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  Windows Vista's successor will be 'fundamentally different'
Time: 13:31 EST/18:31 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Andre Da Costa

CORONADO, Calif.--Future versions of Windows will have to be "fundamentally different" in order to take advantage of multicore processors, according to Ty Carlson of Microsoft. "You're going to see in excess of 8, 16, 64 and beyond processors on your client computer," said Carlson, director of technical strategy at Microsoft, during a panel discussion at the Future in Review conference. Windows Vista, on the other hand, is "designed to run on 1, 2, maybe 4 processors," he said, referring to the fact that quad-core processors are now available from Intel and are on the way from Advanced Micro Devices.

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#1 By 2960 ( at 5/27/2007 11:52:00 PM
Isn't it funny. 6 months ago, Vista was the future and everyone must upgrade!


#2 By 32132 ( at 5/28/2007 1:08:03 AM
#1 Go ahead ... wait for 10 years before upgrading.

"In 10 to 15 years' time we're going to have incredible computing power. The challenge will be bringing that ecosystem up that knows how to write programs," Carlson said. Windows Vista is designed to take advantage of multiple processing threads, but not 16 threads. And application developers are even further behind in making the transition to the multicore world.

#3 By 79018 ( at 5/28/2007 10:46:47 AM
For me the best thing about computers is the rapid change. From Dos to Vista I enjoyed the evolution. I once read that a creative person lives and thrives on the edge of change. Some people complain about any change, you got learn to embrace it.

#4 By 21705 ( at 5/28/2007 10:54:08 AM
XP SP3 is coming earlier than preivously planned. Why that? Vista is not selling like they would like (even if they cheat showing wrong numbers as incitative). So SP3 is coming earlier to mess a bit XP so a few will be annoyed and will make the move to Vista.

I hope it won't be that annoying...

#5 By 20505 ( at 5/28/2007 11:16:09 AM
My take on this article is different. It shows what any reasonable observer has seen in the last 3 years or so and that is that hardware is quickly outstripping software.

Until the dubious Vista advance almost any machine in the last 5 years would run XP reasonably quickly. Heck I just re-loaded XP on a 7 year old beige box that I build and it runs fabulously. One would be hard pressed to tell the difference in performance between it and a new Core2Duo running the same OS.

This is Microsoft's admission that software development is lagging far behind hardware development.

In this race software is the tortoise and hardware the hare. I don't see this changing.

Watch for Intel to be grousing soon that there is no software that "fully utilizes" its hardware.

#6 By 32132 ( at 5/28/2007 11:28:51 AM
#4 XP SP3 is coming in the Longhorn timeframe to add NAC (Network Access Protection) to XP (and probably a few more things like a new RDP client) so that XP clients will work with Windows Server 2008.

I think 40 million copies is selling pretty good. Microsoft announced record profits based around excellent sales of Vista. The SEC frowns on lying about financial matters.

#7 By 21705 ( at 5/28/2007 11:56:55 AM
#6 they may say they sell lots of Vista licences but they don't tell you most of buyers install XP instead. I'm working for a Gov with 3000 computers and we are in the process of installing XP now after 5 years of Windows 2000. Easy to get high numbers just with Gov and large private company.

#8 By 32313 ( at 5/28/2007 12:10:56 PM
DL, in your case its a win-win for Microsoft either way, just as long as its not Linux.

#9 By 15406 ( at 5/28/2007 12:46:20 PM
#4: It's not lying, just selective interpretation. Just today, MS announced they've sold a million Zunes. I'm sure there are close to a million of them on store shelves all over the world since nobody owns one. It's all in how you tell the truth, and which facts to leave out. Reminds me of the Simpson's episode where Marge is selling real estate, and Lionel Hutz shows her the different between "THE TRUTH!" with evil, angry glare, and "The Truth" with smiles, sunshine & gumdrops. MS tells you the latter.

#10 By 2201 ( at 5/28/2007 1:09:58 PM
#7, that is not indicative of how Vista is perceived in the business sector. The business sector has always been slow to upgrade. There are some businesses up till a couple of years ago were still on NT4 Workstation/Server. Big businesses only tend to move wholesale when their existing OS falls out of support. It simply doesn't make business sense to buy the latest and greatest straight away, especially when you're handling a lot of computers all networked. So it's not abnormal for them to only move onto Windows XP (and probably 2003 Server too) now.

#11 By 20505 ( at 5/28/2007 1:10:00 PM

Perhaps MS is really trying to tell us that there is no future in WindowsOS or Office.

Why else would MS be involved in Zune/On-line advertising/Search/Xbox/PC hardware etc. etc. etc.?

