The world of James Bond is brought alive on the next generation console systems with the release of James Bond 007 in...Agent Under Fire(TM) for the Nintendo GameCube(TM) and the Xbox(TM) video game system from Microsoft in North America. In partnership with MGM Interactive for the highly coveted 007-license, Electronic Arts is publishing the games under the EA GAMES(TM) brand. The games follow the top selling(a) PlayStation® 2 version released last fall. The Xbox version will be available on March 26. Similar to the PlayStation 2 version, gamers of the Xbox and Nintendo GameCube systems will engage in a first-ever 007 experience on the respective platforms. The game delivers a unique and complete Bond adventure that immerses the player in the exciting world of secret agent 007 through 12 mission-based levels -- comprised of first-person action, covert stealth and fast driving -- spread out over 10 exotic worldwide locations.