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  Windows Vista x64: One Year Later
Time: 00:29 EST/05:29 GMT | News Source: Windows SuperSite | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Paul Thurrott: When I began preparing my Windows Vista review one year ago this month, I wasn't sure how it was all going to turn out. But after looking at Vista with what I hoped were fresh eyes, I discovered that the new OS was quite good in fact; not perfect, no, but a dramatic and worthy upgrade for Windows XP users. I still like Vista quite a bit, and I could never return to XP, which seems antiquated and slightly dysfunctional to me now.

In that review of a year ago, I had one major qualm about Vista. While Microsoft had gone to great effort to the make 64-bit x64 variants of Vista the functional peers of the more mainstream 32-bit versions, I discovered that life in 64-bit lane circa late 2006 wasn't so hospitable. Yes, the hardware and software compatibility of Vista x64 was much better than I had anticipated, and certainly much better than that of Windows XP x64 Professional Edition. But there were niggling issues. A fairly unscientific run-through of the applications, games, and hardware I used regularly found a number of incompatible stumbling blocks.

The problem with this sort of thing is that it only takes a single important incompatibility to ruin an OS. If you can't get your most-often-needed application or game to work, why even bother upgrading? And if it can't configure half your hardware devices, how could you even use such a system? Vista x64, I opined, just wasn't ready for prime time, despite the many advances Microsoft had made.

Well, now it’s a year later. What's changed?

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#1 By 89137 ( at 10/25/2007 7:16:11 AM
Wow! Another positive review of Microsoft from Paul Thurrott. I don't believe it, because he's usually so objective.

Oh, and did you know that Leopard was a service pack?

#2 By 37 ( at 10/25/2007 7:20:13 AM
If Leopard is a service pack, Vista must be one of the optional software updates at Windows Update.

This post was edited by AWBrian on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 07:20.

#3 By 2960 ( at 10/25/2007 7:39:51 AM
I'm still waiting for stable X64 drivers to even be able to consider using it.

I thought about it this last rebuild, but ran up on brick walls at many turns. X86 it was...


#4 By 25030 ( at 10/25/2007 8:22:33 AM
I'm running Vista Business x64 in a dual boot scenario with Vista Ultimate 32-bit, and have been generally pleased with the result. I haven't had any hardware issues, and my only complaint software wise is that at start up, there is a bit of a delay such that launching programs causes them to time out and fail to start. It's not even a rush to launch immediately after the desktop appears either, even a minute or two after the desktop appears this still occurs. After that initial period, however, there really aren't any issues to speak of.

#5 By 17505 ( at 10/25/2007 10:04:01 AM
Morning all,

I have been running x64Vista now for a bit and would not go back. I am very pleased with its performance. All HW is working great and multi-tasking is much better.

All my SW has worked too. and I have thrown a good few of the new games demos and BETAs at it too.

Worse I have encountered is a BSOD with relation to the newest nVideo drivers. And this only in one particular game that my wife loves. RollerCoaster Tycoon 3.

If you have the PC for it I most deffinately recummend it. :)

#6 By 21705 ( at 10/25/2007 10:27:43 AM
""I still like Vista quite a bit, and I could never return to XP, which seems antiquated and slightly dysfunctional to me now""

Wow, that's enough to me to not consider reading the whole thing.

#7 By 37047 ( at 10/25/2007 11:48:46 AM
I found it interesting and a bit humourous that much of the software that PT had problems running under Vista x64 was Microsoft software.

#8 By 3746 ( at 10/25/2007 11:49:51 AM

I have been using Vista as my primary OS since RTM and I have to agree with the statement you quoted. While Vista does have it's problems I do find it hard to go back and use an XP system. I wouldn't even consider going back to XP as my primary system. That is not to say that XP is not a good OS just I have found too many reasons not to switch back.

#9 By 23275 ( at 10/25/2007 12:06:28 PM
I have to go with Paul and kaikara on this one, ""I still like Vista quite a bit, and I could never return to XP, which seems antiquated and slightly dysfunctional to me now""

They are right - going back to XP feels akward and dated. More than anything, the observation reflects that Paul/Kaikara have used Vista long and well enough that they have developed a natural skill and familiarity with it - it is no longer "new" to them in any way.

I do assess that an objective opinion about any software has to have a good measure of this same type of familiarity. Newness alone - especially against something as familar to most of us, and certainly guys like PT, that XP was, is enough to cause a few blips when first using a new version of Windows. Time does tell - and especially so for well supported operating systems. The truth is, opposite Vista, the ramp leading to maturity has been pretty short and not nearly as steep as it has been in the past. Vista is designed to provide for this shorter ramp and if one works just a little bit, it runs not just well, but perfectly.

Paul's remark, in my opinion, reflects his own maturity and experience in this industry and he was right to share it in that more natural context. Where he is dead wrong is in thinking that the "cloud" alone is enough - where he assesses Google has so much advantage. That is going to bite a lot of people. Hybrid models are where it is headed and finally, as it should, outside the dang browser. He needs to take another, and long look at the WPF, and how it connects to .NET and what that means for SW dev. and I don't mean tooty-fruity interfaces "in" the browser. I do mean, rich apps that use the Internet, desktop and server based services all at once. That is the natural progression from where we are. Thin, in other words, is not in - agile is.

#10 By 2960 ( at 10/25/2007 12:24:07 PM
I like Vista. I do NOT like that it is a royal pain in the ass sometimes...

I also think Aero is needlessly wastefull on screen usage. The damn title bars are so big, sometimes you can have windows overlapped where you can't tell where one begins, and the other stops!

I use the Vista Basic theme. Aero does not impress me, and the machine is faster running Basic.

I've never seen anyone l list the most useful feature in Vista yet.

