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  Vista SP1 Definitely on the Way
Time: 00:10 EST/05:10 GMT | News Source: Ent Mag | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Service Packs can be good and bad for Microsoft. On one hand, they fix vulnerabilities, upgrade the usefulness, efficiency or functionality of components, and sometimes add new features. On the other hand, consumers, and especially corporations, will often wait until an SP is released before upgrading to the new product, assuming that the first generation of a release isn't quite ready for prime time.

Some have even wondered if Microsoft's various Update services have made service packs obsolete. Some of that speculation has been spurred by the fact that Microsoft has been very tight-lipped about an SP1 for Windows Vista, leading some to wonder if service packs would be foregone totally.

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#1 By 18033 ( at 6/20/2007 5:47:38 AM
I've never worked anywhere that would adopt a product prior to an official Service Pack release. So I don't think they could afford to not release them. Too many people would be too sceptical and need the 'assurance'.

Even if Windows Update is so efficient that it makes service packs obsolete (and it should, right?) then there still needs to be a line in the sand somewhere saying 'We have achieved a milestone in stability/security' and to me, that what a Service Pack release is.

Not to mention slipstreaming saves time on new installs and 'feels' SO much cleaner than 'updating' an already built machine. You have to agree with that!

#2 By 2201 ( at 6/20/2007 7:27:21 AM
Completely agree #1 (especially with your second paragraph).

What I find funny is how certain publications are reporting Vista SP1 as if 1. it's a secret and 2. as if they are the first to find out it's officially coming. Obviously there'll be a Service Pack, like there has been for all the NT-based Windows. In fact, the 1st service packs have always been out less than 12 months after the initial release.

#3 By 15406 ( at 6/20/2007 9:06:28 AM

#4 By 32132 ( at 6/20/2007 12:30:38 PM

#5 By 39852 ( at 6/20/2007 1:44:58 PM
#1 Considering that, it's probably why they decided to put out SP1 so soon. For those who wait for SP1, time to start waiting for SP2 instead, SP1 is just a red herring.

#6 By 8556 ( at 6/20/2007 1:58:16 PM
Vista has remained a hard sell to my customers as Microsoft has done a piss-poor job of letting the public know that Vista works well and how it does so. It is not our job to educate the public on a MS operating system. MS needs to tell the public in a clever and memorable way ON TELEVISION how and why Vista is better than its decendants. People still think of the "I'm a Mac ads" and the painfully poor "Wow" ads showing the useless-to-the-consumer flip 3D when they think of Vista.

#7 By 15406 ( at 6/20/2007 2:22:42 PM
#5:<DING! DING! DING!>... is the correct answer. MS knew everyone was waiting for SP1 which is why they were practically talking about SP1 on the day of Vista release to the public.

#8 By 2201 ( at 6/20/2007 3:32:37 PM
#5 No, if you look at previous service packs for 2000 and XP, SP1 has always been released less than 12 months after the initial retail date. So SP1 for Vista isn't being put out so soon.

#9 By 32132 ( at 6/20/2007 3:36:00 PM
XP came out October 25, 2001.
SP1 came out in September 9, 2002.

10.5 months.

Vista came out for business November 30th, 2006.
Which means it is already been out for 5.5 months.

#10 By 80893 ( at 6/20/2007 9:43:41 PM
I have always felt that the regular updates are simply security and stability patches. Usually when a service pack comes it it includes those patches as well as adding feature that may not have made it into the initial release. XP SP2 is a good example of this. There where a large number of feature that were supposed to make it into the initial release of Vista, that I am sure will make it into SP1, SP2 etc.

#11 By 2201 ( at 6/21/2007 3:59:35 AM
#9 October 25th 2001 was the retail date for XP ( Volume licence customers had it a month or two earlier (Aug 24th, according to the above link). September 9th 2002 was the date of general release of SP1, 10.5 months from retail release(as you said).

Vista's retail release date was January 30th 2007. Judging by the time-frame of the previous OS, we should see SP1 around the middle of Dec.

#12 By 15406 ( at 6/21/2007 8:13:50 AM
The amount of elapsed time between release and SP1 is irrelevant. What's different this time around is that is MS started talking about Vista SP1 pretty much the day after retail release, whereas with XP it wasn't mentioned for quite awhile. For good reason, too. When you're releasing a new OS, you don't ever want to mention service packs because you're basically admitting that there are problems, and that takes the bloom off the rose. With Vista, they knew everyone was non-plussed and waiting for the SP before they even considered Vista. Ergo, MS talks about Vista SP1 almost from day 1.

#13 By 2201 ( at 6/21/2007 9:02:56 AM
Um... they weren't. In fact, they have been consistently avoiding any questions on SP1 for Vista (and still are, funnily enough the paragraph above the headline actually mentions Microsoft being tight-lipped). If you can provide any press releases on Vista SP1 from Microsoft, then fair enough, but I think you'll find that information that actually originated from Microsoft are virtually nonexistant.

