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  Why PCs Should Get More Sleep
Time: 06:53 EST/11:53 GMT | News Source: Microsoft | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

A single incandescent 100-watt light bulb left on around the clock for a year costs more than US$80 to power. Generating that power releases about 1,350 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere — a major contributor to global warming.

According to Dean DeWhitt, director of Microsoft’s Windows Kernel team, that is about the same amount of power many PCs consume while not in use. Yet, while few people would leave a light bulb on for a year, many people keep their PCs running with screen-savers at all hours, which actually consumes more energy than an idling PC. What’s more, many large organizations constantly leave their PCs running so they are available to receive security patches and updates.

“While education may be the key for many consumers, businesses are forced to balance cost and environmental impact against their own security and operations requirements,” says DeWhitt. “New power management features in Windows Vista are designed to help them with this challenge.”

In fact, Microsoft today announced the results of an independent study from UK-based PC Pro Labs, which looks at the energy consumption of Windows Vista and the potential reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. "Power Consumption, Windows Vista versus Windows XP" compared energy usage between Windows XP and Windows Vista, clearly showing that the power management features in Windows Vista could help reduce the carbon dioxide generated in an organization, equal to 45 tonnes per year for a 200-seat business. In addition, the study found that these features could also deliver savings on energy bills of up to £46 per desktop PC per year.

The study is based on real-world usage of desktop computers in the work environment of 800 desktop PC users. The cost savings and reduction in carbon dioxide emissions are due to the “Sleep” mode in Windows Vista, which automatically activates after one hour of non-use.

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#1 By 1401 ( at 3/21/2007 8:58:07 AM
I wonder if the same holds true for cows...

#2 By 37 ( at 3/21/2007 8:59:58 AM
Sigh. Cows don't use PC's.

#3 By 1401 ( at 3/21/2007 9:19:12 AM
What do they use? Macs? duh!

#4 By 37 ( at 3/21/2007 9:20:21 AM
Of course. Duh.

#5 By 32132 ( at 3/21/2007 9:32:08 AM
Global Warming?

All hail the Goracle and his lies!!!!

(Don't forget, if you are feeling guilty, buy some carbon offset credits from Al Gores company and he promises they might do something some day. But int he meantime he and you will slepp better. You because your guilt has gone away, he because your money is in his pocket.)

#6 By 7390 ( at 3/21/2007 9:41:10 AM
I would rather the world ended before I turn my PC off

#7 By 13030 ( at 3/21/2007 1:10:54 PM
#5: Goracle


I love how all these high-minded celebrity types are running around about global warming like chicken little. Meanwhile they enjoy globe trotting in their personal aircraft; lighting, cooling and heating their 10000 square foot homes; being chauffeured around in their heavy, fuel guzzling limousines; and, perhaps worst of all, wasting our bandwidth with their stupid antics. Hypocrites.

Climate studies have already shown similar cold and warm swings in the past thousand years that are just as drastic as what we have seen more recently. Just 30 years ago they were claiming a global cooling!

On a personal note, I conserver energy and water. I recycle paper, cardboard, cans, rubber, plastic and glass. I grow lots of plants indoors and out. I've been this way all my life. I respect our environment without needing a cause to rally me. These lamers are just now joining the bandwagon.

#8 By 23275 ( at 3/21/2007 1:32:32 PM
#7, Awesome message! Many, Many Thanks for speaking up in this way!

**I spent a mint, equiping my company's people with systems, VOIP and many other tools to build an ecosystem that had one goal - keep them off the roads - at home with family as much as possible and still able to work as an effective team. It worked and they are much happier for it and we've done it and taught/enabled many clients to do the same. While we meet daily, it is for shorter, more productive periods of time, in smaller groups and often after picking one another up. We've saved a small fortune in rescources and aspirin.

#9 By 28801 ( at 3/21/2007 1:40:13 PM
#5 Its hard to argue with an idiot. So I won't bother.

