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  Live Earth Concerts on Are the Most Watched Entertainment Event in Online History
Time: 00:03 EST/05:03 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

A history-making audience of viewers from around the world united at to experience the excitement of the Live Earth concerts and confront the threat of global warming. Since the start of the first Live Earth concert in Australia, MSN® has delivered more than 30 million live and on-demand video streams of the concerts. During the exclusive live coverage on MSN, more than 8 million people watched over 15 million streams, with peak simultaneous viewership of 237,000 people making it the most watched entertainment event in online history.

“July 7, 2007, was the greatest day in the history of MSN. Our Live Earth offering has delivered more than 30 million video streams and reached more than 8 million people around the world, a milestone in online history,” said Joanne Bradford, corporate vice president and chief media officer of MSN. “We are thrilled that MSN connected a global audience together for this important issue, and invite people to explore the in-depth experience available on MSN, which millions are continuing to enjoy.”

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#1 By 9589 ( at 7/10/2007 1:22:51 AM
Meanwhile, viewership of NBC's broadcast of "Live Earth" was dead last exceeded by reruns of "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" on Fox. Reruns . . .

NBC's "Live Earth" was seen by less than 1% of the US population or about 2.7 million people.

But, heck, let's exam the touted MSN statistics. What's 8 million divided by 6 billion people - the approximate population of the planet? Wow! Somewhat less than 1%! lol

AlBore's fiasco will condemn these kinds of events for years to come.
Speaking of Al "the Occidental Petroleum trust fund baby" Gore, burns more energy in just one of his several homes than 20 average Americans families.

His hutzpah is only exceeded by Clintoon criticizing President Bush for the sentence commutation of Scooter Libby. Can anyone say pardon Mark "the biggest tax evader in US history" Rich?

#2 By 28801 ( at 7/10/2007 9:22:07 AM
So the Libby pardon is OK in your eyes? Bush pardoned this creep to protect his own ass and for no other reason.

#3 By 23275 ( at 7/10/2007 9:37:15 AM
#2 He was not pardoned - his sentence was partially commuted. He should have been fully pardoned and the case against him never should have been brought in the first place. As it stands, in any such formal interviews a person would be charged for obstruction if they don't cooperate and try to remember every word they ever spoke to all people - if they do cooperate and get one thing wrong, they get prosecuted for perjury. It's insane - normal people can't recall what they had for supper last Wednesday.

The investigation that should have taken place was against Joe Wilson and his wife - first to seek out why he testified before the Congress that the Iraqi's were seeking yellow-cake and why he later, in public press reporting, failed to mention that.... and then why his wife sent him to Africa in the first place. The entire matter stinks to high heaven of a set up on Wilson's part, complicity on his wife's part and of a witch hunt on the special prosecutor's part.

#1, Well said, Sir!

#4 By 28801 ( at 7/10/2007 10:04:18 AM
Yea... That's what it was.

#5 By 15406 ( at 7/10/2007 10:56:51 AM
Geez, is it coincidence that the biggest MS fluffers here are also Republicans?

Bush should have been impeached long ago for sins far greater than what Nixon or Clinton ever did. Commuting Libby's sentence was par for Bush's course. "It was excessive" says Bush. Meanwhile, anyone else convicted of the same crime did 5+ years, according to the prosecutor. I thought Bush pledged to get to the bottom of the leak and fire the leaker, yet Libby is being protected and Rove still has a job. The commutation was a present to keep Libby quiet. When Bush leaves office, Libby will get his full pardon. He's a traitor in my mind. Deliberately exposing an undercover agent because her husband opposed Bush's holy crusade. Bush's folly hasn't made the US any safer, but he has managed to piss off the entire world and start the US down the path towards a police state. Then there's the billions & trillions pissed away in unnecessary wars taht will have to be paid down for generations after Bush leaves office. I could go on & on. The guy is a total fsckup.

Another thing I find amusing with Republicans: when Bush was beating the drums of war, the argument was that, even though the US didn't have iron-clad proof Saddam had nukes, WE CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO ACT! Now that there is a substantial body of work indicating that the Earth's climate change is heavily influenced by the actions of man, all the GOPers are crying about how there isn't quite enough evidence and we should all just do nothing.


Potential threat to entire world, including US: Not enough proof, can't do anything if it will cost the economy $1 or more.

#6 By 37 ( at 7/10/2007 11:05:26 AM
In my mind, Bush is impeached. He is the worst president in my living history.

#7 By 9589 ( at 7/10/2007 11:47:11 AM
Geez . . . only five comments following my rant? What's this web site coming too? lol

#8 By 28801 ( at 7/10/2007 11:48:08 AM
#5: We may often disagree on Microsoft, but on this issue you are dead on.

#9 By 15406 ( at 7/10/2007 12:19:55 PM
#8: I've been saying pretty much the same thing about Bush for the past many years, but I usually got tarred for it here. How times change.

