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  Firefox beta 2.0 incorporates phishing filters and a spell checker
Time: 18:18 EST/23:18 GMT | News Source: *Linked Within Post* | Posted By: Chris Hedlund

Early testers have highlighted several changes to the software; it now features an integrated spell checker designed for bloggers and forum posters, and a phishing filter. The phishing filter uses a list of suspected malware sites as well as Google's site listings to flag potentially hazardous websits.

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#1 By 32132 ( at 7/10/2006 6:58:50 PM
A spell checker!!!!! That surely rates a jump from 1.x to 2.x!!!

#2 By 20505 ( at 7/10/2006 11:53:46 PM

No offence, but didn’t MS jump from IE 6 to IE 7 with the addition of tabs?

#3 By 1401 ( at 7/11/2006 12:02:34 AM
I think a new icon justified the jump from IE 5.5 to IE 6

#4 By 61 ( at 7/11/2006 8:41:24 AM
Tabs, prcoess isolation, updated rendering engine, phising filter... there is a lot of new stuff in IE7 that didn't even make it into Firefox 2.

Also, IE6 was supposed to have smart tags (which were really cool) until people that hadn't even used or seen the technology decided that Microsoft was abusing their monopoly (which they weren't) and so they took that out. Then you have the media bar (really, not that great), and an updated rendering engine.

#5 By 8556 ( at 7/11/2006 9:25:05 AM
Remember the 90's when Word jumped from 2.0 to 6.0 to match Word Perfect's number system? Office numbers jumped also. This is just marketing, although it seems stupid. At least we're not on 1,000,000.0 yet on any programs.

This post was edited by bobsireno on Tuesday, July 11, 2006 at 09:26.

#6 By 13030 ( at 7/11/2006 10:15:12 AM
I'm still wondering what warranted every Office version since 97...

#7 By 15406 ( at 7/11/2006 12:47:25 PM
#2: Don't confront Parkkkker with reality. He can't handle it!

#8 By 32132 ( at 7/11/2006 2:54:08 PM
I like the new magnification cursor in IE7. A nice improvement. One of many.

Poor coffee boy ... always projecting.

#9 By 32132 ( at 7/11/2006 3:01:05 PM
Whats new in IE7

Building on the broad success of Internet Explorer 6, Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 focuses on three key areas:

Dynamic Security Protection: Internet Explorer 7 takes security to a new level with new functionality that thwarts malicious software, as well as protect users against data theft from fraudulent Web sites. Additionally, Internet Explorer 7 gives users full control over adding functionality to their browsing experiences, allowing for safe and easy add-on functionality while avoiding inadvertent downloads of unwanted software.
Everyday Tasks Made Easier and Faster: Internet Explorer 7 has enhanced capabilities, making it even more productive for today's savvy Internet users. Internet Explorer 7 focuses on making searching, browsing multiple sites, and printing easier and faster. The toolbar search box contains MSN Search; you can modify the search bar to include AOL search, Ask Jeeves, and Yahoo Search.
Improved Platform for Web Development and Manageability: Enhancements to the Internet Explorer 7 display engine allow Web developers to more easily create attractive and functional Web sites, while maintaining the ability to browse existing Web content. The new Really Simple Syndication (RSS) platform support allows other applications to integrate with the browsing experience. Also, it is now easier for network administrators to centrally deploy and manage Internet Explorer for large numbers of users.

RSS Feeds
Microsoft Phishing Filter
Protected Mode (Vista)
Secure Sockets Layer
Microsoft ActiveX Opt-In
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Updates
Portable Network Graphics (PNG
XMLHTTP Native Support
Internationalized Domain Name
Tabbed Browsing
HTML 4.0.1 Support
Select Element

#10 By 32132 ( at 7/11/2006 3:02:21 PM
I like the new printing features as well.

I think all of the above rate a jump for 6 to 7.

As for Firefox ... really, isn't it just 1.5.5?

#11 By 37047 ( at 7/11/2006 3:50:55 PM
So, given all the updates in IE 7, I would have to agree with Parker that this deserves a bump in the major number. Given all this, and given the feature set of Firefox 1.5.x and Firefox 2.x, I feel that Firefox should get a major version bump too.

Mozilla Corporation: The next version of Firefox should not be Firefox 2.0. It should be Firefox 7.0, since the features of IE 7 are close to the features of Firefox 2.x.

#12 By 15406 ( at 7/11/2006 4:19:22 PM
#9: Your IE7 list looks like the current feature set of Firefox, with one or two exceptions like ActiveXploits.

#13 By 37047 ( at 7/11/2006 4:43:07 PM
#12: Actually, Firefox already has an ActiveX opt-in system. To get ActiveX plugins to work, you have to manually download a plug-in that allows ActiveX to function in Firefox, so that is as opt-in as you can get. And so far, I have not actually had a need to "opt in".

#14 By 32132 ( at 7/11/2006 6:33:23 PM
#11,12,13 I see coffee and donut boy couldn't find any "new" features in Firefox 2.0 to justify a version # jump either.

