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  Reports: Microsoft pursuing Yahoo
Time: 10:15 EST/15:15 GMT | News Source: Associated Press | Posted By: Robert Stein

Microsoft Corp. is resuming its pursuit of search engine operator Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO - news) that could help it better compete with Web search leader Google Inc., published reports said Friday. Yahoo shares surged more than 18 percent in morning trading. The New York Post reported Friday that Microsoft has asked Yahoo to enter formal negotiations for an acquisition that could be worth $50 billion. Yahoo's market capitalization was about $38 billion on Thursday. The Wall Street Journal said executives of the two companies are looking at a merger or some other kind of matchup and said the talks appear to be early-stage discussions. It said the companies explored the idea of combining last year but the talks led nowhere.

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#1 By 1401 ( at 5/4/2007 11:00:41 AM
I bet the Windows 'Live' team is just estatic about this news. It really validates how sucessful all their work has been... </sarcasm>

#2 By 28801 ( at 5/4/2007 11:18:47 AM
I don't think anything can stop the Google juggernaut!

#3 By 32132 ( at 5/4/2007 12:44:18 PM
#1 I kept thinking the same thing when Google acquired YouTube and 35 other companies.

#4 By 2960 ( at 5/4/2007 12:50:26 PM
Google's e-Penis is bigger than Microsoft's right now. Microsoft can't have that.

Yahoo is Microsoft's "Pill"


#5 By 20505 ( at 5/4/2007 1:18:33 PM
I gone down on record that the only company that gives MS the Willies is Google (and for good reason).

We are witnessing the next change in the future of computing and the company behind it doesn't reside in Redmond.

#6 By 23275 ( at 5/4/2007 1:30:21 PM
#6, You mean the evolution of our national "Idocracy" [poignant movie, by the way].

#7 By 15406 ( at 5/4/2007 1:33:34 PM
I can't wait for the press announcement:

"Microsoft, the world leader in innovating & innovative innovations, innovates again by buying someone who can do something better than we can."

#8 By 37 ( at 5/4/2007 1:40:34 PM
If ya can't beat'em, buy them.

#9 By 7754 ( at 5/4/2007 1:40:51 PM
If they do merge... they'd better keep Yahoo Messenger. I'm really looking forward to the Vista/WPF version.

#10 By 23275 ( at 5/4/2007 1:46:31 PM
A sandbar, a row boat and a BB-Gun...

#8, Yeah, the consolidation across the entire industry is accelerating - Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM - all others are subject to acquisition.

Great for investors and just crappy for everyone else - and it WILL GET MUCH WORSE - real innovation from new companies will be hit by undercapitalization on one side and a minefield of patent/IP issues on the other.

As "services" revenue moves on licensing and subscription revenue, everything that touches the digital world will become an intelligent bill-board fed by increasingly intrusive data bits derived from one's "profile."

As our constitution is cashed in for a socialist state where the likes of Obama and Pelosi write checks out of our fourth points of contact, it'll remove any incentive remaining for individuals to take the risks associated with starting anything new.

When we reach that point, I'm loading up my BB-Gun, putting to sea in my row boat and pitching my flag on the people's republic of sand bar - at which point I'll fire off a BB at the first aircraft carrier that passes by, surrender an hour later and request a billion dollars in foreign aid.

#11 By 15406 ( at 5/4/2007 2:16:30 PM
#11: Please don't start with the partisan politics. It's bad enough in here as it is! And, if you don't, I'll have to tease you with questions like "Why was it a Bad Thing for Pelosi to talk to Syria a month ago, but it's a Good Thing when Condi does it today?" ;)

#12 By 3653 ( at 5/4/2007 2:41:58 PM
i would like to personally thank whoever is persisting this rumor. I have now bought and sold on this rumor TWICE. Today I sold YHOO for 19% profit after holding 15 total days.

I just hope this rumor mill cycles a few more times before msft finally PARTNERS with them.

edit: changed "buy" to "PARTNERS with"

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Friday, May 04, 2007 at 15:00.

