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  Windows Updates are Out - Caution
Time: 08:41 EST/13:41 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: John Quigley

MS has released their latest group of patches. There are some major issues with the current patches that need to know before they are installed. Patch KB921883 can affect HTTPS traffic. it has been confirmed on several machines that this patch breaks HTTPS functions. You cannot sign in to, or access pages reliably that use certificates, (most will not work), secure communications programs fail. There is a second patch related to this one when un-installing, KB920214. Once both these are un-installed, the system will function fine. Test your patches, otherwise you will get burned.

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#1 By 3653 ( at 8/9/2006 12:19:50 PM
no issues here. IE7b3.

speaking of browsers, it appears firefox is hurting in today's blogosphere...

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 at 12:20.

#2 By 13030 ( at 8/9/2006 3:07:16 PM
#4: You're just grumpy because you've been caught saying Firefox is relevant. (It's ok to admit that a non-MS product is relevant. It won't hurt you. It may actually have the benefit of making you seem to be more open-mided and less of a MS zealot! I just hope there won't be a falling out between you and NotParker.)

A browser javascript performance test that ranks the "random number engine" test equally with DOM, ajax, layers and string manipulations? lol

Considering the tuned nature of Opera, I'm not surprised that it trumped IE and Firefox. Opera has always been a screamer.

#3 By 32132 ( at 8/9/2006 3:57:53 PM

Linux ... 0%.


IE7 ... already a bigger market share than Opera. And gaining on Firefox fast.

#4 By 13030 ( at 8/9/2006 4:52:14 PM
#6: Who mentioned anything about Linux? You always seem to dig up Linux stats regardless of the actual topic at hand. (An unhealthy obsession, I'm sure.)

Now the browser market share link is relevant [Sponser's Note: This usage of "relevant" is brought to you by mooresa56].

Here's some more links showing that Firefox market share ranges between 10% and 25%:

It is interesting how some of the above sites explain higher Firefox share. They believe that the more technically savvy the audience, the more likely they are to use Firefox. I'm not surprised.

This post was edited by ch on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 at 16:52.

#5 By 32132 ( at 8/9/2006 5:49:09 PM
#7 "Who mentioned anything about Linux?"


I always like to point out that Firefox on Windows helps to ensure Windows dominance of the OS marketplace.

IMHO, Firefox is help to undermine Linux type (BDS's etc) operating systems, which is a huge victory for Microsoft.

And, as I like to point out, IE7 already has 1/8th the market Firefox does on the counter,

And, Firefox 2.0 seems devoid of new features that weren't borrowed from IE7, Maxthon and Opera.

I see Linux is at .45% on the hitslink site you mention, 0% (negligible) on thecounter.

"They believe that the more technically savvy the audience, the more likely they are to use Firefox."

On the other hand, IE7 is growing fast. People like new things. In a head to head comparison, IE7 is better than Firefox 2.0. A few loyal geeks will stay with Firefox until they quit supporting Win98. The rest will move the new and improved IE7.

#6 By 13030 ( at 8/9/2006 6:34:55 PM
#9: I always like to point out that Firefox on Windows helps to ensure Windows dominance of the OS marketplace. IMHO, Firefox is help to undermine Linux type (BDS's etc) operating systems, which is a huge victory for Microsoft.

Great! So, when will I see that reflected in my MSFT shares?

#9: In a head to head comparison, IE7 is better than Firefox 2.0.

Oh really? I heard that Firefox 2.0 is better than IE7.

!Parker, I still do not understand this obsession you have regarding Linux. Please explain what possesses you to post anti-Linux propaganda regardless of the topic being discussed.

#7 By 32132 ( at 8/9/2006 7:50:32 PM
#10 propaganda?

Why would you call the truth propaganda?

"I still do not understand this obsession you have regarding Linux"

Well ... some websites/tech rags would have you believe this is the year that Linux will overtake Microsoft on the desktop. I like to point out Linux is at 1% of the desktop market (or less) and has been for 5 years.

