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08:53 EST/13:53 GMT | News Source:
ActiveWin.com |
Posted By: Robert Stein |
I know you've heard this before - but a new firm has offered to take over the development of the new activewin/activexbox/anetforums and the dirty work will begin soon. One of our most vocal community members, Lloyd Ketchum, of Liberating Technologies" will be leading the effort. We already have moved ActiveWin to an upgraded, more powerful server in anticipation of the new site. In any case, we have a long list of new features already planned but we wanted to reach out to the community and see if you have any features you'd like to see. Now is the time to speak up. Thanks!
#1 By
655 (
6/21/2007 9:37:48 AM
Require a valid e-mail address to confirm new users. I think it should also be implemented for current users too.
#2 By
2 (
6/21/2007 9:48:04 AM
good idea- remember when we had anonymous users back in the day?
#3 By
2960 (
6/21/2007 10:56:34 AM
Ok, here's a few!
1. System should remember what you've read or not read.
2. To do that, it has to retain logins properly :)
3. Better font, emoticon and html formatting options.
4. A way to get to these posts when they scroll off the front page.
5. Entries with new posts hilighted in a better fashion. I don't know about everyone else, but I sure as hell can't remember how many posts a subject has :)
The BEST online BBS system today, IMHO, is vBulletin.
This post was edited by TechLarry on Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 14:33.
#4 By
7754 (
6/21/2007 10:59:16 AM
Thanks, lketchum!! I think we're in good hands. ;)
I was wondering what was up when some of the URLs were showing up as activewin.libertech.com... after the switch.
#5 By
21915 (
6/21/2007 11:24:20 AM
This is probably asking too much but here goes.
Instead of operating multiple websites can you make one page with a portal layout? Basically organize the posts into panels representing ActiveWin, ActiveXbox, etc. and allow the user to pick which panels to include or exclude.
The idea is to see all of the latest posts across the network at once.
#6 By
23275 (
6/21/2007 11:24:50 AM
#4, We've had the site for many months, but moved her to a newly built box.
We do not yet have the host named DNS, and the present one does not support dynamic dns.
When we moved the site to a new host, there were many stale records, so we added some code at the old site to move things over to the new one - bridging the gap for select users supported by BIND based DNS, [likely older 4.2.2. revs vice at least 8.2.4, or 9.2, etc...] - try as we did, we just couldn't get the host named DNS provider to do much - the right guy was out, etc... so we'll be moving that here, too. We hope by now, that the DNS is fully propagated.
While we did a lot of work on the back end of the existing site, it was agreed that the best course of action would be to start fresh and show people what was possible and share a great deal of that with Awin'ers. A great deal of work has already been done - DB design and the management, reporting, automation and security sub-systems - and for #1, we have built a really powerful communications center that works across the application - a big part of that are some very sophisticated email controls, which include a five part email validation and test sub-system that can even check with and comply with anti-spam systems - e.g., prove to the systems that the message is not spam. Other things, like publish from Word 2007 will be included, which will allow one to publish richer posts more easily and expose them to context sensitive corrections. Fewer there, they're, their errors are the goal ;)
More than anything, our work and support are intended to demonstrate our deep respect [as old senile shills] for the younger guys that started this. Sounds corny to many, but we really do feel that way and hopefully our support over these many past months will help people see that and perhaps find more positive things all around them. What that means to me is that old guys, rather than hold young guys back, leap frog them past anything we might ever have done and delight in what they do - that I think, is how things move forward. So your ideas, however wild they may seem, are so very important to all of us.
#7 By
23275 (
6/21/2007 11:32:56 AM
#5, Did you hack us? <Kidding> that is exactly what we are doing. Adding to that, is the ability to track, pool and swarm specific posts, and even report and export the posts, and subjects the user wants. So users get to build their own Awin, flip to a global awin and save different awins under the same account - in addition to themes of their choosing, etc.. swarms allow one to connect related news, links, etc... and move discussions into more private spaces - where one may share more, or attack more [hope not that later]. There is even a "Latch" channel - so far we've tested with a "Rosie O'Donnel" icon. <Only kidding - about the icon, but a detractors view is often helpful>. Any case, great idea.
