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00:11 EST/05:11 GMT | News Source:
Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum |
Microsoft Corp. and Turbolinux, a leading Linux client and server distributor in Japan and China, have announced a business agreement that expands on their recent collaborations. The deal advances Linux-Microsoft Windows Server interoperability, furthers research and development collaboration, and provides IP assurances for Turbolinux users.
A key customer component to the agreement is a collaborative “single sign-on” solution. According to a recent study released by SupportSoft Inc., a provider of technology problem resolution software provider, password problems — including the need to reset them — make up one out of every five calls received by corporate IT help desks. This collaboration features the development of a single sign-on solution enabling customers to use one set of credentials to log onto Windows-based and Turbolinux devices. This solution is intended to improve computing efficiencies and cut down on internal IT costs.
#1 By
3653 (
10/23/2007 11:01:08 AM
those more versed in such things...
Other than RedHat, what are the remaining distributions that don't yet have a patent agreement with Microsoft?
#2 By
15406 (
10/23/2007 11:39:43 AM
Pretty much all of them. SUSE is the only high-profile Linux vendor that did a collaboration deal, and even they protested that the deal had nothing to do with patents or validating MS' vague IP claims. Other than SUSE, the other Linux vendors that signed deals were bottom-tier guys probably looking for exposure. Nobody is using Xandros or Turbolinux. I don't remember if Linspire did a deal, but nobody is using them either.
#4 By
88850 (
10/23/2007 1:06:25 PM
#1, maybe you've not even heard of Ubuntu, Mandriva, MEPIS, PCLinuxOS, Debian, Sabayon....
#5 By
37047 (
10/23/2007 2:33:07 PM
#2: The Novell deal probably had more to do with licensing certain bits needed to implement Mono and Moonlight than anything else. A standard cross-license deal that many big companies enter into. A simple "You don't sue us for any accidental infringements, and we won't sue you for any in return" contract. I don't think this is as big a deal as is being portrayed in the IT press. I'm sure even IBM and Microsoft have this sort of thing. Same with Sun and Microsoft, Sun and IBM, etc. No acknowledgments of any validity of vaguely hinted at patents or other IP needs to be intended or inferred, and probably shouldn't be, unless specifically stated by Novell.
#6 By
32132 (
10/23/2007 4:20:43 PM
RedHat and Novell have both been sued.
"IP Innovation and Technology Licensing apparently share the three patents and related copyrights that are at the heart of the suit, which oddly enough all have exactly the same name: "User Interface With Multiple Workspaces for Sharing Display System Objects," which are numbered 5,072,412 (from December 10, 1991), 5,533,183 (from July 2, 1996), and 5,394,521 (from February 28, 1995).
The two plaintiffs allege that Red Hat's Enterprise Linux and Novell's SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop infringe on the three patents listed above, and say further that the two companies knowingly and actively are enticing others to infringe on the patents in question.
IP Innovation and Technology Licensing also say that the alleged infringement continues to do economic damage to them, and therefore they are entitled to an immediate injunction from the court to restrict the sale and distribution of Red Hat's and Novell's Linuxes.
The two companies are also asking that the court increase the damages awarded because of the alleged willful nature of Red Hat's and Novell's transgressions, and they ask further for a trial by jury to settle the matter."
#7 By
3653 (
10/23/2007 5:23:39 PM
thanks tux. you will notice i said asked "those more versed on such things".
rats! none of those in your list are public companies. i was hoping i could short a stock, and make a quick buck.
EDIT: Found a list @ http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/prnewswire/AQM22922102007-1.htm
add TurboLinux
Seems like a pretty healthy list (and new revenue stream) to me.
This post was edited by mooresa56 on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 at 17:29.
#8 By
15406 (
10/23/2007 7:15:29 PM
#6: Ah yes, "Son of SCO", also known as Microsoft's Proxy War on Linux, Part 2. Groklaw has a good writeup on it here:
#7: Like I said before, all the distros that signed other than SUSE are third-tier (if that) Linux companies, and Novell said their deal with MS had nothing to do with patents or supposed MS IP in Linux.
#9 By
32132 (
10/24/2007 12:15:05 AM
#8 Wow. I'm amazed. Baystar bought some shares in a BioPharm subsidiary of a company (Acacia) in 2003 ... and suddenly Groklaw claims its a Microsoft conspiracy!
Ha ha ha. You nutbars are a hoot.
