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06:32 EST/11:32 GMT | News Source:
*Linked Within Post* |
Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum |
Rumors have been flying around that Google will soon have some intimate ties with up Apple. Google CEO Eric Schmidt just joined the board over at Apple Computers and there are many connections between the two companies. Heck, even Al Gore is in the mix. The former VP is tied in tight with both companies. For more ties please see this article.
#1 By
8556 (
12/19/2006 8:00:19 AM
The lack of facts in the article lead one to conclude: NO.
#2 By
37 (
12/19/2006 9:01:00 AM
Open source zealots kept stating that Linux was going to crush MS like 10 years ago, yet MS has record profits AND revenues. This is just another FUD campaign. More people like MS than dislike them.
This post was edited by AWBrian on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 at 09:01.
#3 By
3746 (
12/19/2006 9:01:02 AM
yeah they are going to ruin Microsoft. Just the same as linux is going to take over on the desktop. You think after writing the same BS year after year these writers would figure out that it isn't going to happen.
#4 By
28801 (
12/19/2006 9:52:59 AM
Is anyone else sick of those stupid Apple commercials?
#5 By
7390 (
12/19/2006 10:29:16 AM
First it was Java, Netscape, linux, thin client, the internet, Google, The digital home, Sony.....
the one thing that Microsoft has been someone good at is keeping an eye on nascent markets. They may not be first to market with a product but once that make an entrance they usually steam roll the competitors or capture enough market share to be relevent and dictate the conversation.
I remember when Palm pilot were the actual words used to described a hand held device. Microsoft Pocket PC wasn't even on the radar. Now look at the hand held landscape.
same goes for video games with the xbox 360. Let us see how the mp3 players space shakes out after a few iterations of Zune.
#6 By
23275 (
12/19/2006 10:54:45 AM
#4, Aside form being totally off and inaccurate, their freshness has worn off. I liked them, at first, because they were creative, but they need a new campaign. The best among them isn't form Apple at all, but a spoof/ripoff some people did for the Wii opposite the PS3 - funnny stuff.
#5 is dead on.
I think that the impact of DirectX 10 is going to do more for the PC/Vista than many people can now imagine - the development model and how DX10 qualifiers are so different from DX9 being among reasons DX10 is going to be so powerful. The more I learn about it, the more exciting the PC as a platform becomes, "again." entertainment and education SW devs are going to have a field day with it and that's just the start of it.
I think so many are missing the best parts of Vista - not Vista at all, but how it was built and the framework of tools that arrived ahead of it. What people will do with that is the best part.
#7 By
3 (
12/19/2006 11:25:35 AM
#4 - thankfully we don't get them here.
#8 By
7754 (
12/19/2006 11:30:49 AM
I think the author is just looking for hits. Consider this:
"I was a Windows user for 20 years until I recently switched to Apple, and I'll never go back."
"This might sound like a Microsoft bashing(however my Windows did just blue screen shutdown 15 minutes ago for no reason), but it really isn’t."
Anyhow, Google's apps are not real competitors to Office (not yet). They do offer some interesting collaboration scenarios, though, and Microsoft should be all over that (as they have said they are).
If there is any competition to Windows on the desktop front, though, I think it would come from Linux. The adoption isn't happening in the US as much, but if it takes hold in China, India, South America, and Europe, it will be much more of a threat than Apple, who's popularity resurgence in PCs is largely limited to the US. Besides that, Apple still hasn't demonstrated that they will respond to anything outside the consumer market. For enterprises, software vendor lock-in is one thing, but software AND hardware lock-in is quite another.
#9 By
2960 (
12/19/2006 12:13:38 PM
Not at all :)
#10 By
32132 (
12/19/2006 12:49:28 PM
"On top of all this, the Zune is the iPod's bitch"
Well, Zune did get 9% of the hard drive MP3 market in November despite being released in the middle of the month.
"the iPod came in at 82.7 percent retail market share, down from 92 percent in October"
Thats 9% Apple didn't get because Zune was in the market.
#11 By
28801 (
12/19/2006 10:35:39 PM
#9: Which one are you dating, the doofus or the Microsoft guy?
This post was edited by rxcall on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 at 22:36.
#12 By
9589 (
12/20/2006 2:37:05 AM
Of course the "journalist" studied the financial papers of Apple BEFORE he wrote the article, right? Right . . .
Apple's latest Q4/06 over Q4/05 shows that CPUs were up 30% and iPODs up 35%. This is hardly the barn burner that you would be led to believe it is by reading the article. By the way, that translates into selling only 374 more CPUs and 2.2 million more iPODs. The bottom line is Apple's revenue was up 32% quarter over quarter. While not bad; it is certainly nothing astounding.
And those insipid commercials . . . When will Apple learn NOT to do negative ads. Besides they are simply borrrrrrrrring. DOH!
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