Oh... no COM, or AJAX, etc... it's a rule of ours. Do it all without the risk of holes and show what can be done beyond "Web 2.0"
#8 By
415 (
6/21/2007 11:35:57 AM
- An RSS feed for each article's comments. Comments are often the most fun part of the site, so make it easier to monitor them.
- Add a 'Remember Me' option when logging in.
- Article ratings would be cool. User ratings (think XBox 360/Live reputation) would be even cooler.
#9 By
23275 (
6/21/2007 12:02:23 PM
#8 Excellent ideas!!! Do you like the "Green" flagging for correct, or proven responses to help related questions in forums as used on sites like MS Connect and other sites? We thought of a "prestige points" rating system that was masked from the public, but redeemable for valuable goods that we'd provide to members who consistently offered support. Users would of course get credit publicly for green flags - just how much they were earning in kit would be masked. We thought it might be a good way to reward people for helping others.
#10 By
13030 (
6/21/2007 12:21:47 PM
#7, Private spaces for discussions? That would take all the fun out of it.
#3, You pretty much covered most of my suggestions.
For each article, I would like to see the posting date displayed next to the posting time. Also, in the past, searching was somewhat cumbersome.
#11 By
6859 (
6/21/2007 1:04:10 PM
It may be just me, but I find the "vibrant" ads to be annoying as hell. Trying to scroll down, if you mouse-over one of the links it pops up. I see that more and more on all types of websites, but it's really annoying.
Also, those "You've won!" flashing, epileptic ads are pretty much scams you know...might want to nuke those as well.
Thanks for listenin'
#12 By
2 (
6/21/2007 2:17:33 PM
Vibrant Ads are here to stay, sorry. You can choose between pop-ups or them. haha
#13 By
2960 (
6/21/2007 2:33:16 PM
Ok, I blew that. Referenced the wrong BBS. Sorry....
I meant to refer to vBulletin. http://www.vbulletin.com/
#14 By
7754 (
6/21/2007 2:37:24 PM
I'm not sure I'm crazy about the "user rating" idea--it tends to reward the popular rather than the true, or at least the controversial (albeit not that those are mutually exclusive things, of course). For example, Latch might get a lower rating than me just because he has an ABM bent. I'm not saying that Latch isn't wrong most of the time.... ;) It's just that ratings tend to foster a group-think mentality, and can be aggravating for anyone that doesn't agree (think reading through the many "Insightful" Slashdot posts... grrr... more like "inciteful"). Are the ratings really necessary? In my opinion, they aren't--you can usually tell pretty quickly who is blowing smoke and who offers pointless, contextless, "experienceless" advice from their mom's basement. Some of the most helpful, knowledgable, straightforward, and reliable posters don't post all that often, either (n4cer, for example).
Someone forwarded to me a link that I think is relevant: http://www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/commentary/theluddite/2007/06/luddite_0621
A central argument discussed:
"...the internet, by its all-inclusive nature and easy access, opens the door to amateurism-as-authority while at the same time devaluing professional currency."
#15 By
23275 (
6/21/2007 2:48:18 PM
#14, Relevant and valid - it is the challenge Digg has - share of voice being given where it may not have been earned. Maybe a balance - green flagging correct answers in forums and no ratings in the news engine?? Thoughts? We really need to get this one right for all - so weigh in on this. There is a lot of work associated with it either way. Thanks
#16 By
135 (
6/21/2007 3:32:24 PM
"...the internet, by its all-inclusive nature and easy access, opens the door to amateurism-as-authority while at the same time devaluing professional currency."
Amateurism-as-authority? LOL! Isn't that what pundits are for? Taking their amateurish, out of touch opinions, and expressing them as authority.
Anyway, I'm not such a big fan of ratings, they stand more of a chance to stiffle interesting debate. The reason to post is to get into flame wars, not to find a bunch of people yo uagree with. ;-)
#17 By
3653 (
6/21/2007 9:21:25 PM
- sticky logins, PLEASE
- ability to more easily find posts where you have posted a comment. So, you can see how good your flame bait was.