From the press releases, it appears Acacia is picking on a lot of people:
Combimatrix is a a biotech company. Baystar bought some stock in it in 2003.
It must be halloween. Groklaw's coffee girl sees boogiemen everywhere!
This post was edited by NotParker on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 00:18.
#10 By
15406 (
10/24/2007 8:09:26 AM
#9: Funny how you forgot to mention the MS execs who hopped on board, especially the MS IP exec who joined just before the suit was announced. Strange bedfellows, indeed. And, by coincidence of course, the suit comes just after Uncle Fester makes his latest rounds of IP FUD.
#11 By
32132 (
10/24/2007 10:40:58 AM
I see you are a "Groklaw Truther".
In your world lawsuits take days to prepeare instead of months or years, and a company that is specializing in IP law would never hire someone from Microsoft who is a specialist in IP law.
And a company that has made hundreds of deals/lawsuits over IP is suspicious if the 147th company it sues is "open" source.
Ha ha ha. You are an idiot.
#12 By
15406 (
10/24/2007 11:38:33 AM
#11: OK, OK. You've got me convinced now that MS' fingerprints all over this suit are pure coincidence. I've seen the light.
#13 By
23275 (
10/24/2007 11:40:04 AM
#11, I think the nutbar part is probably pretty close....
It's like..... hmmmm Planes. Planes hit buildings..... hmmmm.... American has planes..... must have been them that did it... hmmmmm
Same idiotic type of thinking from the same type of people for the same idiotic reasons - "we want it our way, and it doesn't matter if we don't know what that way is - you're just bad. all of you." <stomps off all teary>
Someone needed to make that kid rake leaves until his hands blistered... then praised the work [provided it was done well].
Nutbars are made - they are not born. They are made when they can't see their own worth - because they are not made to do anything of worth.
#14 By
32132 (
10/24/2007 12:22:48 PM
#12 If you were sane you might look for Groklaws "Pamela" fingerprints.
She is the one who started it all with the OSRM "Insurance" company that proclaimed there were 283 IP violations in the Linux kernel alone.
I knew you were an idiot, but when you link to a site that is help to divert peoples attention from Pamela's complicity, it just emphasises how stupid you really are.
#15 By
15406 (
10/24/2007 2:13:11 PM
#13: Things have a funny way of working out. Way back near the beginning of the SCO drama, it was alleged that MS was behind Baystar Capital investing in SCO when SCO's cash was starting to get low. It was hypothesized that MS wanted to prop SCO up and keep the Linux FUD lawsuit going without getting their own hands dirty, as it would look bad form an antitrust point of view. MS, of course, denied everything saying they had nothing to do with it and Microbots around the world laughed it off as FOSS tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories. Fast-forward to the trial and a Baystar exec testified that, in fact, MS did approach Baystar and asked them to invest in SCO at the crucial moment that SCO needed the money. MS had at that time also invested a chunk of change in SCO under the guide of UNIX licensing, but SCO needed more. MS knew it couldn't easily explain to an antitrust judge that they poured a ton of cash into SCO for licensing fees, so MS got a proxy to help in Baystar. Same thing this time around. MS still denies the whole SCO funding thing, but Baystar was under oath and not Microsoft.
#16 By
32132 (
10/24/2007 4:51:26 PM
Hmmm ... Microsoft competitors subsidize Linux and Firefox with hundreds of millions of dollars of cash and "donated" lines of code each year ... and morons like latch are appalled that venture capital firms sometimes venture some capital on companies.
Nice tinfoil hat you loser.
#17 By
15406 (
10/25/2007 8:17:42 AM
#16: I must have really touched a nerve for you to be this obnoxious.
#18 By
3653 (
10/25/2007 12:15:50 PM
yeah latch, i think you finally found the way to get under notparker's skin. you just need to continue being blatantly stupid, and completely devoid of rational thinking.
keep up the good work.
#19 By
32132 (
10/25/2007 3:19:12 PM
#17 Your dishonest kind of stupidity is annoying.
#20 By
15406 (
10/25/2007 10:14:46 PM
#18,19: LOL sticks & stones, boys, sticks & stones. As usual, you can't refute anything I've said so all you can do is fall back on insults. Typical, yet sad.
#21 By
3653 (
10/26/2007 2:54:23 PM
the refutation is in the TITLE of the story. companies CONTINUE to sign these deals with msft. 'nuff said.