If you have it set to show file extensions (as EVERYONE should), when you click on a file name to rename it it only selects the actual file name and leaves the extension and period unselected.

Now that there is cool :)


This post was edited by TechLarry on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 12:24.

#11 By 3746 ( at 10/25/2007 12:33:54 PM

I agree with you there - the first time i renamed a file and I was pretty damn happy about that. Personally, I like Aero. I don't run it on my laptop but on my home/office system i have a 24" monitor so I have plenty of space and I don't find anything too large. As for faster or slower I find my system is faster then XP when it was on it. Also, I just loaded Ubuntu 7.10 and it feels clunky in comparison to Vista on the same system. Vista just feels smoother when it is running - whether its opening apps or doing other tasks.

#12 By 89137 ( at 10/25/2007 1:18:37 PM
OMG! The rename with touching the file extension has been in linux forever! WOW! What a feature - Windows is catching up with the rest of the world!!!

What's next? Windows is gonna have multiple desktops that you can switch between. Oh wait - that's already a powertoy (which probably doesn't work in Vista)

#13 By 52115 ( at 10/25/2007 1:59:44 PM
#12: Hahahahah

Multiple Desktops which can have different windows and different program running in them, Yeah! That'd be sooo kewl.. Oh wait, KDE already has that and has for a while.

Power Toys and Widgets which can display things like media player controls, a calendar, a clock, etc. That 2 would be sooo kewl.. Again, Linux has had this and it's called Superkaramba and it doesn't use a constant 10-20% CPU processing power to run more than 2 of them..

#14 By 23275 ( at 10/26/2007 9:12:47 AM
#12, 13 - please don't get too wild over what started as a school project - a small toolset for KDE - a package that is added to "Linux" distro's that use KDE - or KDE libraries and compatible with other *nix OSes. [FreeBDS, for example].

It isn't relevant and it isn't appropriate and the only similar comparison would come from one of many third party applications written for the Windows Shell.

Appropriately - the page is called, "Eyecandy for your KDE Desktop" -

Also note that the above work followed and in most ways, but not as well, copied work from Andreas Verhoeven who built AveDesk for Windows many years ago - work, by the way, that later produced objects for the ObjectDock - a more commercial implementation - again, for Windows.

To help you really get at what I am saying here, is that of the 15 odd engines out there - 9 of them work for Windows Vista - of the same, only 7 do for "some" *nix variants, but not all.

In each case, development of the same engines - the same ones you list above, were minor ports from work originally done for Windows. **Most by the way, are written in XML and this is part of why so many are available for Windows Vista and again, only part of why Windows Vista's engine is so much more powerful - it's more accessible by more means.

If I may, be very careful with the comparisons - there is a lot of history out here and some of us are old enough to have lived all of it as it touches computing science - as in when most poeple still used Kerosene lamps at night and only wrote about things like electrical circuits...

Just enjoy the packages and software that is out there for whatever operating system you like to use today - or better, try them all and see which works best for you under whatever circumstances may be applicable. I think that if you all explored how the desktop is composited in Vista, you'd really respect the work. Please consider what this means, Perhaps the most significant change comes with the understanding that under the WDDM and Windows Vista [with properly crafted WDDM drivers!!!!!!!], the need to include code for the support of various device driver interfaces introduced over many years, has been removed [again, ref MSDN and MS TechNet]. Thus, Windows Vista implements only a single interface while ensuring that all the older drivers are recognized and function optimally. [Lib REF: aa480220].

Finally, owing to how Vista supports what the user sees on the screen, Aero is the way to go - that model, free of GDI+ legacy code, uses far fewer CPU cycles than any previous version of Windows and certainly any other existing operating system, of which there is only one capable of what Vista can do - that being Windows Vista itself. Please consider,

#15 By 2960 ( at 10/26/2007 1:06:13 PM
Hey guys, a question...

I've dual-booted for years, but I've never done a dual-boot with Vista.

When I set up the machine last weekend, I partitioned the first 500GB drive into 2 equal partitions. I was going to use the 2nd partition as sort of a 'scratch' or 'working' drive for in-process projects (music rips, etc...).

If I now boot from the Vista x64 DVD (I got both in the full Ultimate package I purchased), can I install it to that second partition without any fears of screwing up my system?

I would like to work my way into x64, but I have some concerns. I figure I can do it this way, and when I get to the point where the x64 runs perfectly, with all my software and hardware, I can then just wipe out the machine and go to a strictly x64 configuration.

Waddaya think?


#16 By 2960 ( at 10/26/2007 1:06:43 PM
Man, the login bug is being a real biotch today....

#17 By 23275 ( at 10/26/2007 6:24:13 PM
#15, Use VistaBootPro from Pronetworks:

Also, they have a ton of setup and related guides for exactly what you need.
The above program makes any mix of implementations a breeze.
See this page for a wide range of related guides:

I think that "if" the software you want to run will run well under x64, then do it - that is the costly part. If the hardware you have is not x64 ready with signed drivers, then replace it - that's the cheaper part. Definately do move to x64 and do stuff the machine with 4 - 8 GB RAM.
In fact, if $$ are a factor... I'd avise skipping a few other goodies for a bit and stocking up on RAM - wads of it and go for 8 GB minimum.

NOTE*** Windows Home Server Client Connector is 32 bit only - so if that is a factor, 64 bit is out for now.

#18 By 2960 ( at 10/29/2007 1:02:26 PM
Yeah, that 's a damned shamed about WHS. There always seems to be something...


#19 By 2960 ( at 10/29/2007 1:02:32 PM
Yeah, that 's a damned shamed about WHS. There always seems to be something...


#20 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 5:35:16 AM

#21 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 4:00:36 PM

#22 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 3:15:54 AM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 6:05:48 PM

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#25 By 4240821 ( at 11/1/2023 10:04:08 PM

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