This post was edited by testman on Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 09:03.

#14 By 15406 ( at 6/21/2007 10:54:05 AM
#13: *cough*

#15 By 15406 ( at 6/21/2007 10:54:52 AM
#13: *cough cough*

#16 By 2201 ( at 6/21/2007 11:17:38 AM
Latch, come on, if you read both articles, they both referenced an internal e-mail. Of course they would be communicating via e-mails to partners and people who are involved in testing, this is normal and of NO SURPRISE AT ALL.

You still haven't provided me with any press releases or indeed any kind of communication from Microsoft as an announcement about anything to do with SP1.

#17 By 15406 ( at 6/21/2007 12:13:16 PM
#16: If emails from MS directly to its largest business accounts (you know, the big spenders that wait for the first SP to shake out the early bugs?) don't count, then I doubt anything will satisfy you. I never said anything about 'press releases', I said they started talking about SP1 the day after the retail release. Turns out I was wrong, as they were talking about it even before the retail release.

#18 By 23275 ( at 6/21/2007 12:14:18 PM
The notion that Windows Vista "needs a service pack" is ridiculous and those commenting to the favor of said service pack are only revealing just how out of touch they are with how Vista was built and is supported.

In so many regards, Vista is very unique - and indeed, revolutionary. Restricting examples most related to the thread, focus one's attention on Vista's baked in update application - it is part of the OS and it works with many layers of very granular instrumentation and their associated data collection points - of which there are so many, it is impractical to list them here.

Vista's updates and resolutions to specific machine and user hardware and software problems are veyr granular. Instrumentation provides a path to updates as they are shipped and in Vista these come out just days after they are reported. The rules are amazing - if any one issue is reported by only 500 users, Microsoft engineers jump on it and solve it for THAT user and THE machine affected. They ship the update and the user is notified. Updates are boudn to the validation controls and this is really neat.... say you blow machine up and rebuild it... guess what.... the fixes associated with a unique key, are saved and the update engine gives them back to the user.

Ok enough - bottom line "VISTA IS NOT YOUR DADDY'S OS - it is new and service packs do not have the same meaning, import, or use as they once did."

Please, before jumping on the band wagon dispensing or buying into rubbish, please try the OS - evals are free. Let the OS and Microsoft show you what is now being done.

#19 By 15406 ( at 6/21/2007 1:15:52 PM

The notion that Windows Vista "needs a service pack" is ridiculous and those commenting to the favor of said service pack are only revealing just how out of touch they are with how Vista was built and is supported.

And yet Microsoft is making one. I guess they don't share your opinion that a service pack for Vista is ridiculous, but you might be on to something about MS being out of touch...

Please, before jumping on the band wagon dispensing or buying into rubbish, please try the OS - evals are free. Let the OS and Microsoft show you what is now being done.

Millions have, and they're speaking with their actions by downgrading back to XP. Myself included. I'll give Vista another go, maybe after SP1.

#20 By 2201 ( at 6/21/2007 1:30:49 PM
Latch, but I asked for a press release! Read my message again.

Guess what, Microsoft would've been mentioning service packs before XP (and 2000) were released too! It's nothing new and you haven't demonstrated anything new or surprising.

You really overstate the importance of e-mails from Microsoft and the supposed failings of Vista.

This post was edited by testman on Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 13:33.

#21 By 15406 ( at 6/21/2007 2:53:31 PM
#20: Oh, give it up. Even if I managed to find one, you'd then switch to complaining about how it's not in New Times Roman font, so it doesn't count either.

Actually, if you want to get into it, I said MS had been talking about SP1 early. You said no. Obviously, they were since they sent an email (not marked Top Secret!) that the press also talked about, so you're are wrong. Period. Game, set, match. The fact that they didn't say it in a "Press Release" is irrelevant.

#22 By 135 ( at 6/21/2007 3:34:06 PM
Vista has so many bugs... It definately needs a service pack. Or at least a bunch of bug fixes.

#23 By 23275 ( at 6/21/2007 4:00:21 PM
#19, Perhaps, but there are also millions that could not pour piss out of a boot even if the instructions were written on the heel, and I don't know if there is any good way to tell if a person has exercised downgrade rights on a machine - so where did you get the number from?

Microsoft is making an SP, largely because it is expected and there is less understanding of how one manages computers based upon Windows Vista. I also don't know how one can speak about that which they do not understand and use - so how can you conclude so much negative about Vista when you do not use it?

#24 By 2201 ( at 6/22/2007 4:26:52 AM
Latch, you clearly have lost the argument, seeing as you can't even find what I have been requesting. Service Packs have ALWAYS been on the horizon! Microsoft have ALWAYS been e-mailing about Service Packs before, during and after a release of Windows. The fact that you use an e-mail to demonstrate that Microsoft have been talking about Service Packs shows how you will use anything (and I mean anything) to forward your argument, when you haven't even considered whether it's actually relevant. This is what tabloids do.

#23 has hit the nail on the head here.

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 4:27:48 AM

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