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  Apple announce touchscreen iPhone
Time: 11:48 EST/16:48 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Byron Hinson

iPhone combines three products — a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch controls, and a breakthrough Internet communications device with desktop-class email, web browsing, maps, and searching — into one small and lightweight handheld device. iPhone also introduces an entirely new user interface based on a large multi-touch display and pioneering new software, letting you control everything with just your fingers. So it ushers in an era of software power and sophistication never before seen in a mobile device, completely redefining what you can do on a mobile phone.

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#1 By 3 ( at 1/9/2007 12:03:02 PM
Probably the best looking piece of hardware i've ever seen...not often I say that.

#2 By 28801 ( at 1/9/2007 12:38:50 PM
Great Idea and very slick looking, however, I think people want smaller.

#3 By 28801 ( at 1/9/2007 12:41:54 PM
Three products in one! Aren't the communications device and the iPhone the same thing?

#4 By 37047 ( at 1/9/2007 12:55:27 PM
#3: I think, but don't quote me, is that by communication device, they mean email, IM, and that sort of thing. I had the same thought, but on reading an article elsewhere, I figured that the communication device was not the telephone part of it.

This post was edited by MysticSentinel on Tuesday, January 09, 2007 at 12:56.

#5 By 53078 ( at 1/9/2007 1:15:30 PM
ya only 500$/4gb and 600$/8gb with a 2yr Cingular contract, and has 5hr battery life, on top of that US will need to wait till june/july to see it and europe and asia until 2008.....

Its a beautiful device, but the more important thing is the innovation this will push, before it was samsung vs motorola vs treo, with apple throwing this into the mix (3yrs of development) it'll be interesting to see how samsung and the rest combat it in 2007 considering they release phones like every 3 months lol

#6 By 3 ( at 1/9/2007 1:21:22 PM
Certainly can't wait for it to come out now, the UI is so slick and easy to use its one of the first times I'll say its something innovative from Apple.

#7 By 23275 ( at 1/9/2007 2:16:50 PM
I hope the multi-touch display is as good as they say. If it is, this device will succeed and drive changes across the industry.

All previous touch/tap screens have been a huge flop with our business customers. Samsung's i730, for example was all but despised - despite its power. Only the Moto Q has really caught on with our customers with one BB BES hold out swearing by gum that no one will take their BB devices away without a fight. Having used a variety of touch screen devices, I have to agree, all have stunk and badly. If the new iPhone is really new and better, maybe that will change. We'll sure give a try and see if it is something we like and can recommend
to customers. If however if it offers no better feedback and response than an iPod, I think it may not be adopted or sustained by many that do buy it - especially men with rough hands like my own. People with nails, or small hands might like it a lot better. In our area, Cingular has a bad rep and their implementation of mobile broad band has been weak comapred to Verizon's. I don't know how that impacts other areas in the US market.

#8 By 55806 ( at 1/9/2007 3:36:09 PM
From /.:
Microsoft's response was big and brown, but it wasn't a new Zune...

#9 By 7754 ( at 1/9/2007 5:57:04 PM
Beautiful device, no doubt about it. Maybe a bit big (I'm used to a BlackBerry 7105, and am very keen on the Pearl), but no more than a Treo or Q, which many people seem to like. I really wonder also about the touch-screen, though. I really want to try typing on it. My instinct is that a tactile keyboard would be preferable, but I definitely want to give it a whirl.

A downside is that it is essentially a consumer-only device. They should have bought BlackBerry or licensed the sync technology from someone to make it compatible with Exchange for push email. I would say the price is pretty high, but I guess not when you consider it replaces both an iPod and a phone. All in all, though, these look pretty sweet.

Speaking of sweet--anyone check out the new Yahoo Messenger coming for Vista? It's WPF-based, and looks beautiful. The WLM should be ashamed they're getting beat to the punch on their own platform (if they're looking at WPF at all...).

#10 By 20505 ( at 1/9/2007 7:42:57 PM
I for one think if this device is properly priced will do extremely well in the market place.

I think its Achilles Heel will be the lack of a proper keyboard and will therefore not be a player in the enterprise market. Here Treos and Blackberrys will continue to rule the roost.

Inevitably the problem for Apple will be that this phone will cannibalize iPod Nano sales. I think that Apple may end up competing with itself in this space.

I know it sounds silly but there is only so much of a market place for MP3 players. ( BTW - does this thing have a cam?)

#11 By 3746 ( at 1/9/2007 8:31:58 PM

How will this canabilize nano sales? There are some people that just want a music player. This is way bigger then a nano and way more expensive. In the near term this is not going to touch nano sales. Now there is a rumoured iPhone nano which could be interesting - smaller, cheaper but less features. Now that might be interesting.

These all in one devices are great as long as you want all of the functionality. But I think you get into a situation that the PS3 is in. You add everything to the device and the price is sky high. If you are going to use all of the features then the device is a steal but Sony is finding out with the PS3 that some people just want to play games and are not willing to pay 600 dollars to do that.

Apple will sell and ass load of these though i bet. But the initial price 500 (4GB) and 600 (8GB) with a 2 year contract with Cingular is gasp inducing. I mean the replacement cost would have to be 700 and 800 minimum. I wouldn't want to drop this like I do with my own cell phone on a weekly basis.

It does have a cam - 2MP - here are the specs:

iPhone sports a 3.5" 320x480 display, 4GB or 8GB of storage capacity, Wi-Fi, EDGE, and Bluetooth 2.0 connectivity, and a 2.0 megapixel camera. The integrated battery allows for up to 16 hours of audio playback and five hours of phone calls, video playback, or browsing. And despite all those features, the iPhone weighs in at just 135g (4.8 ounces) with a thickness of 11.6mm (0.46 inches.) (stolen from tech report)

I want to know if the battery is user replaceable.