If investors were told often enough that Linux and Apple pose no threat to the dominance of Windows on the desktop (instead of the opposite) that might impact your MSFT shares.

Out of curiousity, why (if you really did own MSFT shares) would you not want the truth out there? I'm pretty sure only people who have money invested in Linux desktop companies would call the truth about Linux desktop market share "propaganda".

This post was edited by NotParker on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 at 19:52.

#8 By 3653 ( at 8/9/2006 9:33:32 PM
ch - "reflected in my MSFT shares? "

Has msft really done that badly? perhaps you'll feel better, when you compare it to the linux competition (novell, redhat). And remember, we got an immediate $3/share (~10%) return as a dividend a couple of years ago.

So, don't feel too bad.

and the wikipedia link. really? i thought colbert had already discredited that site.

#9 By 12071 ( at 8/10/2006 12:14:19 AM
#10 "Oh really? I heard that Firefox 2.0 is better than IE7"
Nope - IE7 is the shiite. Check it out:

IE7 beats Firefox 1.5 in EVERY single category there! Oh... sorry, i read it wrong. It doesn't beat is in a SINGLE category!

#12 "and the wikipedia link. really? i thought colbert had already discredited that site"
That's what happens when you think things up rather than reading up about them. Better luck next time - thanks for playing!

"Stephen Colbert Wikipedia Prank Backfires"

"The champion of 'truthiness' couldn't resist making fun of a website where facts, it seems, are endlessly malleable. But after making fun of Wikipedia on Monday night's "Colbert Report," Colbert learned some hard truths about Wikipedia's strength in resisting vandalism. Here's how the segment started: 'Colbert logs on to the Wikipedia article about his show to find out whether he usually refers to Oregon as "California's Canada or Washington's Mexico." Upon learning that he has referred to Oregon as both, he demonstrates how easy it is to disregard both references and put in a completely new one (Oregon is Idaho's Portugal), declaring it "the opinion I've always held, you can look it up."' Colbert then called on users to go to the site and falsify the entry on elephants. But Wikipedia's volunteer administrators were among those watching Colbert, and they responded swiftly to correct the entry, block further mischievous editing, and ban user StephenColbert from the website."

#10 By 17996 ( at 8/10/2006 12:42:32 AM
Is this a legitimate issue, or is this just FUD? "it has been confirmed on several machines..." Who did the confirming? The link just goes back to ActiveWin... is it someone at ActiveWin who had these issues? Did you contact Microsoft support? Has Microsoft said anything?

Without more information, this paragraph is just fearmongering.

#11 By 32132 ( at 8/10/2006 2:33:17 AM

"So what's the bottom line for Firefox 2? There are enough improvements so that anyone who uses Firefox should upgrade. And the beta appears stable enough that you may be able to use it now as your everyday browser.

Is it better than IE7? That depends on which features are most important to you. IE7's anti-phishing tool and built-in RSS reader beat Firefox's. Firefox's tab handling is superior, except for its lack of Quick Tabs. The ace up Firefox's sleeve is still its extensions, because those will give it a significant set of features that IE7 won't have.

Overall, while Firefox 2 is an improvement over 1.5, it's not likely to be the version that helps it overtake IE's dominance in the marketplace. It will be interesting to see if anything else is added by the time Firefox comes out of beta. "

The bottom line (from a web publication people have actually heard of) is that IE7 is superior except in extensions.

IE7 "out of the box" beats the disappointing, feature stealing Firefox 2.0 (which really should be called or something).

#12 By 32132 ( at 8/10/2006 2:35:33 AM
PS I hear the french think openoffice is insecure.

"However, a report just released by the French Ministry of Defense says that it still falls short of Microsoft's office suite in one important area: security.

The classified report follows a one-year study by the Ministry comparing the popular open-source suite to its commercial competitor. During a demonstration for other parts of the French government on July 5, lab director Lt. Col. Eric Filiol showed off some malevolent code the Ministry had developed in order to discover the weak points of both office suites. The researchers found that was more susceptible to certain attacks, including those made via macros.

