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21:00 EST/02:00 GMT | News Source:
Ent Mag |
Posted By: Adrian Latinak |
Database developers are turning to Windows NT kernel-based workstation operating systems for an increasing share of their development work.
Use of workstations based on the Windows NT kernel -- in other words Windows NT Workstation, Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP -- went up from 58 percent of all developers' workstations in 2000 to 65 percent of all developers' workstations in 2001.
Windows 2000 usage drove that growth, with developers identifying Windows 2000 as their primary development operating system in 42 percent of the cases in 2001 compared with 21 percent in 2000. When the survey was conducted in December, about 3 percent of developers were using Windows XP.
#1 By
2960 (
1/26/2002 10:37:17 PM
After the nonsense I just went through with Windows XP's stupid and annoying Product Activation system, more Win2K than XP I'd say...
#2 By
2332 (
1/26/2002 11:06:01 PM
Funny... after clicking "OK" during my XP install, it never bothered me again.
Of course, that OK button can sure be a pain. Man... "OK".... ouch, hurts just typing it.
#3 By
135 (
1/26/2002 11:31:44 PM
I clicked OK, and it never bothered me again as well. Even after I upgraded the CPU, motherboard, video card and memory in my machine and did a complete reinstall of the OS.
#4 By
116 (
1/26/2002 11:41:59 PM
yeah thats bad TL but whats worse is that annoying 3 hour install of Mac OS X! First you have to install OS 9.2 then OS X then you basically reinstall the whole OS with 10.1
#5 By
116 (
1/26/2002 11:43:26 PM
Oh by the way TL did you get your new iMac yet? I ordered two dells last week on Monday and received them yesterday Friday. Less than a week...
How does Apple compare?
#6 By
1845 (
1/27/2002 12:32:40 AM
Well this developer and everyone in my office uses XP pro, #7. Typically managers (not developers) make the decision about who will use which OS's. Company policy dictates when new rollouts will occur. Did you see the dramatic growth in usage of Windows2000 in 2001. You can expect a similar growth rate with XP in 2002. Guess, you don't have a clue.
#7 By
2459 (
1/27/2002 4:51:36 AM
Windows XP's main goal was to bring the home user over to the NT kernel. XP is a major upgrade to the Win 9x line and NT 4 and under, but only a point release to Windows 2000. There are many added features and kernel improvements that make XP a worthwhile upgrade for some Windows 2000 users, but if a business just rolled out Windows 2000 a few weeks to a year ago, it would not be financially sound to scrap new, usable, Windows 2000 installs just because a new OS (again, a point release) is available.
Plus, the survey was taken less than two months after XP's launch. Most products don't see wide adoption less than two months after release. Most companies running Windows 2000 probably won't have another massive desktop OS rollout until Blackcomb is released, because the next Windows desktop OS, Longhorn, is another point release.
#8 By
135 (
1/27/2002 1:33:39 PM
#11 - Incredible! The most common solution to database breaches were firewalls.
I guess I'm curious who you are calling a kiddie... kiddie.
#9 By
2332 (
1/27/2002 4:21:15 PM
#16 - Ah yes, so you must buy a brand new Mac to not have to go through upgrade hell. Sounds like a typical Jobs ploy. Don't suppose you bought a desk lamp... er... new Mac, did ya?
As far as 15 minutes, 10.1 is the equivalent of a service pack for Windows, and 15 minutes is a bit long for a service pack install. I've personally installed 10.1 on several machines, and it took closer to 30 minutes, which is about the install time for XP on my Athlon.
I feel really sorry for Apple. They used to be an incredibly innovative company, but now all they do is release new shapes and colors. In fact, their market share has steadily decreased since Jobs took over, at least suggesting that people aren't as stupid as I think they are.
#10 By
135 (
1/27/2002 6:37:59 PM
#15 - Can you say Duh? I'm curious exactly what your point is here except to come in, repeat a bunch of things you read somewhere and then insult people.
#11 By
2332 (
1/27/2002 10:23:52 PM
#19 - LOL. You're pretty clueless.
As far as the upgrade, I was half joking because the original comment was so silly. It suggested that upgrades aren't a problem if you just buy a new machine.
"And if you want to avoid the "upgrade hell" for Windows...guess what....you NEED to buy a new machine, too!"
How so? Windows XP upgraded my machine in 37 minutes. (Ya, I timed it... I'm a dork, leave me alone.) It detected everything, and runs like a charm.
"You know the one that's SO secure it has a FBI warning and MUST HAVE security patches installed WEEKLY!"
There has been exactly one security hole in XP since it was released, and it was a complete over reaction on the part of the FBI to make that release. Even if I did have to install a patch every week, Windows Update automatically downloads them to my machine when I'm not using it, and notifies me when it's ready to install. Pretty easy.
In fact, MacOS X has a MUCH more serious problem. The telnet daemon in OS X is the same telnet daemon installed on the BSD/Linux daemon. It allows a complete remote root exploit. In addition to this fairly serious hole, here is a quick list of other OS X security problems:
Ok, I'm tired of copy/pasting... here is a more complete list:
That sure seems like a few more than Windows XP. Hope you have patched!
Continued on next post...
#12 By
2332 (
1/27/2002 10:24:14 PM
Continuation of previous post...
"You don't need to feel sorry for Apple. They're one of the few PC makers that can actually turn a healthy profit while others are laying off employees left and right and are in the red."
Have any proof of their healthy profit? I can't really find any.
"Check your facts, kid...Apple's market share HAS increased since Jobs' return."
Really? Well, first... don't call me kid. Second, you're incorrect:
"Apple's Market Share Falls Below 3 Percent
Apple has a lot of friends in the press, and in their gushing, glowing reviews of the new iMac, everyone seems to have overlooked one crucial fact: The company's worldwide market share has only fallen since Steve Jobs took the helm and no amount of coolness or design savvy can change that. Apple's share of the PC market fell from 3.3 percent in 2002 to less than 2.9 percent at the start of the year, though it controls about 5 percent of the US market, unchanged from the previous year."
Source: http://www.wininformant.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=23882
"Well, have fun with your open ports, RAW sockets, UPnP hole, millions of viruses, FBI alerts, etc."
Open ports? I run the built in firewall in XP. Does OS X have a built in firewall? Raw Sockets? Guess what: OS X HAS RAW SOCKETS TOO! It's based on BSD there smart guy. UPnP hole? Ok, it was patched long ago... automatically. Millions of viruses? Perhaps if Macs had more than 5% US market share they would have more viruses.
Sigh... Mac zealots are funny. You think making computers that come in pretty colors and look like desk lamps is innovative. It's called marketing, not innovation. Ever notice that OS X is actually a step backwards as far as UI design goes? Not entirely, I admit... there are a few very nice things... but overall, it's not very good. XP on the other hand drives the task-oriented theme, which is an *innovation*...
Use whatever you want to use, but don't spread this meaningless drivel.
#13 By
135 (
1/27/2002 10:27:31 PM
#19 - Look, I don't mean to be rude... but I really don't care about the Macintosh. Thus I'm not going to get into a pissing match about which product is better.
I'm sure the 12 people who have MacOS X installed probably really like it. I think that's swell. I'm not one of them, so I refuse to comment on it.
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