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  Google says Vista search changes not enough
Time: 13:15 EST/18:15 GMT | News Source: Ars Technica | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

As we reported yesterday, Microsoft's "capitulation" to Google's antitrust complaint isn't as much a capitulation as the mainstream media was reporting. We inspected Microsoft's joint filing and found that Microsoft is not going to allow a complete override of the default search service in all Explorer windows, and that the company also rejects Google's concerns about performance.

In response, Google said yesterday that the remedies don't go far enough. Google chief legal officer David Drummond said in a statement, "We are pleased that as a result of Google's request that the consent decree be enforced, the Department of Justice and state attorneys general have required Microsoft to make changes to Vista."

Nevertheless, Drummond said that "Microsoft's current approach to Vista desktop search clearly violates the consent decree and limits consumer choice," and the proposed remedies "are a step in the right direction, but they should be improved further to give consumers greater access to alternate desktop search providers."

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#1 By 25030 ( at 6/21/2007 1:43:00 PM
Geeze. Google needs to stop whining. They're starting to sound like Netscape...

#2 By 23275 ( at 6/21/2007 1:44:52 PM
Gewgal.... dang... there it is again.

#3 By 8556 ( at 6/21/2007 2:16:51 PM
I need to make sure that Google is the default desktop search engine in my OS X box.

#4 By 2960 ( at 6/21/2007 2:31:30 PM
Google has become nothing but a whiney little stealer of personal information.

Off with their heads!


#5 By 32132 ( at 6/21/2007 2:53:13 PM
I think a class action lawsuit is in order to sue any company trying to force ad supported crapware on Vista users.

#6 By 23275 ( at 6/21/2007 3:17:57 PM
#5, I actually agree with that. I really do feel like Google is being forced on me and I sure don't like how it is bundled as it is - adobe, and so many others.

#7 By 135 ( at 6/21/2007 3:18:51 PM
I want to know if I can change the default search engine to grep.

#8 By 48398 ( at 6/21/2007 5:21:24 PM
Anybody care to compile a list of all the applications that try to install the Google toolbar? Seems like everything you get nowadays either wants to google or yahoo the b'jeezus out of your desktop.

This post was edited by Crand2 on Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 17:21.

#9 By 46122 ( at 6/21/2007 6:30:07 PM
If google made a good desktop search maybe more would be willing to install it on their own instead of it being force installed. Google Desktop Search is slow in XP and it doesn't even have indexing on.

#10 By 12071 ( at 6/21/2007 7:15:14 PM
Wow, I'm impressed. You know it's interesting when a company can make all the Microsoft shills get up in arms!

#11 By 1896 ( at 6/21/2007 7:15:19 PM
Personally I think that this is getting ridiculous and out of control!
Said this I also have to say that Google is just playing the same game that other companies have played and keep playing every day.
How much is the cost of a campaign to be elected as a State representative or as a Senator? Who is going to pay all these costs? Big companies are always willing to make contributions to everybody and wait to cash their investments. Microsoft, IBM, Intel etc. etc. do it and they are not charities.
How do you think that liberticide laws like the Digital Millenium Act or whatever was called that piece of legislation passed? Why do you think that it is legal for Insurance companies to have access to you personal medical data?
Washington D.C. is full of people that corporate money has been able to send there.
You are unsatisfied with this situation? Well start going to vote; believe or not it would make a difference. As Plato stated in "The Republic" a democracy is not a free benefit, there are obbligations too.
I got so fed up with Google that I just changed my default search engine from Google to Live. If other ten thousands people would do the same someone would take note.

This post was edited by Fritzly on Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 19:19.

#12 By 32132 ( at 6/21/2007 9:21:29 PM
Don't you love the FSF shills who think a company that sells ads is some sort of hero because it wants bog down Vista with ad supported crapware?

Google bribed Mozilla with 75 million a year and now the toadies come out to defend poor little old Google to try and get their share of the "Be Evil" loot.

#13 By 23275 ( at 6/21/2007 10:03:34 PM
#11, Fritzly, I have not heard that said that well in a long time! Thanks for that.
Plato would be very pleased.

On election days, I close my company and tell all customers that we are closing ahead of time.
At first I thought they would be angry, but I was glad to see so many write back messages stating that they wish they were off on voting day - not just to vote, but to think about what they are voting for and why.