In some instances, malevolent macros were considered to be secure by the open-source package, and as a result, users were not informed when they were executed. This was in contrast to Office, which barrages users with warnings each time a document with macros is opened.

Lt. Col. Filiol notes that the problems are conceptual, rather than due to sloppy coding. "We did not exploit security holes," he said. Filiol thinks that's rush to achieve a level of features and functionality comparable to that of Microsoft Office has led it to neglect security issues."

Neglecting security ... sounds like Firefox too!!!!

This post was edited by NotParker on Thursday, August 10, 2006 at 02:36.

#13 By 32132 ( at 8/10/2006 2:41:38 AM
Oh, as for Munich ...

"The City of Munich has insisted it is on track with its massive Linux migration, in the face of claims in the German Senate that the project seemed to have failed before it ever got off the ground.


The project's prototype client operating system was presented to the public at the end of May, and the city is now in the middle of testing application software with 100 users, Hofmann told Heise, a German IT news organisation, last week.

"Open Source software at the workplace is a reality in Munich," Hofmann said.

Munich Mayor Christian Ude and deputy Christine Strobl are among those taking part in the trials. Meanwhile, most city administration users are using open source programs for web, email and graphics editing, although Windows is still the underlying platform, Hofmann said."

I love the way they redefine "massive Linux migration" to cover having zero desktops running Linux.

#14 By 13030 ( at 8/10/2006 10:41:50 AM
Wow, the MSD zealots have been busy overnight.

#11: Out of curiousity, why (if you really did own MSFT shares) would you not want the truth out there?

I do want the truth out there and I do own shares in MSFT (and have for many years). The truth is that MS does not realize its full potential any more. They have become a reactive company, not an innovator and that is dissappointing.

#12: Has msft really done that badly? perhaps you'll feel better, when you compare it to the linux competition (novell, redhat). And remember, we got an immediate $3/share (~10%) return as a dividend a couple of years ago.

Has msft really done that badly? perhaps you'll feel better, when you compare it to the linux competition (novell, redhat). And remember, we got an immediate $3/share (~10%) return as a dividend a couple of years ago.

Red Hat is up over 500% compared to MSFT in the past 5 years. I don't own any Linux stocks. :-(

#13: IE7 beats Firefox 1.5 in EVERY single category there! Oh... sorry, i read it wrong. It doesn't beat is in a SINGLE category!

No surprise to those of us willing to abstain from the MS Kool-Aid barrel.

#15: Quoted from Information Week: "Overall, while Firefox 2 is an improvement over 1.5, it's not likely to be the version that helps it overtake IE's dominance in the marketplace."

Frankly, I could care less if Firefox overtakes IE in market share. The pressure it put on MS to get off it's laurels and improve IE is good enough for me. Competition is a wonderful thing...

#16, 17: <shakes head> I see !Parker is still posting about Linux, open source, OpenOffice, anything but MS, etc. even though the conversation has been about IE7 and Firefox.

#15 By 32132 ( at 8/10/2006 11:46:20 AM
"I do want the truth out there and I do own shares in MSFT "

and bitching about me posting about the failures of open source are incompatible.

Lets just say I don't believe a word about you owning MSFT stock unless you just aren't telling us about the shares you own in RedHat etc.

"Frankly, I could care less if Firefox overtakes IE in market share."

Even more incompatible ... and it misses the point that Information Week did say IE7 beat Firefox 2.0 in many features.

This post was edited by NotParker on Thursday, August 10, 2006 at 11:48.

#16 By 13030 ( at 8/10/2006 12:01:58 PM
#19: Lets just say I don't believe a word about you owning MSFT stock...

lol. You are a work.

Believe what you want. Just because I'm not a MS zealot, doesn't mean that I cannot be a MSFT shareholder. You should demand more of MS like I do. (Assuming you actually own any MSFT shares--do you?) I don't hold the Linux and open source companies to task as I do MS because I don't have a stake in them.

From the "The Bottom Line" section of the article: "Is it better than IE7? That depends on which features are most important to you."

Seems rather open-ended to me and not the slam dunk of superiority that you claim.

