#1 But seriously ...
After Go-Daddy moved a few million unused parked domains significantly shrinking Apaches lead over IIS it became apparent to anyone with a brain that Apache is really, really good for hosting parked domains. And thats where its Netcraft "lead" came from.
And Go Daddy isn't the largest hosting provider by any means.
"If you take a look at the last three months, though, Windows IIS (Internet Information Server) numbers have taken a tremendous jump. Apache's lead over Microsoft, which stood at 48.2 percent in March, has been narrowed to 31.5 percent, a shift of 16.7 percent in just three months.
What happened? It's not like there's been some horrible security problem discovered with Apache, or Microsoft has dumped the price of IIS to zero dollars and zero cents.
Well, actually the last reason does have something to do with it. Most of Microsoft's gain, and Apache's loss, came from Go Daddy, a popular, cheap Web site hosting company, moving 1.6 million parked hostnames from Apache to IIS
A parked hostname is one that doesn't actually have a site. It's nothing but a place holder site, while the domain owner hopes that someday, somehow, someone will pay them big money for the domain name."