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07:57 EST/12:57 GMT | News Source:
USA Today |
Posted By: Byron Hinson |
If Microsoft has tried to squash the Linux operating system by bullying computer and chip makers into snubbing it, it hasn't succeeded.
That's because Linux, the free operating system that began as a hobby of early Internet users, is more a populist movement than a vulnerable corporate target -- like the Netscape browser that Microsoft has eclipsed. It makes use of open computer code continually improved by volunteer programmers who believe software should benefit society.
#1 By
135 (
3/20/2002 9:53:26 AM
Well actually JD... Examine the article more closely.
" Last year, Microsoft accounted for 41% of new server software sold, vs. 27% for Linux and 14% for Unix (news - web sites). Five years ago, Linux's share was 7%, according to market researcher IDC."
The key point here is that the article is reporting Linux marketshare at 27% for 2001, and then comparing that to Linux marketshare for 1997.
Although they don't specify their source for these share figures. But what's interesting is this article:
Also claims a 41%/27% split... but this article was published in June of 2001 and refers to marketshare in 2000.
So what we have here is a deceptive article. They key word that they use here is Growth. But there is no Growth in the Linux server market. Other articles also point to around a 27% marketshare for 1999 as well. Yes, when you compare to 1997, you see growth, but not when you look at the past 3 years.
#2 - There is no such thing as a Microsoft zealot.
#2 By
135 (
3/20/2002 2:45:25 PM
But if I can't believe the market growth stats they are publishing, how can I believe the rest of the article is accurate?
I should note... especially since the entire article is nothing but speculation.
This post was edited by sodablue on Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 14:45.
#3 By
135 (
3/20/2002 7:47:00 PM
#11 - Ahh, but it is impossible for me to be a Microsoft zealots considering the term does not exist, certainly not in the same manner and definition one would apply to the anti-MS zealots, or the Linux zealots.
In order for me to be a Zealot I would have to be trolling Linux boards daily telling people how much it sucks.
I don't. I only respond to disinformation promoted by Linux zealots with regards to Windows.
#4 By
135 (
3/20/2002 9:46:57 PM
#19 - Perhaps you should offer something insightful instead of resorting to name calling?
#5 By
2332 (
3/20/2002 10:52:48 PM
#19 - I find about 90% of Sodablue's comments quite informative and insightful. This is probably because I often agree with him.
Instead of ad hominem attacks, why not attack the arguments?
#6 By
2459 (
3/20/2002 11:03:42 PM
"I'm glad you're not on the side of Linux because your endorsment of Linux alone would make me stop using it. "
Quick Sodablue, endorse Linux !!!!
#7 By
135 (
3/20/2002 11:58:39 PM
Linux rocks! Everybody who doesn't like Microsoft should use Linux!
#8 By
2459 (
3/21/2002 12:39:42 AM
Now will #19 hold to his end of the bargain (assuming he actually uses Linux)?
Sodablue, I didn't realise my mistake untill it was too late. If you ever run for office or get in trouble with the government, they'll use that statement against you. Naturally, I must disavow all knowledge of you or this conversation. :-)
This post was edited by n4cer on Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 00:49.
#9 By
135 (
3/21/2002 9:35:32 AM
I take offense with being called civil.
As far as other operating systems go. My attitude is that I'm not against the OS, but only the individuals making ridiculous claims.
Windows is not only perfectly adequate, but is the best solution available in 90-95% of the situations I have ever had to deploy a system for. For the remaining 5-10% of those cases, I consider MacOS X, Solaris, etc.
Where zealots get into trouble is that they see their world as being the 5%, and can't quite differentiate the fact that the rest of the world does not do that same 5%. It's like the idiots claiming people only use 5% of the features of Word, so Microsoft should strip it down to the functionality of Wordpad.
#10 By
2960 (
3/21/2002 10:46:01 AM
I had absolutely ZERO interest in Unix or Linux until MacOS X shipped.
I still have Zero interest in Linux, but there is now a platform where any average mom and pop can be totally productive, has a large quality software library available, some pretty spiffy hardware available, and can slowly, at their own pace, dive as deep or as little into Unix as they wish.
It's that last part I really like. I can open up the hood, take a peek, shut the hood and go back to work. Later, when I want to investigate something interesting I read about or just want to experiment with, I can open the hood back up and start playing.
#11 By
20 (
3/21/2002 11:20:40 AM
100% of Linux's growth in the server market (if there is any more growth) is at the expense of Unixes.
Microsoft's server share has been steadily growing. It's good to see Linux dominating the other Unixes as it means Sun will eventually go out of business (good thing).
#12 By
135 (
3/21/2002 4:48:03 PM
TechLarry - It's too bad it took you so long to find that. I found the same exact thing back with Windows NT 3.51 in 1995, and have been benefiting from that for the past 7 years.