#12 By 15406 ( at 5/28/2007 1:54:33 PM
#11: My understanding is that sales of Windows & Office have been relatively flat for years now, and that was a side-effect of their monopoly. It's hard to increase share when you've already got it all. The only way to increase value is to enter new markets. When they've been able to leverage their Windows monopoly, they've done well. When they aren't able to because the market is radically different (TV set-top boxes, cell phones, etc) they flop. And even when they hit, they miss eg. the $100 loss per XBox. Does the XBox 360 make money yet? They tried to get into Search, but that didn't do too well. Now they're trying the ad game. For the past several years, they have been desperate to increase revenue through other channels than Windows/Office.

#13 By 32132 ( at 5/28/2007 2:29:22 PM
I think a more significant number is that Apple's share of the mp3 player market has plummeted to 68% from over 92% in 2004.

Part of that loss comes from Zune having around 9% of the hard drive based market - the most profitable part for Apple.

#14 By 32132 ( at 5/28/2007 2:32:36 PM
#12 Microsoft sales in Q1 were up 32% from Q1 2006 and profit was up 65% over the same quarter in 2006 mostly because of sales of Vista and Office. Vista already had by the end of April 4x the market share of all Linux combined.

#15 By 61 ( at 5/28/2007 3:38:11 PM
Latch, how exactly has Microsoft flopped in the phone market?

The majority of smartphones/pda's out there run on Windows Mobile, this is hardly a flop.

They may take a loss on console sales but they make up for it in licensing fees for developers.
Also, Microsoft hard earlier stated that they expect the 360 to be proffitable by fiscale 2007, which starts in July, so we shall see. But of course, this is how the console industry works.

#16 By 2960 ( at 5/28/2007 7:46:55 PM

That's true, but an OS didn't used to cost $400.


#17 By 32132 ( at 5/28/2007 11:10:31 PM
#16 Why would you not buy the OEM version for half that price?

Besides, Windows NT Workstation 3.51 cost about 300$ when introduced. If you take inflation into account, yes, an OS did cost that much.

This post was edited by NotParker on Monday, May 28, 2007 at 23:10.

#18 By 20505 ( at 5/28/2007 11:34:38 PM

So tell me again why my thesis is wrong? Doesn’t MS’s actions suggest that they are not confident about the future of the software biz.

I don't see Intel making TV sets. IBM is not buying game development companies. This is not their primary focus. These companies have tried other ventures but in many cases they have chosen to divest assets that detract from their core business.

MS does exactly the opposite.

I had a conversation once with Charlie Hayden and I asked if he played the piano. He said yes and then quickly added that he was definitely NOT a piano player. "I am a bass player period."

If you ask me MS is playing to many instruments at the same time. I honestly believe that the justice dept would have done the consumer (and MS) a big favor by breaking the company up the way they had originally planned.

#19 By 1896 ( at 5/29/2007 5:46:55 AM
#17: My understanding is that with a OEM edition the OS is tied to the hardware you install it; am I correct? If yes I do not believe it is a good deal because I installed mt copies of XP Pro on four different boxes since I bought it. BTW when I say installed on four different boxes I mean uninstalling it from the old box and installing iton the new one.
Also are there not issues about which entity is supposed to support an OEM OS?
Again I never used OEM OSes since I got burned several years ago with a preinstalled copy of XP Pro that shipped with a Toshiba laptop and found that Toshiba "customized" the OS.

#20 By 3746 ( at 5/29/2007 8:06:59 AM

Vista, in retail from, costs from 189 - 399 depending on the version that you choose. I didn't realize everyone was plunking down 400 bucks for it though. Considering most people will be getting Vista with a new system my guess is people are paying far less then 400 bucks for Vista. Didn't the linux on dell boxes show that people are paying roughly 50 bucks for home premium when they buy a system from Dell? Seems a long way from 400 dollars.


It doesn't eman they are not confident. It just means they are smart. In your investment portfolio do you hold all your money in one stock or mutual fund? No because it makes sense to diversify. Even though there are plenty of companies that stick to their primary business there are plenty that have wide ranging enterprises that are seperate from their core business and are sucessful at them.

#21 By 2960 ( at 5/29/2007 11:02:50 AM
I upgrade my hardware at a rate that makes the OEM version un-useable for me.


#22 By 32132 ( at 5/29/2007 12:33:08 PM
#21 Upgrade version is only 239$.

Or ... Technet Plus Direct is a good deal for multiple computers.

#18 "IBM is not buying game development companies."

Well ...they disagree.

#23 By 37047 ( at 5/30/2007 11:44:11 AM
#22: Try reading that site again. They are not talking about buying game development companies. They are talking about selling hardware, software, and services to game companies. For example, they co-developed the cell processor used in the Playstation 3. They will sell software development tools to game development companies. They will host online games on their server farm infrastructure for game development companies. This is what we in the software industry call working with partners to get things done. This is definitely NOT buying them. Please take some time and learn the difference between the two concepts.

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#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 4:11:57 AM

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