#10 By 2960 ( at 3/21/2007 2:19:03 PM
Here's what I know...

1. Hybernation Mode on computers is a farce. It does NOT work correctly, period. It probably never will as long as the OS and applications are software based.

2. Sleep Mode on computers is a farce. it does NOT work correctly, period. It probably never will as long as the OS and applications are software based.

3. If you think your Hybernation or Sleep mode is working correctly, refer to #1 and #2 above. One day, it will bite you in the ass and you'll lose that 100 page document you were working on before the phone rang and you stepped away.

It does not matter what kind of computer it is. Mac, PC or Linux based. Right now, all of this stuff is broken and doesn't work right.

The only sleep mode I know of that actually works is the auto-headlight shut off on my Explorer. And that's all hardware based.


This post was edited by TechLarry on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at 14:21.

#11 By 32132 ( at 3/21/2007 2:27:31 PM

"The NASA study also sheds light on the puzzling observations by other scientists that the amount of sunlight reaching Earth's surface, which had been steadily declining in recent decades, suddenly started to rebound around 1990."

The Goracle ignores the Sun. The Sun is never mentioned in his sermons.

This post was edited by NotParker on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at 14:27.

#12 By 2201 ( at 3/21/2007 2:34:48 PM
#10 well surely you'd use your sense and save your documents BEFORE you Hibernate or go on Standby?

#13 By 15406 ( at 3/21/2007 3:00:56 PM
#11: For every 1,000 links you provide for anti-GW, I could provide 1,000 pro-GW links. It's impossible for the layman to make an intelligent decision when the climatologists can't even agree and there is bogus science on both sides funded by special interests. Funny how you're a Republican who thinks GW is all a load of hooey. When Bush was pushing his illegal war, the rationale was that, even though there is no evidence Saddam had nukes, WE CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO ACT! THE STAKES ARE TOO HIGH! Now we have something that could potentially menace the entire planet (and not just one country), but we shouldn't do anything because there's no hard evidence....

#14 By 32132 ( at 3/21/2007 3:35:55 PM
#13 "I could provide 1,000 pro-GW links"

I've never seen one valid pro-manmade-GW link that offers any proof that the earth is warmer than normal long term fluctuations.

We are at the peak of the Milankovitch cycle for energy recieved from the Sun. We are near the peak for sunspot activity which correlates to more energy from the Sun.

And, in all of history, ice cores have shown that Co2 follows a warmer earth and is never the cause.

"changes in atmospheric CO2 content never precede changes in air temperature, when going from glacial to interglacial conditions; and when going from interglacial to glacial conditions, the change in CO2 concentration actually lags the change in air temperature (Genthon et al., 1987)." Hence, he concluded that "changes in CO2 concentration cannot be claimed to be the cause of changes in air temperature, for the appropriate sequence of events (temperature change following CO2 change) is not only never present, it is actually violated in [at least] half of the record (Idso, 1988)."

And while I guess I will respond in your attempt to divert people from scientific studies that show tha more sunlight reached the earth since the 1990's, it still isn't proof that GW is outside normal variations.

#13 "even though there is no evidence Saddam had nukes"

New Tork Times: "Among the dozens of documents in English were Iraqi reports written in the 1990’s and in 2002 for United Nations inspectors in charge of making sure Iraq abandoned its unconventional arms programs after the Persian Gulf war. Experts say that at the time, Mr. Hussein’s scientists were on the verge of building an atom bomb, as little as a year away."

#15 By 2960 ( at 3/21/2007 3:50:52 PM

You've never been pulled away from your desk? Had a fire alarm go off? Had the cat puke on the carpet?

Lucky man :)


#16 By 9589 ( at 3/21/2007 3:51:14 PM
Aside from the fact that carbon monoxide is NOT harmful to the environment (without it life wouldn't exist on this planet), any way to save energy is welcome. Nevertheless, where I work, workstations are left on at night so that a number of processes can ensue. For example, backup, defrag, antisypware/antivirus, etc.

