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  Microsoft admits Vista failure
Time: 01:00 EST/06:00 GMT | News Source: the inquirer | Posted By: Byron Hinson

WITH TWO OVERLAPPING events, Microsoft admitted what we have been saying all along, Vista, aka Windows Me Two (Me II), is a joke that no one wants. It did two unprecedented things this week that frankly stunned us. Dell announced that it would be offering XP again on home PCs. The second that Vista came out, Microsoft makes it very hard for you to sell anything other than Me II. It can't do this on the business side because it would be laughed out the door, but for the walking sheep class, well, you take what you are shovelled.

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#1 By 3653 ( at 4/23/2007 2:03:44 AM
isnt there enough lively conversation on the site, without resorting to 100% flamebait?

#2 By 77647 ( at 4/23/2007 4:41:24 AM
Just read the article this post is based on. No man, although always fine with some MS bashing, thats simply crap. Talk about wishful thinking and making a fool out of oneself. Basically, one guy in Beijing commented on the Dell move to yet again offer XP on their machines. While this certainly conveys some unrest within OEMs, to conlude that, I quote "Microsoft is in big trouble", well yes, if you define 20 Mio sold copies in 1-2 months time to be big trouble then, yep, you have a point. Sticking to more conventional definitions of trouble you might find the quote rather amusing.

But anyway, there is enough room for critique on Vista, UAC, out-of-the-box settings suited for illiterate retards at best, ET syndrome (like perpetually calling home), you name it. Take it or leave it but Vista is a reality in the OS market - wishing it away won't help but only impact those interested in a rational discussion of it and the issues involved.

#3 By 23071 ( at 4/23/2007 6:04:13 AM
When did an opinion piece on The Inquirer become fact? if the whole industry was going down the hill, I'd support the statement; but Dell was going down hill before the release of Windows Vista.

If you look at the stats, Toshiba are going well, along with HP, Lenovo and Acer; all taking marketshare off Dell.

Maybe the article title should be 'Dell doesn't have its act together'.

#4 By 2960 ( at 4/23/2007 7:30:45 AM
Vista has it's issues, but this is one dumb-ass article.

It dilutes the true issues with Vista (Ultimate Extra's being anything but, driver issues, forced upgrades to new software versions, etc...) by turning the whole thing into a big farce.


#5 By 10896 ( at 4/23/2007 7:51:38 AM
The Linsux loving Inquirer puts out their usual lies about Microsoft.
Big deal that DELL is now offering XP on a couple of their low end product lines.
I doubt anybody is buying them with the low end hardware anyway.

Vista is shipping on more than 99% of computers sold from the Dell Home/Home Office section of their website

#6 By 75046 ( at 4/23/2007 8:10:15 AM
Oh my... why ActiveWin put this crap from "The Inquirer" on the front page? It´s just a lie like everything from the IT version of the "serious UK newspaper" The Sun... They simply want make us believe all the bs they want.... Shame.

#7 By 73040 ( at 4/23/2007 8:23:14 AM
What a way to start off the week lol There just trying to get some people foed up,I belive if one didn't know any better they would take vista off and put a copy of XP back on there machines.Everyone knows ME sucked,and to here ME 2 thats just a red light.

#8 By 37047 ( at 4/23/2007 9:27:24 AM
When I read the first paragraph that was posted with the headline, my first reaction was to check my calendar, to make sure I hadn't somehow tripped over a temporal anomoly, and wound up back on April 1st. That sure sounded liek an April Fools Day joke posting to me. After all, even if Vista was complete crap, and wasn't even capable of booting on anything, Microsoft would never admit it was crap. But, it is good flame bait.

#9 By 32313 ( at 4/23/2007 11:24:50 AM
From a website thats considered to be the Windows ME of Tech websites and from a Journalist who is considered to be the Windows ME of journalist.

#10 By 15406 ( at 4/23/2007 11:41:24 AM
#9: Heresy!!!! You shall be expunged from the ranks of the Apologists!!! Windows ME was the immaculate child sprung forth from Bill Gates' cyberwomb! It was perfect in every way!

#11 By 2960 ( at 4/23/2007 11:43:13 AM

Let me save you some time on this one. I don't think ANYONE here will disagree with you that Windows ME was THE abomination of Operating Systems.