#15 By 3653 ( at 7/11/2006 11:53:42 PM
latch is 'coffee boy'. i love it. and the name is starting to stick with every quick-release comment he makes.

spell checker? lol. welcome to 1994. state of the art firefox (isnt that a cute techno-glitzy name) technology.

phishing filter? whats the point? i thought open source was innoculated against all forms of online deception. was i misinformed by the yellow tech rags?

regardless, i'm not sure why so few features are being released. they are overdue, since security fixes have dominated their change log for quite a while now. don't believe me? check and look at all that nice yellow, orange, and red. swiss cheese anyone?

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 at 00:01.

#16 By 37047 ( at 7/12/2006 9:01:45 AM
#15: Where is the spell checker in IE 6? Non-existant, that's where. So much for IE being "state of the art".

As for the phishing filter, phishing is a social engineering problem, not a software hole, and both IE and Firefox are taking measures to address it, even though downloadable third-party extensions to address this are available for both browsers currently.

Given that Microsoft is finally updating the print routines and adding tabs, and bumping the version number because of it, then just about any piece of software on the planet can bump a major version number whenever it feels like it. Why isn't MS just calling this minor update IE 6.1? RSS feeds? Firefox has had this for quite a while, possibly from the beginning. CaptiveX opt-in? Should never have been there in the first place. CSS updates? About time. PNG support? About time, too.

It seems that most of the new IE features that NotParker and mooresa56 are crowing about are merely reactions by Microsoft to the features found in browsers like Firefox and Opera. If it wasn't for the superior quality of Firefox and Opera, Microsoft wouldn't give a crap about IE any more than it has for the past 5 years. They'd patch the occasional hole, and otherwise ignore it, but for the fact that Firefox was taking marketshare away from them.

However, I don't expect rectum-sucker and ass-licker (NotParker and mooresa56, respectively) to understand a concept like that.

This post was edited by MysticSentinel on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 at 15:15.

#17 By 15406 ( at 7/12/2006 9:28:00 AM
#14: I don't know why I still respond to your nonsense. You've been debunked time and again. You've proved yourself to be a total MS apologist unable to discern reality from the Bill G fantasy in your head.

#15: I think Parkkker's fanatacism is rubbing off on you. Time to get him out of your mouth, cheese boy.

#16: Ever notice that, while Parkkker is fully and irrevocably up Bill G's ass, moron56 is up Parkkker's ass? Haven't you noticed how he never says anything until his master says it first?

#18 By 37047 ( at 7/12/2006 10:13:04 AM
Man, does this place ever need a twit filter. Then I would be saved from having to see the drivel spewed by rectum-sucker and ass-licker.

#19 By 37047 ( at 7/12/2006 10:13:57 AM
Since this board does not have a twit filter, I think I'll twit filter this entire thread.

#20 By 32132 ( at 7/12/2006 11:17:09 AM
Still, despite all the profanity by coffee boy and donut boy, they still can't think up a good reason why Firefox is jumping to 2.0. Despite a nice rational list of really good reasons why IE 7 is worth a whole new version number, they decide to spew insults in order to distract from the fact Firefox is now bankrupt of new ideas after stealing all the ones they could from Maxthon.

#21 By 37047 ( at 7/12/2006 3:22:20 PM
#20: Since the only externally visible changes to IE are tabs and RSS feed browsing, why is IE being bumped from version 6 to version 7? Where is the spell checker? All the changes mentioned other than the previously mentioned 2 features are internal improvements, not new features. Therefore, to use your narrow-minded reasoning, IE should be bumped to version 6.1, not 7.0.

So, as my final statement on this issue (and I actually mean it this time ;) ) Firefox is jumping to a new major version number for the same reason IE is. Lots of internal changes that result in major architectural changes under the hood, regardless of the limited number of UI changes.

#22 By 32132 ( at 7/12/2006 6:15:13 PM
"only externally visible"?

While I would say that isn't the standard by which normally judge software, I also have to say: Are you legally blind?

What about the improved printing?

The magnification cursor?

Quick tabs?

The new toolbar search box?

SSL - A security report icon now appears to the right of the address bar when you view a page using a Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) connection. Clicking this icon displays a report describing the certificate used to encrypt the connection and the certifying authority that issued the certificate. The security report also provides links to more detailed information.

#23 By 3653 ( at 7/12/2006 9:04:27 PM
nice job mysticsentinal. i'm amazed at the efficiency at which you have relegated yourself to the activewin loony list.

i quote "It seems that most of the new IE features that NotParker and mooresa56 are crowing about" in response to #15. Please show me where I even MENTIONED IE. I know its difficult to see the screen, with your foot squarely in your mouth... but please try to look past that footwear long enought TO READ THE COMMENT you are responding to.

one venti to go please.

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 at 21:05.

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 12:48:53 AM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/29/2023 10:51:38 AM

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