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  Microsoft Licenses DVD-Authoring Software for Longhorn
Time: 18:31 EST/23:31 GMT | News Source: WinInformant | Posted By: Julien Jay

Microsoft announced this week that it has licensed Sonic Solutions' DVD-authoring technology, probably for inclusion in the next version of Windows (code-named Longhorn). Following Microsoft's announcement, shares of Sonic Solutions soared almost 40 percent yesterday. Windows XP currently supports CD writing and DVD data recording through the DVD-RAM format; the Sonic software is used with more common DVR-R, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW drives to create movie CDs. By the time Longhorn ships in mid-2003, DVD movie authoring will be much more common than it is today. "We're delighted that Microsoft has chosen Sonic DVD technology," said Bob Doris, president of Sonic Solutions. Microsoft declined to speculate about how it will integrate Sonic's software into Windows, but the company will likely upgrade the Windows Movie Maker (WMM) product to include DVD-authoring capabilities. Microsoft doesn't plan to update WMM until Longhorn ships, despite the fact that other Windows Media components in XP, such as Windows Media Player (WMP), will see major upgrades later this year. Microsoft licensed XP's CD-writing capabilities from Roxio, which makes Easy CD Creator. If the company follows that model again, Longhorn's DVD-authoring tools will probably be fairly basic so that users still have reasons to upgrade to the full Sonic products.

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#1 By 20 ( at 1/12/2002 9:10:00 PM
IMHO, Microsoft should think real hard about trying to do this in XP. I have a feeling that this is a big selling point for Apple, and they will continue to push it and make fun of MS for it.

Unless Longhorn will ship in the next 1.5 years or so, MS may have already missed a very big money boat.

#2 By 61 ( at 1/12/2002 9:49:16 PM
I hate to tell you #1 and #2, but XP already supports the DVD-RAM format.

But I guess you both have neither 1) run XP, or 2) actually read the article.

#3 By 135 ( at 1/13/2002 2:50:56 AM
#5 - The subscription model will never sell in the home computer market, which is the primary place in which DVD editing would be found useful.

This post was edited by sodablue on Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 02:51.

#4 By 61 ( at 1/13/2002 8:27:08 AM
#6, you use DVD-RAM to burn data DVD's.

#5 By 2960 ( at 1/13/2002 8:44:18 AM
Who says Apple doesn't spike 'innovation'.


#6 By 2960 ( at 1/13/2002 8:48:23 AM

"you know most users have a windows pc anyway, and they aren't going to spend the extra money for an apple just for dvd recording"

I did.

I have the new iMac with Superdrive on order now. It will compliment the 3 PC's I have running at the house.

ALL work with digital media (Still Camera, Scanning, Digital Camera, Video, etc...) along with home finances, web browsing, etc... will be moved to the iMac. It's simply better for this sort of work.

The PC's (One is a Firewall/Internet Gateway, one is a file server, and one is a client machine) will retain their duties, except the client machine will be reserved for Gaming and business work.


#7 By 135 ( at 1/13/2002 11:54:36 AM
#8 - Ok, granted never is too strong of a word, but. The software market is very different from the cable television market. Entertainment is transient, whereas software especially the OS is a vital component of the operation of the system.

I just do not see a demand for this from the end users, nor any desire.

On the corporate side, there is arguments and justification for it. However, I can also tell you that we are getting very very very tired of constant software upgrades. I think we would like to see a move in the other direction of perhaps 4 years between major releases, with more effort put towards bug fixes and stabilizing existing stuff.

#8 By 116 ( at 1/13/2002 6:04:46 PM
This isn't about the ability to create just plain old Data DVD's. This is real DVD authoring technology so you could create a DVD movie to play on your DVD player. Think iDVD from Apple replete with Menus, Chapters, Etc . . . In my opinion this won't become popular until the DVD drives come down in price and they flesh out which format is going to be the standard. If you use Apple, you run the risk of using another "BetaMAX." Anybody remember those (competing vcr tape)? As for them innovating the product, that couldn't be further from the truth. They did not design the DVD-R, DVD +RW, or DVD-RW standards. Thats great and all that they are shipping products today but to me its 1) Too Expensive, 2)Standard Format still not decided, and 3)I don't have a big need to do this. I can wait a year. If your apple its good I suppose because lord knows they need something to cheer about.

As for Apple's innovation I can't say it better than the daily show's John Stewart: "And today Apple release revolutionary lamp computing technology." I'll admit that I thought Apple's iMacs were fruity and "toy like" before. But this new crap is too much. The iMac looks just like the lamp from Pixar. They just priced themselves out of the market too. In the future the cheapest iMac's will be 1200 bucks. So long to the cheap mac's. Needless to say I am not impressed with the iMacs and will reserve my condemning it to the junk pile until I actually play around with it. Looks alone make me want to hate it though so don't hold your breath.