I think even NotParkker would agree with that one :)

No Troll Chow on this one. Move along... :)


#12 By 77671 ( at 4/23/2007 12:19:21 PM
What Nonsense. Ithought we could count on Activewin for serious/real news!

#13 By 15406 ( at 4/23/2007 12:47:43 PM
#11: Heh, that would be the day, wouldn't it? The day Parkkker said something critical of Microsoft.

#14 By 32132 ( at 4/23/2007 1:18:42 PM
I've never use Windows Me so I have little opinion of it.

I'm assuming Latch used Windows ME as much as he has used Vista -- therefore he considers himself an expert.

#15 By 1896 ( at 4/23/2007 3:40:10 PM
#11/15 I was a Beta tester for ME since the first Alpha build so I have some knowledge about it; while I agree with everybody that the OS was a big "disaster" both commercially and as for customer satisfaction I also have to say that, personally, I never had problems running it on a Dell PII or PIII, not sure exactly about the model. True I never used it to edit movies or other related media tasks and I was not impressed by the OS as I was by Windows 95 or 98 but still I never had big problems with it. Just in case I am not trying to start a flame here, just adding my personal and objective opinion.

#16 By 3746 ( at 4/23/2007 3:47:04 PM
I agree I was running ME on a system I built myself and it ran fine. I wasn't in the business way back then so I can't comment on the overall problems just my personal experience.

#17 By 13030 ( at 4/23/2007 3:57:10 PM
#1: 100% flamebait

And like moths, we are drawn to the flame...

#15: I've never use Windows Me so I have little opinion of it.

Since when is usage a prerequisite for ActiveWin posting?

#16, I had some experience with Windows ME and found it to be adequate. It seemed to blue screen quite a bit more than Windows 98 and run slower with the default install. After you turned all the hokey "web" features off, it was ok.

#18 By 163 ( at 4/23/2007 5:27:58 PM
# 11
"Let me save you some time on this one. I don't think ANYONE here will disagree with you that Windows ME was THE abomination of Operating Systems."

I'm a mac guy, but I have to disagree with you on this one. I tried it on several systems after it came out and it was more stable than 98 and 98SE.

I think Byron is just trying to get our attention ;)

#19 By 77699 ( at 4/23/2007 11:08:22 PM
first, ME was the pinnacle of the 9.x line of OS's from MS as someone else stated earlier, and it was not as unstable as people like to think of it as, (most of them went in and hacked something or other anyway or didn't pay attention to the fine print on this or that about compatibility),

Second, Vista, though by far not what it was hyped up to be, exceeded expectations, (look back at the launch of 3.x, 95, NT, server, XP, etc.). No matter how much you test a product, you cannot find all the bugs, especially in something as fresh as vista's new kernel is. We are dealing with a prototype, and it will take some time to reach the standards set by XP, (oh no) SP2. It took XP nearly six years to reach it's rung on the ladder and like every thing else, vista has to start at the bottom and climb up too.

Third, I can't name an operating system period that hasn't had compatibility issues in some form or another when the latest version was released. Mac, the BSDs, Solaris, and the 'Nix family have their quirks as well. I'm not standing up for MS, but i believe equality should be upheld in situations like this too, so take the lens off the limelight so the laser isn't focused anymore.

#20 By 23275 ( at 4/24/2007 4:24:55 PM
#18, I love your posts - they make me smile as much as Tech Larry's - keep em coming.

#21 By 23275 ( at 4/24/2007 4:29:23 PM
I liked ME - and as long as one put on decent Video card drivers first and DirectX second, there was never any problem.

Here's one for you: I had a customer who used an image morphing program for aesthetic and reconstructive surgeons as a guide to what they would attemp to achieve. I put ME on the machine and a year later the lady called me and asked me for her profile's password.

I provided it to her. I asked if she had forgotten it. She said no, she had not, but had never used it and that they had a long power outage and the machine was off when she came into work.

Now, despite heavy use in an intense imaging appliction, the user had not booted the PC in a year - I specifically asked if she had and she stated, "No, it has not been turned off before."

I submit that ME, or any operating system, may be configured to run well on compatible hardware.

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