#13 By 23275 ( at 5/4/2007 3:08:57 PM
#12, How about proper division of responsibilies across branches of the government for starters.... e.g., as a leading member of the Executive Branch, it is Secretary Rice's job and as the Speaker of the House and the leading member of the legislative branch, it is not Speaker Pelosi's job to formulate, or conduct foreign policy.

You know, that whole constitutional law thing.... ;)

#14 By 1896 ( at 5/4/2007 3:26:32 PM
#14 "proper division of responsibilies across branches of the government for starters"
Interesting concept but it is not how the US Constitution is based. The fact that the Chief of the Executive branch, the President, has the power to nominate and fires Judges and State Attorneys means that the three branches, Executive, Judiciary and Legislative are interacting with each others and are not , separate, Indipendent, branches. the same fact that Judges are elected make them subject to pressure and lobbysts.

#15 By 32132 ( at 5/4/2007 3:34:10 PM
"Why was it a Bad Thing for Pelosi to talk to Syria a month ago, but it's a Good Thing when Condi does it today?"

I would have no objection to Pelosi pretending to be the Secretary of State as long as Cabinet members get to vote in the House and Senate.

#16 By 15406 ( at 5/4/2007 3:56:48 PM
#14: At the time, that wasn't the complaint at all. The complaint was that talking to Syria sends them the wrong message. I guess Condi sent them the right message. It was a rhetorical question anyway, as I am quite aware of how partisan politics works. When my guy does it, it's a gift from God, but when your guy does it, it's a curse from Hell.

#17 By 23275 ( at 5/4/2007 3:57:58 PM
#17, yep, that's why they call it partisan ;)

#18 By 3653 ( at 5/4/2007 4:30:58 PM
latch, i thought last month u said u were canadien. so, what do you even care for? I'm surprised you have any time left from all the haggling over official canadien languages and other important canadien issues.

#19 By 15406 ( at 5/4/2007 6:22:52 PM
#19: I care because smart people like me recognize the impact that the US' actions have on the world. Tip: it's spelled 'Canadian' with a capital C and an 'a' (eh?).

#20 By 3653 ( at 5/4/2007 8:41:22 PM
Thanks for making my point for me? you canadiens just cant help but over-worry about language. Does it have to be capitalized and spelled with an "a" in french?

Get over it man. Go dig a ice hole and catch a fish or something.

#21 By 23275 ( at 5/4/2007 8:49:29 PM
#15, Huh?!? The Attorney General and all those under him/her serve at the pleasure of the President and by intent have jurisdiction over very few "federal" statutes - limiting their influence. The separate states, per their own constitutions, determine what mix of Judges are either elected or appointed and then confirmed.

All of this is designed to ensure that judges do not legislate from the bench and to limit the power of the central government over the states and similarly, to limit the the types of cases the federal government adjudicates insulating the states and lower courts.

The idea is to allow the people and their elected officials to govern at the lowest and most relevant level. The operative word to look for in finding divisions where appropriate federal power is exercised is, "common" - as in providing for the common defense.

The split the U.S. continually finds itself on one side of is that the federal government is intentionally designed to be limited - yet viewed by people governed by socialist democracies where the central powers control everything. I for one will not allow a socialist state to evolve in the U.S., and the cool part about our constitution is that it requires this position of all citizens - it doesn't just provide for the right, it specifically states that our citizens must toss out any such government. So for example, if our President were to fire a judge at the state level, he'd have to go. If he fires a lawyer serving at his pleasure and we don't like it, we simply don't vote for him again.

#22 By 23275 ( at 5/4/2007 8:50:22 PM
#22, LOLOLOLOL Oh man, I about pissed myself.

#23 By 8556 ( at 5/4/2007 10:44:53 PM
Oh yeah, I remember now. This thread was something about MS wants to have sex with Yahoo! or something to that effect.

#24 By 37047 ( at 5/5/2007 12:07:20 PM
#23: It is nice to see that you are managing to entertain yourself. Nothing like posting a message indicating that you almost pissed yourself reading your own message.

#25 By 23275 ( at 5/5/2007 7:09:04 PM
#25, LOL - funny. I meant, #21 - The catch a fish or something produced some imagery that was very amusing. Having been ice fishing a few times [with people that had never seen snow], you might get the idea.

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