This post was edited by kaikara on Tuesday, January 09, 2007 at 20:32.

#12 By 13997 ( at 1/9/2007 8:34:14 PM

This post was edited by thenetavenger on Tuesday, January 09, 2007 at 21:13.

#13 By 9589 ( at 1/9/2007 8:44:11 PM
Apple prices itself out of the market among other things.

Yeah, that's right. I am NOT impressed. It is just way to expensive - as usual. Heck, I have a Windows based Treo that cost $300 with a two year contract. I thought it was way too expensive, but I bought it because it had the bells and whistles that I needed to get work done. The "i" phone - why doesn everything that Apple sells have to have an "i" in front of its product name - doesn't have anything I need and leaves out several things that I do need.

Several things that I don't need include trying to punch a hole in the screen while "typing" with my fingers. Huh? "Typing" er . . . punching at a 3 1/2" screen is just stupid.

I really use Word and Excel that are built into my Treo. If I am going to a meeting, I want to review my notes or contracts. So, I upload them to my Treo. The iPhone doesn't have that.

I need to stay connected to my company's Exchange server. The iPhone doesn't have that.

In other words, it has a price tag that only someone in business would anti up for, but it has few of the things that businessmen and women buy a cell phone for.

#14 By 8556 ( at 1/9/2007 9:23:54 PM
#13: it is not overpriced. Apple is setting the bar for price and features. Now, we need to see it in action. If it performs as well as expected, it'll sell like crazy. The only thing I don't like is that Cingular appears tied as the service provider. Cingular service in our rural area sucks, if there is any at all.

Now MS has another Apple product to emulate.

#15 By 23275 ( at 1/9/2007 11:29:31 PM
"Looks cool, but we can't and won't use it" - according to a very informal poll from among some of our customers. Many have been following CES and MAC World... errr.. Apple, Inc., World and we've done a round table each night this week.

#13, Jdhawk is so right. Business people that use mobile messaging and internet demand two things: a keyboard they can "feel" [they use it while driving, sorry to say], and tethering between laptops and phone via Bluetooth. Some also use a mobile Sling Media client and not one of them I have ever worked with is willing to wait on any network to download, or sync anything none even use a dock and all use wireless sync to Exchange or BB BES. #13, is also right about the business perspective, where you can bet that "compliance" [even among really tiny legal, accounting, engineering and medical services firms is a HUGE priority] - so integration with and management from Exchange/AD is vital.

While no one can take away from the iPhone's innovative design, or style - I'll give it a lot of credit beyond that... it is missing in key areas that are decision points for even the smallest of businesses.

Finally, what maroon that has ever used Exchange, secure direct push with access to all that richness, the Global Catalog, Calendars, and even Tasks, would ever think that IMAP is enough of a client????? - much less a Yahoo account???? The standard is much higher for business people and things like retention policies and centralized management are real issues on top of these features.

As #13, says, that removes many people from this product's potential market that are among those that can afford it. In a market already saturated with great devices and compliance issues increasing - not decreasing, #13's analysis is spot on.

All that said, the iPhone sure is a nice looking piece of kit. It will influence some, but I do not suspect it will for long.

And the price...? Yikes! Moto Q here... $99.00 with a 2/yr contract from Verizon.

#16 By 3 ( at 1/10/2007 12:57:17 AM
I guess we're different in the UK - the price of the iPhone is the same as the price of any of the Microsoft based PDA's (299.99 on contract) so to me the price isn't large. I don't know how pricing of PDA based phones is over the US.

As for the Yahoo push - while I understand what you are saying, remember the majority of the public who will be wooed by this device won't know the first thing about Exchange or IMAP - they'll see they can get yahoo mail pushed to them and that'll be enough for them. To me it is a phone that is pushing style and content to more phone users like the general public rather than businesses like most PDA's do - the look and UI will bring general people into it.

This post was edited by Byron_Hinson[AW] on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 at 00:58.

#17 By 163 ( at 1/10/2007 4:02:36 AM
I would love to buy a phone like that! It looks amazing.

#18 By 7390 ( at 1/10/2007 9:15:34 AM
This thing should have came with a 2+ meg pix camera

Put Vista Ultimate mobile (whenever it comes out) on this with the ability to use the camera as a web cam and a built in Wifi router

and count me in

#19 By 7390 ( at 1/10/2007 9:21:13 AM
also why doesn't this thing have a built in GPS?

#20 By 3746 ( at 1/10/2007 7:19:48 PM
I can't believe that APple did not have permission to use the iPhone name which is trademarked by Cisco. Jobs must have some pretty big balls to do this big release when they are not legally allowed to use the name. My guess is Cisco is going to make them pay through the ass for this.

#21 By 3 ( at 1/11/2007 12:09:11 PM
#20 - I agree with you, they should never have used the name without permission

#22 By 32132 ( at 1/11/2007 12:27:30 PM
#20 A little name theft ... a little stock options theft. All in a days work for Steve.

#23 By 37047 ( at 1/11/2007 2:13:47 PM
#20, 21, 22: Apple has been in negotiation with Cisco on licensing the use of the name, and the agreement is close to being completed, except for some possible final details. They did not steal the name.

#18: Look at the specs for the iPhone. It has a built-in 2 MP camera.

#24 By 37047 ( at 1/12/2007 7:28:39 AM
It appears that Cisco's claims that a tentative agreement had likely been reached with Apple wer premature. Looks like trademark lawsuit time. This should get interesting.

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 2:55:00 AM

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