- On the profile, you ask for "Age", but you really should be asking for "Birth Date" or "Birth Year" so that it auto-increments
- On the profile, allow more space for Favorite Quote. There aren't enough characters allowed for my truly favorite quote.
- Maybe something more evolved than bbcode (isn't that what its called?) for marking up our comments
- Update the advertisement for the Xbox360 table tennis game. That game has been out for over 18 months now.
- FULL TEXT RSS feeds (embed a few ads). Ok, I know that'll never happen, but let me dream for a minute.
- More regularly scheduled polls. Seems we are on a 2-per-year pace currently
- Whats up with the klipfolio support? Does anyone actually still use that prog?
- If you want something like user ratings, why not instead opt for the more popular 'user classes' familiar in the major platforms (community server, for example). I'm not asking for this feature, but just think its a better alternative than simple numerical rankings.
- why not hang a chat room off the site for awhile and see if it gets some attention. If it caught on, it could be a real community builder.
- In the profile, do members ever get removed? Example, if you don't login for a year, are you really a "member"?
- a "pour me a cup of coffee" button for you-know-who
- allow bullet points in comments (look no further than this post as a example)
This post was edited by mooresa56 on Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 21:27.
#18 By
12071 (
6/21/2007 11:07:46 PM
- What TechLarry said in #3; and
- A button for lketchum and co. to be able to instantly ban anyone that says anything critical of Microsoft or the US of A. Perhaps this can be implemented automatically with a filter so no button pressing is required.
#19 By
3653 (
6/22/2007 12:29:14 AM
#18 - I love how the copy/paste attitude of open-source has permeated even your full-hearted attempts to give helpful feedback.
Suggestion 1: "what he said"
Suggestion 2: "some unfunny joke"
#20 By
116 (
6/22/2007 2:24:51 AM
as Borat would say...
Is NICE!!!
#21 By
9549 (
6/22/2007 10:29:01 AM
a NEXT button when showing screenshots
#22 By
12071 (
6/22/2007 9:39:37 PM
#19 Copy/Paste? Me? You're the one dying to steal code from others and complaining that you cannot do so due to the GPL. At least you can get your facts right.
And the second part is not a joke... lketchum already "informed" (ha!) us that he could get rid of an account in 20 seconds - I'm just trying to save him some time. Nothing more pesky than having people around that don't drink the same kool-aid.
Oh, and to be fair, thanks for your comment (#17) above. It's been the first thing you've said in months now with any relevance.
#23 By
3653 (
6/23/2007 12:52:58 AM
kabuki - "You're the one dying to steal code from others and complaining that you cannot do so due to the GPL"
Good Lord in heaven, what are you talking about? I can only assume you've confused my username with someone else.
#24 By
23275 (
6/23/2007 4:16:28 AM
#22, Let me be clear, this site, and any site like it is for all - period. I made no reference to an account. I said, that silencing any emitter, would take about 20 seconds. I have had to do it in defense of this site. Do not be naive, there are bad people out there that really do hate and they hate any form of expression - mine and yours. Our actions protect all people who post here - regardless of what they have to say, or how they have to say it. Whether they stay or not, that is not my call. Please do not infer otherwise. It should be clear by now, that where I do not agree with a person, I debate them, publicly.
As an opinion, when you post as you do, you are actually hurting your positions. You have a lot more to offer than that.
#25 By
12071 (
6/23/2007 7:16:33 AM
#24 Ahhh but you did make reference to an account, Latch's quite specifically. Let me remind you:
"If, at any time, I did wish to silence your ability to post here, I could do it. Technically, it would take about 20 seconds; however, that is so fundamentally wrong and against everything I ever fought for, I do the reverse and make dang sure you can post whatever the Awin staffers agree is appropriate."
Note that I included the full quote as I didn't want to misrepresent you, but you did, quite clearly, "inform" us, of your abilities, to which another member responded, quite rightly:
"paying to host this site just to threaten Latch.....wow....."
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