Sorry TL I think you just wasted 1800 bucks. If you already own a PC then why not just buy the DVD drive for 500 bucks?

This post was edited by RedAvenger on Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 22:09.

#9 By 135 ( at 1/13/2002 11:41:46 PM
#17 - I don't disagree with you in part. Software has been sold as a subscription service for years in the corporate world. Although they are called maintenance agreements.

The problem is, I don't think you will see $50/year, but more like $500/year.

If they price it really cheap it could be a tremendous success, otherwise forget it.

It's like a lot of games today. They charge you $10/month to get access to the online servers. Which is too expensive, because I don't play the same game all the time. I may drop it for months and then come back. Now if I paid $10/month to get access to all the game servers that company offers, it may be more reasonable.

It all depends on the perceived value.

#10 By 2960 ( at 1/14/2002 8:37:51 AM

The Apple SuperDrive creates DVD's that work in nearly every DVD player ever made. If there does happen to be a format change on burners, who cares? You act like every DVD you make with a SuperDrive will 'all of a sudden' quit working in DVD players.

Changes in technology don't make the previous technology stop working 'all of a sudden'.

Your beta vs. vhs remark is so far off base and non-applicable, I won't even bother to go into it.

Oh, and thanks for being concerned about my finances, but I'm quite pleased and very ok with my $1800 purchase of the iMac LCD :)


#11 By 135 ( at 1/14/2002 1:44:39 PM
Yes, if it were like $25/month and I received the full version of Office plus the OS I could see it as a viable alternative. If it's much more than that, forget it.

I agree with #25 that it's a paradigm shift for consumers as well. Most home user do just tend to buy a PC, keep whatever software is on it and then when it stops working they buy a new PC.

The model might work, but Microsoft would probably have to take a loss for the first couple of years before it works itself out. They can afford to do that, they have the cash, but it'll impact their stock price. Will they be willing to do this? That I don't know, which is why I fear they'll try to go with a much higher dollar figure.

#12 By 116 ( at 1/14/2002 1:57:53 PM
Actually TL it is very applicable. Beta tapes didn't just stop working (I never said they did). Sure they still worked and everything, but can you show me where I can buy beta tapes today? How much more are they then VHS? The point I was making is that if Apple chooses wrong then the media you use to burn your DVD's is going to be in short supply and you will probably end up having to pay a premium for it. But then you bought an Apple so I guess you don't have a problem with that. No need to get upset, but I think you just wasted 1800 bucks. A pity since I just got a refurbished Dell Dimension 4300 with a Dell 17 in. Flat panel for less than $1000 dollars. A 1.6 ghz machine with all the bells and whistles and doesn't look like a toy. Add a $500 DVD drive and you have a machine that has a bigger screen, does everything an iMac can do and more, doesn't look gay, and has the best support and service in the world. Now who do you think made the right decision here?

#13 By 3339 ( at 1/14/2002 2:52:09 PM
Red and any others who would try to make you believe that DVD-RW is the betaMax of DV:
DVD-RW is playable by 90-95% of all DVD players recording both Digital Video and dta formatted DVDs. DVD-RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW formats are all a part of ONE consortium which will be releasing players and recorders which support all of these formats. DVD-RW+ disks are playable by about 65% - 80%.

As for tyhose who would seriously like to author video DVDs, the iMac will be much easier to use with both iMovie and iDVD as well as the fact that Apple has already driven the cost of their own media down to $5 per disc. You can get most media for about $10, frequently $15, and for DVD-RW+ I've mostly seen it for $20 per disc. I would go with the cheaper, easier, compatible, existing solution.

#14 By 116 ( at 1/14/2002 4:17:25 PM
Thats great and all about you looking into your magic ball SodaJerk, but the fact remains no one knows which format is going to be decided on. The market will decide not Apple or anyone else.

#15 By 3339 ( at 1/14/2002 4:34:12 PM
Red, I could care less if you decide to get the ability to create DVDs before 2003; I was just saying that those who make DVD-R, DVD-RW, and DVD-RAM have gotten together and in about a month you will start seeing players and recorders supporting all three formats... If you don't think that combined with the ability of 95% of all DVD players (both PC and TV/home media) to play DVD-RW and combined with support from 3 or 4 of the large PC manifacturers, doesn't spell the end of DVD+RW, well.. I guess you invested in HomeRF instead of Wi-Fi.

By the way, who created the market for USB, Airport, and Firewire and who is likely to sell over 5 million SuperDrives this year? Oh yeah, Apple...

#16 By 116 ( at 1/14/2002 5:36:00 PM
Again its still up in the air what format is going to be decided upon so talk all you want. You still don't know which one is going to end up being "THE" format of the future. As for USB that is an Intel created technology (not Apple), WiFi was not "created" by apple as you say. If you look at products sold they are a very small percentage of the wireless market. Firewire was created by apple and used mostly for DV Camcorders and a few hard drives. And it is a good technology so I will give you that one. If you want to get into a numbers game I guarantee you more DVD writers will be sold for use with PC's than Apple. Its simple math jerk get a clue. Apple has 5% of the market. Can't argue with numbers now can you?

