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00:46 EST/05:46 GMT | News Source:
ActiveWin.com |
Posted By: Byron Hinson |
Byron has posted his review of the Microsoft Zune. Here is an excerpt:
Let’s get one thing out of the way first, no the Zune isn’t as good as the latest Apple iPod. Right we’ve done with that and now we will concentrate on the stand alone Zune without comparing it to Apple’s creation. Microsoft has finally taken its own action in creating a worthy music player, for the last few years they have created the software for companies like Creative and Toshiba so they can go on to produce hardware that will hopefully take the MP3 buying public by storm, unfortunately that hasn’t happened with any of the hardware releases over the last few years, with that well know music player ruling the headphones.
#1 By
415 (
2/15/2007 7:08:56 PM
I really don't see the logic behind starting a review stating that the reviewed product is not as good as its primary competitor.
"Let’s get one thing out of the way first, no the Zune isn’t as good as the latest Apple iPod. Right we’ve done with that and now we will concentrate on the stand alone Zune without comparing it to Apple’s creation."
Why don't you just title the review "Don't buy a Microsoft 30 GB Zune (Black) - Review" and go all the way with your insincerity?
#2 By
61 (
2/15/2007 8:52:16 PM
Because you took it the wrong way.
They said that in order to say to their readers (or rather commenters) "Shut up with the iPod superiority crap" in order to actually do the review without having a bunch of idiots around saying Zune sucks, iPod forever.
When people do that it takes away from the actual review and this is what he was trying to stop before it started.
#3 By
32313 (
2/15/2007 9:39:51 PM
Great review Byron. I was told at the Vista launch event, the Zune software can be easily updated which will make it possible to add new functionality, whether its, Audio Books or other type of functionality currently missing. Still, I would preferrably spend money buying an iPod video because its more attrative and thinner. When you see an iPod in person its just gorgeous! The big advantage right now with the Zune is, it works flawlessly with XP and Vista, Wireless (which is kind of a disadvantage in some respects, think battery life) the display is much larger and interface is appealing. I think I'm going to wait on the next generation Zune and iPod video before I make a decision, for now, I will stick with listening to my music on my PCs and the radio. :(
#4 By
23275 (
2/15/2007 9:41:05 PM
I like the review styles on Awin - they're a lot different than on other sites - a lot more directly personal. Byron does a great job - if he had a decent proof reader, he'd give any review site a good run for their money. I like how the setup, pictured, for example, is his real desk, or seems to be, in any case and the writing style is clear, direct and logical. I always get a good sense of whatever is being reviewed actually does and what its features are. #2, is right - that's how I saw it, but... Byron might have been said differently - didn't matter, though, his intent was clear enough.
***I like how the Zune's controls work over the iPod's - a lot, actually... My hands can't "feel" the iPod's controls well at all, which seemed to be designed for skin a lot smoother and more delicate than my own - I always wondered what soft, pink little fellow the iPod was tested by - I can't imagine he'd have had laces in his shoes. A lot of people I know are moving from the iPod and iTunes to the Zune - they love the one price, all you can eat access and support for two Zune devices and three PC's that the monthly fee provides - they also like the third party software which allows one to transcode and view any program recorded on an MCE [less super-encrypted content from select providers, like HBO].
This post was edited by lketchum on Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 21:44.
#5 By
3 (
2/16/2007 1:05:24 AM
#1 because of the exact reasons #2 put out. If you want to read a review that slags off the Zune against the iPod in every respect in every piece of a review then look elsewhere. Reading the comments on here over the months has made it clear that people have thought I'm a massive mac fan boy which isn't the case which hopefully this review shows. I like products that are good, doesn't matter who makes them...which is why I hope MS keep up with releasing the Zune year after year because parts of the design itself are a lot better and I like the ease of the interface.
Not sure why I'm insincere though...if you want someone like me to lie and say its better than an iPod, it won't happen, doesn't matter whether you are a massive fan of a company or not, reviews are there to be honest, sorry that you'd rather me cover up facts, it was just a simple way of stating a fact, getting it out of the way so people like you don't come up in the comments and slam me for comparing every aspect of the Zune to an iPod and then saying the ipod is better in most repects because I know exactly what the comments here would have been.
Thankfully #2, #3 and #4 have understood why I did it.
#6 By
3 (
2/16/2007 1:06:33 AM
#4 - thanks, I just try to be honest in my reviews. I'm hopefully like everyone else here, I would rather someone was honest in what they say in a review when people spend a lot of hard earned cash on hardware that sometimes doesn't live up to the hype.
#7 By
2 (
2/16/2007 8:15:15 AM
I give him credit....Microsoft didnt even send him a Zune to review!
#8 By
7390 (
2/16/2007 9:22:36 AM
wow, thanks for being current..isn't this like several months too late?
#9 By
415 (
2/16/2007 10:06:38 AM
Byron - Wow, you really read a lot more into my comment than you should have. First of all, I understood your reasoning. I know you're not a Mac fanboy. I've been reading and commenting here long enough to know about the idiots that post comments here. However, if you ignore the idiots for a moment, don't you really risk pigeon holing yourself and the article more by making that statement in the first sentence of the review? Maybe insincerity was the wrong word, sorry about that. I just think you more effectively persuaded the casual Activewin reader to not buy a Zune because it's not as good as an iPod, rather than allowing them to come to their own conclusion, whether you made any direct comparisons or not.
Second, I never implied you were being dishonest, or that you should have come to dishonest conclusions. The article was nonbiased and mostly accurate.
Regarding Microsoft Points. Don't you have an Xbox 360? Doesn't it make sense for Microsoft to push the payment system that they already have in place to sell music. Remember, not everyone has a credit card, so they have to buy Microsoft Points (or Emusic, IPod music cards, or whatever) at the store first. I agree that 79 points is pretty stupid if that's the point you were trying to make, but beyond making each song 80 points instead, the system is actually very good.
BTW - I don't own an iPod or a Zune. I have installed and tried Zune Marketplace though. ;-)
#10 By
3 (
2/16/2007 11:50:29 AM
Yes it makes sense - but it would make more sense for them to do 80 points each rather than 79, otherwise it just means users don't spend their full points.
I guess I just have a different view on it, everyone should already know the Zune isn't as good as an iPod, there is no getting around that fact at the moment and just getting it out of the way first seemed the best thing to do rather than compare each aspect and make the Zune look even worse than it actually is.
#11 By
3 (
2/16/2007 11:51:00 AM
#8 - better late than never considering Microsoft never sent us one for review, wonder why.
#12 By
1401 (
2/19/2007 10:48:11 PM
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#13 By
28801 (
2/20/2007 10:53:27 AM
#12: Ouch!
#14 By
7390 (
2/20/2007 11:05:08 AM
This comment has been removed due to a violation of the Active Network Terms of Use.
#15 By
7390 (
2/21/2007 11:28:42 AM
too many sensitive Apple fan boys around here
#16 By
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