#17 By 32132 ( at 8/10/2006 1:16:08 PM
#20 Bottom line?

"Is it better than IE7? That depends on which features are most important to you. IE7's anti-phishing tool and built-in RSS reader beat Firefox's. Firefox's tab handling is superior, except for its lack of Quick Tabs. The ace up Firefox's sleeve is still its extensions, because those will give it a significant set of features that IE7 won't have."

As I said, IE7 wins except for extensions. Slam dunk on "out of the box" features.

For someone who claims to own MSFT stock, you sure try and read stuff into the article that is favorable to Firefox that really isn't there.

#18 By 13030 ( at 8/10/2006 1:27:52 PM
#21: As I said, IE7 wins except for extensions. Slam dunk on "out of the box" features.

You're opinion, not the article's. The article was rather undecided, other than stating that it didn't feel that Firefox 2.0 will grab the lead in browser share from IE 7.

For someone who claims to own MSFT stock, you sure try and read stuff into the article that is favorable to Firefox that really isn't there.

Because, in my experience and that of more technically savvy people, Firefox is a superior product to IE. Besides, if Firefox wasn't better, MS would have never made IE 7.

Believe it or not MS zealots, it is possible to own MSFT stock and still not use every one of their products! (Repeat as many times as necessary until it sinks in.) I prefer to use the best product for a task, whether it comes from MS or not is of secondary importance.

!Parker, are you going to take up MS on it's stock buy back offer? I'm not.

#19 By 32132 ( at 8/10/2006 2:01:44 PM
#22 Linux zealots often have reading comprehension problems.

#20 By 13030 ( at 8/10/2006 2:46:26 PM
#23: Linux zealots often have reading comprehension problems.

I'm still trying to understand your Linux fears. Maybe another MS zealot can provide some insight?

Regardless, you still need to clear up the following:

(1) Where in the article does it give a give the "slam dunk" to IE? Help those of us that can't read between the lines like you can.

(2) How do you equate being a Firefox (on Windows!) user with being a Linux zealot? (I can't wait to hear your response to this!)

(3) Are you going to take up MS on it's stock buy back offer?

(4) Finally, this interesting dilema occured to me: Can you truly be a real MS zealot if you don't own MSFT stock?

We are all awaiting NotParker's responses to the above four questions...

#21 By 32132 ( at 8/10/2006 4:13:56 PM
"Where in the article does it give a give the "slam dunk" to IE?"

Which features do Firefox win on?

From the article: "Firefox's tab handling is superior, except for its lack of Quick Tabs."

I'd call that a wash. The other Firefox "win" is extensions.

Therefore I logically conclude that "out of the box", IE7 wins.

Only a linux zealot would give Firefox 2.0 a win.

#22 By 13030 ( at 8/10/2006 4:29:25 PM
#25: Therefore I logically conclude that "out of the box", IE7 wins.

Thank you for your opinion.

Now, how about addressing items 2, 3, and 4 from my post #24? Don't be evasive, just answer the the questions. Until you answer those questions, I designate you billc. Not billg as in Bill Gates, but billc as in Bill Clinton, since you demonstrate an inate ability to evade questions you don't want to answer or find too tough to answer.

#23 By 16451 ( at 8/11/2006 8:37:51 AM
#18 I see !Parker is still posting about Linux, open source, OpenOffice, anything but MS, etc. even though the conversation has been about IE7 and Firefox

Actually, the conversation should have been about reported problems with recently released patches from MS. Perhaps noone here actually supports MS products in a commercial environment, else they would be concerned with the subject of the linked article instead of uselessly bickering back and forth on a subjective issue.

#24 By 32132 ( at 8/11/2006 12:42:31 PM
"anything but MS..."

Weird. I was sure I was posting about how good IE7 was when compared to Firefox.

Suddenly the OSS fanatics have reading comprehension problems!!!

Ha ha ha. Thanks for the laugh.

#25 By 13030 ( at 8/11/2006 1:31:47 PM
billc, NotParker, billc...

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