You are so right about what you say - the obligation! Awesome, just awesome!

#14 By 12071 ( at 6/21/2007 10:59:49 PM
#12 Oh I'm not defending Google, but of course in your little world anyone that doesn't defend and support Microsoft at all costs must obviously be defending the other party. I think Google is wrong here, but I definitely do love the fact that all the Microsoft shills have all simultaneously got their panties in a knot over this - it does send a very interesting message.

#15 By 48398 ( at 6/22/2007 12:44:03 AM
Speaking of Google, I forgot to mention that I changed it from my default start page for the first time in about 5 years. I fired it up the other day to my usual little fox sitting there drinking tea when I noticed "iGoogle" as the new personalized page logo. What the hell? Is this 1997? Am I using a Mac?

#16 By 32132 ( at 6/22/2007 10:38:42 AM
#14 Yeah ... those who support Microsoft on this issue because our heads aren't stuck up our *sses are shills because we actually know how Vista works.

You, on the other hand, always with your lips kissing the *ss of Google "aren't defending Google".

Ha ha ha ha ... thanks for the laugh!!!

#17 By 135 ( at 6/22/2007 3:16:35 PM
#15 - Wait for the release of eGoogle.

#16 - To be fair, most of you are shills.

#18 By 12071 ( at 6/22/2007 9:41:06 PM
#16 You are a shill... but it's got nothing whatsoever to do with whether you know anything about Vista or not.

#19 By 32132 ( at 6/22/2007 10:09:28 PM
#19 Ignorance about Vista is the #1 virtue in your hate-filled anti-microsoft cult.

This post was edited by NotParker on Friday, June 22, 2007 at 22:09.

#20 By 12071 ( at 6/23/2007 12:13:01 AM
#19 Good to see that you have to remind yourself of that. I have Vista running on one of my pc's and there aren't too many good things that I can say about it - the most frustrating is the incredibly slow performance of every action in the new Windows Explorer - from getting the contents of the current directory, to it trying to automatically determine the stats on video files, to it quite possibly being the slowest file copier in the entire history of file managers. XP, for all of it's faults, leaves Vista for dead - at least on the outside, the bit the user interacts with.

#21 By 32132 ( at 6/23/2007 3:59:26 PM
#20 Vista performs fantastically on every PC I've seen. Excuse me if I think you are an out and out liar ... as well as hate filled loser.

#22 By 12071 ( at 6/23/2007 9:35:52 PM
#21 You can believe anything you like as far as I'm concerned. I can post a video on YouTube if you like demonstrating just how insanely slow the explorer is in Vista (as well as the specs of the pc) but I think that no matter how much evidence one was to show you, the blinkers on your head would tell you that there's nothing fundamentally wrong with Vista. And this isn't even the "slow performance copying across the network" issue, this is the "insanely slow performance copying from 1 partition to another, or copying from a SATA drive to an IDE drive" issue. If Vista performs well for you then that's great.

As for being hate-filled, you should read the comments you post here for a good healthy dose of irony. I don't hate, I criticize.

#23 By 81029 ( at 6/24/2007 9:30:05 AM
chris_kabuki...I got my Dell laptop in february with Vista. It looked great..loved it....and then i started to really use it....and as you said...things weren't as they was slow in everything except booting and the search app... (does that real quick.....)...Ended up formating the drive and going back to XP....which i am currently having no issue with....told myself that when they get a service pack out for vista...i will try it then.... :-)...You not alone....

oh....i am using copernic as my search great and been using it for awhile....

#24 By 32132 ( at 6/24/2007 4:06:24 PM
#22 Hate is all you have. It is the core of your being. Anyone who has to wade through your verbal diarrhea knows that.

#25 By 12071 ( at 6/24/2007 6:35:33 PM
#23 I finally had enough of Windows Explorer so I thought I would give another application a chance before moving back to XP - I'm currently using Directory Opus as the Explorer replacement. Too early to say how good it really is, but so far, performance is much better than Windows Explorer, makes it all just about usable.

I used Copernic in the past, think it's called Coveo Desktop Search now as that's what we have at work. It works relatively well, I just don't like that you do your searches based on some type - that type should be an additional optional choice (which you can do in Copernic - by by default you get drawn to those Music, Pictures, Email etc icons at the top!).

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