#10 By 28801 ( at 7/10/2007 12:20:05 PM
#6: Don't worry, The Democrats will have 8 years to fix the mess that Bush and Cheney created.

#11 By 28801 ( at 7/10/2007 12:29:38 PM
#9: I loved Lloyd's whole Wilson conspiracy theory.

Hey Ketchum, I believe the Wilsons were also responsible for Hurricane Katrina.

#12 By 37 ( at 7/10/2007 12:35:41 PM
#10: I don't care if it's a democrat or republican. Anyone or anything it better than this loon of a president we have now.

#13 By 8556 ( at 7/10/2007 1:10:32 PM
And about that Live Earth thingy. Junk science is a stupid mantra to follow. Our planet warms up and cools down quite nicely with or without humans present. Just because we can measure a 50% CO2 increase is not evidence of human impact on global temperature changes. One can argue that it may be a mitigating factor. But, that about it. If the earth does, over time, heat up the result will be an increase in volcanic activity that will then cool it down.

To all believers of the church of human caused global warming, as Monty Python once wrote "I fart in your general direction".

#14 By 23275 ( at 7/10/2007 1:25:19 PM
I dunno ya'l... try this... hump a ruck around this planet for a couple of decades then come back and tell me how jacked up the US and its President are. Don't like it, put on a uniform and square off against us. Don't like the current president, or the GOP, then vote against them. Nearly to a [Congress]person, when the war started, they were behind the effort - when it got tough [just as the President said it was sure to be], they got fatter, softer and started looking for the door. You can bet your backsides our enemies aren't.

Don't like it, us, or even guys like me, then pick up a rifle, square it off and prep for battle. Don't like any representative, then campaign and vote. Most simply, you want war, make war - you want polictical change, then work the process from that end.

Just don't expect us to sit on our backsides and take it.

#11, No, no they weren't - no more than any person was - including the President. BTW, any man would have walked out of there and worked his way up whatever road he chose. I did that at 14 and never looked back - so I know it is possible. I'd say death to all cowards, but they're already dead in every way that matters.

This post was edited by lketchum on Tuesday, July 10, 2007 at 13:27.

#15 By 28801 ( at 7/10/2007 1:28:05 PM
#13 & 14: You sons of a silly person!

#16 By 13030 ( at 7/10/2007 2:21:10 PM
#14, Americans have a short attention span and a small appetite for anything requiring long-term commitment (such as marriage, education, saving, recycling, child raising, health, or war). As you noticed, the country was overwhelmingly behind the war in Iraq at first, but since we didn't get our instant gratification "victory", we have grown bored with the war and fighting terrorism for that matter. We are a fat, selfish, and easily distracted nation. Our enemies know this and use time to their advantage.

While we have mismanaged some aspects of the Iraq war, I believe that we have performed as well as possible considering our solo role. As much as the war pundits want us to believe that it could be handled better, war is not like a chess match where the outcome is known based on the opening moves. Our enemies have adapted. Unfortunately, our will as a nation has not adapted to the changing war conditions. Even more disgusting is the wishy-washy views our politicians are now peddling in order to gain votes. I want my elected leaders to make the hard decisions and see them through. Everyone was up in arms about Saddam gassing Kurds, invading Kuwait, and defying UN resolutions, but now no one wants to follow through with the hard work to get Iraq back on its democratic feet free from Saddam's tyranny.

(And before someone tries to label me: I vote for the candidate I believe to be best qualified for the job and most likely to carry out the policies that are of greatest concern to me. The last election saw my votes spread across four parties with no party getting the majority of my votes. I am a moderate.)

#17 By 37 ( at 7/10/2007 2:53:59 PM
The country (USA) was overwhelmingly behind the war in Afghanistan and getting Bin Laden. The country was *never* behind attacking Iraq. Bin Laden still runs free, there is still no evidence that Iraq was going to attack us, no evidence of nuclear weapons, no imminent threat of attack and yet Saddam is dead (as far as we know), and Bin Laden is alive (as far as we know). And to top it off, we continue to lose record number of our soldiers every month.

George W. Bush is too busy spreading his political beliefs of "freedom" as a mask for obtaining "oil" on other countries. Bush is an embarrassment to our country. Even our allies, including Europe, agree that GWB is a horrible president, and they too are embarrassed for the U.S.

I was a 95 Bravo (MP) in the Army for 8 years, and started back in desert storm.

I too am a moderate, and never vote for a single party. I also don't have a party preference, as I look for which candidate best meets my needs and vote for them.

#18 By 13030 ( at 7/10/2007 3:25:01 PM
#17, We seem to live in similar yet different United States. I cannot find any polls to support your assertion that "the country was *never* behind attacking Iraq". I can find many polls showing support for Bush's handling of Iraq for many of the polling periods from 2002 and on. There is no doubt that support has waned, but every poll I looked at showed one or more periods of majority support for the Iraq war. Just because *you* may have never been for it doesn't mean everyone else was never for it.

