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  IE 7 Hits Three Million Mark!
Time: 13:01 EST/18:01 GMT | News Source: ReviewSaurus | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

IE 7 has hit three million download mark in just 4 days of its release. This shows the popularity of this browser and the buzz which was created all this long. The good thing is that people are wigning less about IE 7 and its security. the number is expected to increase once IE 7 will be distributed via Automatic Updates in near future.

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#1 By 1401 ( at 10/24/2006 1:24:00 PM
Oh give me a damn break! The popularity - ok, whatever. Wasn't the arguement going around a few weeks ago about the Vista licensing that would affect 5% of Windows users which turns out to be around 50 to 60 million users. So this is what? .1% of all users?

#2 By 1401 ( at 10/24/2006 1:27:01 PM
And I do computer/network support - I can't wait until I get the phone call about someone unable to get a web page. I'll say 'Click on the Tools Menu please." They'll say 'What Tools menu?"

#3 By 46122 ( at 10/24/2006 1:38:53 PM
They'll say 'What Tools menu?" and you should say the icon that looks like a gear on the left side

#4 By 1401 ( at 10/24/2006 1:43:54 PM
I know, I know - I guess I'll have to suck it up and get used to it. I just know that my job is gonna get alot harder this time next year when I have to support Vista too...

#5 By 3 ( at 10/24/2006 1:57:35 PM
Chris, it also says "Tools" next to it! Even my mum found it!

#6 By 23275 ( at 10/24/2006 2:00:05 PM
ahhh.... numbers... nonsense. We downloaded one package and distributed it to hundreds of users - so no real accuracy here - the numbers would be far higher in practice.

#4, no kidding... don't forget to say... "First click the little black chevrons that face to the right to reveal the gear icon...." Yummy.

And Vista support.... "Yes, Ma'am, please click on the start button.... I mean, errrr the uh, "Start Orb..." - yes, Ma'am, I said "Orb" - the small round button in the lower left of the screen..." Yes, Ma'am, I know it does not say, Orb, or Start... I'm sorry... yes, Ma'am, I know, I'm an idiot... thank you... yes, Ma'am, the Orb thingy...."

Ma'am... are you there? Ma'am? "What do you mean your pressed the start button and the PC is off....?"

OK, sorry, Ma'am... no, I meant where the Windows Start button used to be, not the power button... I am sorry, Ma'am, yes, I know, we are all idiots, you're right.... - my mother... I'm sorry Ma'am, I don't know what she might have to do with it, but I'll pass along what you want her to do to herself..."

Can you see the Start Orb? <tech reaches for a smoke and swears he'll start, again...>

#7 By 1401 ( at 10/24/2006 2:12:43 PM
Funny - I think I've had that exact conversation on a support call.

I can just see the day coming when I get accused of sexual harassment when I ask a female customer to 'please click your orb...'

#8 By 1401 ( at 10/24/2006 2:13:56 PM

#9 By 8556 ( at 10/24/2006 2:15:36 PM
I was pleasantly surprised that IE7 did not break Netcaptor which was and is running on IE6 on my PCs. This indicates that IE6 is still present and fully functional along with IE7.

#10 By 23275 ( at 10/24/2006 2:21:18 PM
#9, IE 7 supports what are essentially, two modes. Any dev can invoke the newest engine [for lack of a better way to say it], by adding the correct DOCTYPE TAG to an online app/site they have prepared for IE 7 and other, similarly more standards compliant website, or app. So no confusing that IE 7 is saddled with legacy IE 6 code here folks... it is indeed a very modern and very smart browser - where the control is in the hands of the devs and the leadership guiding them.

#11 By 23275 ( at 10/24/2006 2:32:50 PM
#7, We've actually trained to avoid that assertion and have yet to find a good way to say, "Click the, or your Orb Button...."

We've tried, "Vista uses a new, round icon in the lower left-hand corner of the Windows Desktop, which, if you are familiar with previous Windows operating systems, used to read, Start...; from this point, one may begin any Windows Vista related task..."


"Look in the lower, left-most portion of your screen" - which is almost always followed by the question, "You mean where the clock is...." "No, Ma'am.... I do mean your other left, where the round icon is...."

Nothing works well at all.

Add all the freaking "pages" arrived at from right-panel navigation options all too subtly listed vice traditional menu options and one has a heck of a mess on their bloodied support hands - again, the reason I react(ed) with such force when first testing what was announced as a feature locked set of post BETA pre and actual RC's - until then, we had some hope that it would be easier on us to support users - for us, nearly all of which are quite remote to us so remote admin and assistance are more vital than ever before. Thank goodness for SCE and what we hope are going to be free remote admin/assistance tools from the company Microsoft just bought out that is based in Israel.

This post was edited by lketchum on Tuesday, October 24, 2006 at 14:33.

#12 By 3 ( at 10/24/2006 2:58:05 PM
#8 - "Press ALT+F"

#13 By 21203 ( at 10/24/2006 3:00:23 PM
Actually the easier answer is just "Hit Alt" then you'll have the typical menu bar.

#14 By 61 ( at 10/24/2006 4:10:21 PM
Chris.... you have some REALLY bad math.

