 PM
#14, while I understand the point you are making, it bears no relevance to the point I am making. There is no reason to shill for a company (as seen in this thread with the outcry of the BSOD icon), and close your eyes when the company you defend does the exact same thing as the company they are criticizing.

And we are not speaking about MS Partners. We are speaking of general internet trolling, blind company lapdog shills that gain ZERO benefit from defending one company (I speak from personal experience as a long time MS MVP), other than for personal bragging rights....encouraging others to see things THEIR way because they think THEY know best, and NOBODY, no matter how much proof provided, can prove them wrong.

Not to pick on Latch, cuz I actually do like Latch (we have similar taste in music too!), but I find him to be somewhat of a anti-MS zealot. I would say he is "biased" to companies other than MS (and there is nothing wrong with having a bias...everyone has a bias), but I tend to see someone like him not seeing some of the good in MS (and if I am wrong about that Latch, I stand corrected). I see it happen both ways.

If one can look beyond their bias, and at least accept the fact that their prized companies sh%t does stink at times, and not everything is perfect in neverland, they will find that people will find them more credible, and knowledgeable.

Burying ones head in the sand, thinking the almighty can do no wrong is pretty pathetic. I don't speak for everyone, I just speak for many who are now, like I used to be. I finally opened my eyes, expanded my opportunities, and couldn't be happier. Now I look back at threads like this and see replies that I would have normally made before my wake up call.

#16 By 23275 ( at 10/31/2007 1:26:02 PM
#15, I understand entirely.

I do assess that those of us that have been around and in this industry since the beginning have an obligation - especially to young people, to help them assess things and formulate balanced opinions and therefore, make good decisions.

A big part of why I support this site is my unflinching belief in enabling and supporting young people - they certainly have kept my company fresh, strong and populated with ideas and innovative work.

Other things one wishes to share center on equally important values - loyalty - respect and thoughtfulness come to mind as examples.

Certainly, there are examples posted here today, where I quite forcefully opine about what I do not like about what Microsoft does - WGA is a classic example. I do not like how one has to continually get new versions of it. I wish, but understand it isn't going to happen, that there was a means to WGA my machines [ONCE] and be done with it. The WGA controls are bad enough - getting a new one each day/month is just silly.

Similarly, there is a lot about the *nix/Apple that is just awful - what is out here in the way of information is just not accurate. That is especially true of the SMB and Enterprise space - MS is the only company with enough of an answer. So even couching one's opinion from the very isolated perspective of a sole end user, is just flat-headed and naive. Leo Laporte does this all the time and by doing so, he has isolated himself so badly and completely, he lacks relevance even among his supporters. Even one computer is a connected computer - or it is a better space heater than it is any aid to any user. Driving that sole end user perspective into everything about how one platform is viewed over another is where all of the debates really fall off the rails and well short of even basic needs "individuals" have. Note the difference and distinction I am making - including individuals as such, but never treating the computer one uses in isolation.

Apple and the *nix largely do and it is a fundamental mistake to assess a "platform" in that context. I assess this is what is behind the limited perspectives shared by many who are younger - it is these young people I try and reach here - and perhaps help them view their computers in the inevitably larger context.

#17 By 17996 ( at 10/31/2007 3:31:32 PM
Ok, so Viva Pinata is an example of Microsoft taking immature jabs at competitors. Fair enough. Find me one in a flagship product, though.

And, does anyone find it funny that the BSOD itself is from Windows 9x? They could have at least shown one from 2000/XP/Vista (which look much different than 9x's). And what's up with using not just a CRT monitor, but a yellowing CRT monitor?

This post was edited by PatriotB6007 on Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 15:36.

#18 By 37 ( at 10/31/2007 4:59:08 PM
#17. There are plenty of examples out there, but there is no need to drag them up. Point is, they both do it. Secondly, the only people that will see those BSOD icons are mac fanatics anyway. Those BSOD screens are only preaching to the choir.

#19 By 17996 ( at 10/31/2007 8:00:32 PM
#17 -- please, drag them up. If there are so many it shouldn't be difficult to find some.

I'm not trying to be combatitive, but saying there are plenty but not naming any sounds like weasel wording to me... kind of like when people say that some things are "too numerous to name" and thus don't name any, when in fact there are very few to name to begin with.

#20 By 3653 ( at 11/1/2007 2:38:48 AM
AWBrian got called out.

[cricket chirps in absense of AWBrian's reply]

#21 By 37 ( at 11/1/2007 11:52:23 AM
" AWBrian got called out."

Called out? What, are we 5?! I already provided a link. If you want more, you find them.

Google the terms Microsoft and Ethics, and enjoy ;-) Same goes for Apple and Ethics.

Cruel cruel world out there.

This post was edited by AWBrian on Thursday, November 01, 2007 at 11:57.

#22 By 37 ( at 11/1/2007 11:55:56 AM
"And, does anyone find it funny that the BSOD itself is from Windows 9x? They could have at least shown one from 2000/XP/Vista (which look much different than 9x's). And what's up with using not just a CRT monitor, but a yellowing CRT monitor?"

Find it funny? Of course I do. That is the point. Humor is funny. Why does everything have to be so serious.

As for the monitor color, who cares? Who cares if they use a BSOD icon? Why would anyone care. How does a BSOD icon on a Mac computer affect you? How would have "massive damage" quotes in a video game affect anyone?

It's done in humor. Don't like it, don't look at it.

#23 By 2 ( at 11/1/2007 2:19:06 PM
be nice kids

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 5:37:53 AM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 4:01:49 PM

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