However, I agree with TechLarry that hibernation and sleep mode simply do not work as advertised and have on occasion caused temporary data loss. If the problems with these functions can be worked out, great!

Regarding GW, I recommend the following books on the subject: Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years by Dennis T. Avery and S. Fred Singer and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) by Christopher C. Horner. Also, view the video on GW titled, "The Great Global Warming Swindle" here: . It runs about an hour and fifteen minutes.

#17 By 15406 ( at 3/21/2007 3:56:54 PM
#14: Before you go all wacko on me (er, more wacko than usual), understand that I have no opinion on GW.

Wow, real experts said Saddam was a year away from a nuke? That's impressive. Which experts were these again? Were these the same experts that wrote the CIA's intel? Or were they the experts that wrote the Downing Street memos? Experts know everything. Oh wait, these experts were wrong and it turned out Iraq wasn't so tough after all. Whoops. Oh well, the Iraqis can clean up the mess. Meanwhile an entire generation of Iaqi children won't go to school and the country will take 50+ years to recover.

#18 By 15406 ( at 3/21/2007 4:00:07 PM
#16: The problem is that there are so many voices on both sides that you can't believe anything you see or read. That was the point I was trying to make with Parkkker. For every pro-GW *expert*, there is an anti-GW equivalent. If the people in the field can't agree, how is the layman to choose who is full of it?

#19 By 32132 ( at 3/21/2007 4:09:59 PM
And don't forget the NASA Scientist who claimed the Bush Nazi regime silenced him from speaking out on behalf of the Goracles religion only gave 1400 interviews and recieved a 250,000 brible from John Kerry's wife.

Maybe I should be so lucky to be silenced that way.

#20 By 9589 ( at 3/21/2007 4:11:01 PM
Latch, as usual, your "analysis" has little to do with reality.

Having been in Iraq for Gulf War I and my older son having already done a Gulf War II tour, I can say with certainty that you are wrong. But, hey, don't rely on my word about the subject. Here is what Newsweek said about it (no friend of this administration):

#21 By 32132 ( at 3/21/2007 4:13:08 PM

"DR Congo's daily newspaper Le Phare on Wednesday reported that more than 100 bars of uranium, as well as an unknown quantity of uranium contained in helmet-shaped cases, had disappeared from the centre as part of a vast trafficking of the material going back years. "

I'd guess Pakistan, Libya, Iran and/or Iraq.

But Latch will keep on insisting no one was smiggling Uranium out of Africa. 100 bars. Doesn't count.

#22 By 2201 ( at 3/21/2007 5:15:21 PM
#15, I've had the power cut on my several times at work in the 6 1/2 years I've been there, but never lost any work due to my habit of always pressing CTRL+S (which works in most applications, even Apple Mac ones - just sub CTRL for APPLE) every few mins, even as short as every 20 or so secs. It's almost a reflex action, I'm not conscious I'm doing it half the time. It's basic protection for yourself and it'd be silly to do a 100 page document without saving it a few times along the way.

So in response to your scenarios, I always save just as I'm called away or when a fire alarm goes off, just in case. It only takes less than half a second to press the key combo. You have to learn to use it just in case!

This is not a dig at you, just that you really have to learn to save and save often!

#23 By 20505 ( at 3/21/2007 7:45:21 PM

Based on these posts it is my considered opinion that it’s not PCs that need more sleep.


NotParker: Firefox has a great built in spell check. You should try it.

Alternatively, cutting and pasting a document from Word helps to clean up spelling errors that in my opinion serve to add a certain weight to an argument by demonstrating that the author has a command of the language.

Parker you do have a copy of Word?

#24 By 32132 ( at 3/21/2007 7:50:47 PM
When bereft of arguments, attack the persons spelling or typing ability.

#25 By 28801 ( at 3/21/2007 10:20:07 PM
#24: OK, you're a terrible typist and speller, plus your opinion on GW is stupid.

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