#17 By 3339 ( at 1/14/2002 5:54:33 PM
Red, I don't care that Intel created USB (did I ever say they did? NO); I asked who created the marketplace for USB devices to grow? Since you're a blinded softie, you wouldn't know that Intel sat on the technology for 2 years with few if any peripherals made to use it. There were NO major manufacturers shipping a PC with USB until Apple did it. I didn't say Apple created WiFi either, but they were the first to include it in their machines, were the first to make ALL of their products with built-in antennaes and widely popularized it. Apple didn't invent the 3.5 floppy either, Red, but who created a market for that? Apple. I also didn't say that Apple would be the largest shipper of DVD writers, or that they would sell more than for the PC market (no sh1t?)... in fact, as I consider it, maybe they will be the largest shipper of DVD writers however (more than any one PC manufacturer at least (possibly))... My point with making up such a number is that if in the PC world, you ship 5 million, you may still have a bomb. If that happens in the Apple world, it's a major trend whereby an entire market sector is now enabled with a technology that the rest of the world thinks is cutting edge. And will copy. The DVD burning market will be established this year and it will be because of Apple. So apparently you wouldn't understand a numbers argument in the first place, but whatever, Red. Take FireWire for example -- even though most PCs don't have them, their are probably more 1394 ports for PCs, right? But I've yet to meet a PC user who really appreciates FireWire. Of course, how many PC users call it FireWire even though not a single OEM has licensed the name from Apple and that people still haven't learned that FireWire specifically provides a bus to power the device but not all 1394 can do so? For Apple which has already established FireWire in ALL of its products, it's more widely used than just camcorders -- everything can benefit from faster bus speeds -- except devices which hit ceilings like mouses and keyboards -- like CD-RW, HDs, MP3 Players, etc... it can also be used for creating networks or P2P networks. Basically, you don't even know how advanced FireWire really is.

#18 By 116 ( at 1/14/2002 7:35:01 PM
Thats pretty funny speak about apple considering 95% of the world doesn't even use their stuff. But the way you make it sound they are the most powerful company in the industry, and all the PC manufacturers are just chomping at the bit for every MacWorld so we can see what new cool technologies we are going to get on our PC's. Gimme a break. Where was Apple with CDRW? They missed the boat on that one? And MP3's, digital music and video? Well behind Windows in that area.

I don't see writeable DVDs taking off big time until the drives get to $250. And that won't happen till next year so sorry Apple boy not this year.

What about Mac monitors? THey took the publically available DVI specification (for flat panels) and made it proprietary. They also send power throught there DVI connector so when you hook up an Apple flat panel its just one cord. Only problem is noone else does it like that so your apple monitor can only work on a newer apple computer with the built in special connector. Way to go apple. Being different just for the sake of being different is just silly.

#19 By 3339 ( at 1/14/2002 7:52:58 PM
Boy, it hurts Red doesn't it? My initial point was that you can bet on the DVD Consortium which backs DVD-RAM, DVD-R, and DVD-RW. You didn't buy that, or that Apple innovates so I support it by mentioning some examples of Apple nnovation. You try to dismiss it by saying they didn't invent the stuff. I explain what I mean by opening a new market and bringing new products and technologies into use. You say no way and point out that Apple didn't ship a CDRW and that they have their own DVI technology. What does this have to do with the best standard for DVD and its penetration into the market this year?

You don't see the market taking off until the drives get to $250 -- well, by the end of the year, I bet they are nearly ubiquitous across the entire Mac line and at exactly that price so I'll see you in the future, Red.

#20 By 135 ( at 1/15/2002 12:01:55 AM
sodajerk - RedAvenger is correct, when the technology hits a certain price point it becomes popular. Apple really has no part in this equation, whether or not the technology is used by Apple is irrelevant to the marketplace because it's such low volume. Apple only adds this extra stuff because it boosts profit margins and makes people feel warm and fuzzy for spending 50% more on a computer.

Apple is also very good at gouging customers, and locking them into buying proprietary flat panel monitors is just one example of that. They also used proprietary VGA connectors, serial connectors, what else? Apple has a long history of this, for no other reason than to boost profit margin through customer lock-in to Apple products.

As strange as it might sound, it's that closed architecture which really turns me off from buying Apple. I was actually surprised their wireless solution followed the 802.11 spec.

You know, I've never liked Apple but I've only recently begun to really despise the company and it's largely because of it's supporters like sodajerk who keep spamming the web forums with Mac crap.

#21 By 4240821 ( at 10/25/2023 7:05:58 PM

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