3million of 50million = 6%
60 million = 5%

#15 By 28801 ( at 10/24/2006 5:05:57 PM
OK, I got on Firefox about this so I can't let IE get away with it. Three million downloads! Who cares??? I may download this 5 times within the next year depending on how often I reimage my system. This number is meaningless, and as Iketchum pointed out, there may be multiple installs based on the same package.

#16 By 18227 ( at 10/24/2006 5:12:38 PM

#17 By 1401 ( at 10/24/2006 6:26:58 PM
#14 - I don't think you understand the numbers.

I said that 5% of all windows boxes out there = about 50 to 60 million copies

therefore, 3 million copies downloaded is much less than 1% of all windows boxes


#18 By 23275 ( at 10/24/2006 6:42:01 PM
#17, all... I think Chris is really pointing out something truly valid here - there is a meaningful and neglected percentage of people out here - populated by people much like ourselves - uber-power-users, if you will.

Chris, if I'm wrong here... let me know...

This 5% - I say it represents about 90 million Windows users who to one degree or another, really drive key segments of this market. We build our own boxes. We adopt new technologies. We drive decisions in our companies and for our customers. We influence friends and neighbors and fellow uber-users. We're vocal and we pay huge amounts of money for boxed retail kit - including Windows. IE 7 is not new to us - we've been running it since BETA 1. Same goes for Vista - all the way back to 2003 CTP's

The downloads thus far - whether they are distributed more widely after that being irrelevant, represent a small part of the 5% of total Windows users matching the profile applicable to most of us.

The Day After..... blowing on IE 7's final release, these same users are busy downloading and distributing across "their world" many other newly released updates - be they MCE 2005's latest rollup [24 Oct, 2006], or new peering updates carried over to XP from Vista [cool stuff, by the way] - and of course, "Defender" for XP, now in full and final release.

I think I sense, and share Chris' issues with Microsoft over how it is treating our 5% - be it in the clarification over licensing, or how it is so very true that we really do not matter - by that I mean, to Microsoft, they are are a company - they may support us as part of what they do, but the reality is they really don't "Feel" anything, or us.

They are not supposed to, really - they are a public company and no number of Channel 9 Guy Vids will change that.

Should they "feel" us? I say, "no" - I do say, we should accept that and drive them nuts by remaining independent and making use of software that works for us. That diversity is the best way to get Microsoft or any company to innovate for us. Just be as independent, and fierce as they are - be as tough and determined and when they do things you do not like, speak up about it - and loudly. They'll listen to that and likely respect us more along the way.

Now Chris might gain from working to perhaps word it differently, but I think, as I said, get and share what he means.

So, you want a great download manager in IE 7 that has a focused channel for finding and managing IPTV vids... then download Firefox 2.0 and use it at least half as much as you use IE 7. You want inline search in IE 7, start raising the roof over it being missing - rejecting the free one over at - demand that Micsrosoft lead. Demand that they invest in us.
Tell them that enough is never enough and that IE will never be good enough - ever. Bust them in the head and good. Trust me, they are tough as it get's and they can take it. IF they can't then they didn't deserve our group, and its loyalty in the first place.

This post was edited by lketchum on Tuesday, October 24, 2006 at 19:11.

#19 By 29664 ( at 10/24/2006 7:29:52 PM
Spreading like a virus

#20 By 37 ( at 10/24/2006 8:00:36 PM
I heard Firefox 2.0 had 32 downloads in 4 days.

#21 By 7760 ( at 10/24/2006 8:48:05 PM
Actually the easier answer is just "Hit Alt" then you'll have the typical menu bar.

Exactly. This is one of the most crucial tips that desktop support people need. They need to learn it and quit whining about their job getting tougher.

#22 By 7754 ( at 10/24/2006 9:34:58 PM
We've tried, "Vista uses a new, round icon in the lower left-hand corner of the Windows Desktop, which, if you are familiar with previous Windows operating systems, used to read, Start...; from this point, one may begin any Windows Vista related task..."

"The button formerly known as Start"?

#23 By 23275 ( at 10/25/2006 2:57:37 AM
#22, 4 out of 10 tested users said, "start what?" - 2 said, "you mean like, Prince?"

"Do you see an icon that is round in the lower left that is larger than all other icons...?"

That one scored best and was most consistently recognized. Associating it with its "Start Orb" name after that began to create an understanding for what it was and later uses of "Start Orb" required less time to get the user to click it. ABout half of tested users did ask, repaetedly, "You mean that round thing...." that was interpreted to be requests for assurance. Many others asked, "why did they do that?"

#24 By 4209 ( at 10/25/2006 11:48:24 AM
Why do you need to explain the START Button. Just tell them to hit the START Key or CTRL-ESC to get the start menu up. If they need to shutdown then tell them to hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and chose SHUTDOWN. WTF is the big deal. Most users can not follow hitting the Start Button when it says Start on it.

As for IE7, I am not impressed, I still prefer Firefox. I like Firefox 2 as it has subtle new things that I like. Spell Check , Better Tabbing, AntiPhish, not to mention still faster than IE is. Maybe it is me but I prefer it over IE. Does it deserve to be called 2, well I do not care so it does not to me.

#25 By 23275 ( at 10/25/2006 12:28:24 PM
#25 - it is all about "Time to Resolution" - see, customers have very limited patience. They can already be stressed, or in a hurry - so one has to get them moving quickly and get support issues solved nearly immediately. That's why we study what seem like silly things for so long. Then we practice, practice, practice.

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