A USA Today/Gallup Poll during 4/14-16/03 showed a 76% approval rating for Bush's handling of Iraq. A Quinnipiac University poll from 3/16-22/04 showed 54% believed going to war with Iraq was the right thing. A CBS News/New York Times Poll showed a 75% Bush Iraq approval rating on 3/23/03. See for more.

A story on CBS news web site also shows how far off the mark your statement is. In March 2003, 69% of those polled said going to war with Iraq was the right thing for the United States to do. 69% is a far cry from "the country" never backing the war.

You may be a moderate but your bias shows through on this topic.

#19 By 15406 ( at 7/10/2007 3:27:29 PM
The people and the gov't were behind Bush after 911, but as more and more information gets exposed, people are seeing that the wool was pulled over their eyes. The Downing St memos show Bush & Blair were fishing for intelligence to justify the invasion that they wanted from the get-go. With cooked-up intelligence, Bush could always claim plausible deniability: "It's not my fault; the bad intelligence I ordered up was bad!" The political climate in the US during the run-up to the war was such that you didn't dare speak a word opposing Bush or the war, or you would be branded un-patriotic and un-American. Just ask the Dixie Chicks about the price they paid for exercising their right to free speech. However, as time went on, more and more came out that showed Bush was playing fast & loose with the rules in pretty much every sector of gov't that he touched. However, he's still popular with the bible set and the xenophobes and wannabe Rambo's that like to see the US kick darkie ass from the comfort of their easychairs.

#20 By 37 ( at 7/10/2007 3:47:59 PM
#18. Same country, just different polls. You can find all the polls you want dated from 3-6 years ago. Latch nailed EXACTLY what I was going to say. People were in support of the war on Iraq when our government told us we were under imminent threat from Iraq. People were in support of the war on Iraq when the government told us there were weapons of mass destruction. People were in support of the war because our government told us that Iraq was the center of the terrorist attacks on 911. Of course the public approved...they were lied to.

Now that the truth is out, and now that all of the above are in fact FALSE, it goes to show why the public is overwhelmingly AGAINST the war in Iraq, and that the public has the president at the worst approval rating that anyone can remember.

You may THINK you can skim one over on us with your republican beliefs, but it's your bias and blind eyes that show through.

I still can't believe I voted for GWB. But there really wasn't much to choose from this last election, besides writing myself in on the ballot. :-)

This post was edited by AWBrian on Tuesday, July 10, 2007 at 15:57.

#21 By 23275 ( at 7/10/2007 4:33:35 PM
If it matters... [may not to anyone here], but I hate war - despise it and all that it is. I wish there were another way - short of outright surrender, but there is not.

So grab a map and look at it carefully. Assess our and our allies' interests and then look at the powers aligned with our collective enemies.

You'll quickly see that invading Iraq wasn't a choice at all - it was simply a necessary, "next."

There may yet be more, "next" theaters in this war - but I suspect ch is right, we'll quit long before then and we'll lose [that part makes me ill - why waste our young people like that - which is what I wrote about on Sep 12th, 2001 - e.g., do it all the way, or don't do a thing].

Any case, there is one thing I will never forgive President Bush for NOT doing - and that is that he did not establish as a national priority complete and 100% energy independence for the US and our allies - if we were to breal the bank as we have, break it dumping billions into energy research. Simply, either A) Kill all enemy [which we can't do], or B) Make them irrelevant by making oil irrelevant. If I were to ever run for office [stop laughing, latch, or I may do just that], that is what I would do - make oil irrelevant.

#22 By 32132 ( at 7/10/2007 4:47:16 PM
"The country (USA) was overwhelmingly behind the war in Afghanistan and getting Bin Laden."


The press and the Democrats spewed vast quantities of crap about the "Brutal Afghan Winter" and quagmire until the Tabliban were defeated.

By the way, speaking of quagmires, do you think the US will ever get out of Japan, Germany or Bosnia?

And as for Iraq ... everyone forgets that even the NY Times dug up reports that Iraq was 1 year away from nukes.

"Among the dozens of documents in English were Iraqi reports written in the 1990’s and in 2002 for United Nations inspectors in charge of making sure Iraq abandoned its unconventional arms programs after the Persian Gulf war. Experts say that at the time, Mr. Hussein’s scientists were on the verge of building an atom bomb, as little as a year away. "

#23 By 37 ( at 7/10/2007 4:58:40 PM
Thanks NotParker. Your opinion is noted, but not relevant.

#24 By 32132 ( at 7/10/2007 9:08:17 PM
#23 Nice to know that sticking your fingers and humming loudly are still the preferred method of dealing with facts.

#25 By 37 ( at 7/11/2007 7:40:34 AM
#24, keep telling yourself that ;-)

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