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  MSN Search Surpasses Competition to Become No. 1 Search Service In the United States
Time: 15:25 EST/20:25 GMT | News Source: CNET | Posted By: Adrian Latinak

According to Jupiter Media Metrix,(1) MSN(R) Search has surpassed Yahoo! Search and is now the No. 1 search service in the United States. Not coincidentally, use of MSN Search has reached 36.6 million unique users in the United States, compared with Yahoo! Search's 31.9 million users.(1) MSN Search leadership extends to several international markets where it also surpasses Yahoo! Search, including Australia, Canada, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.(2) Available in 33 markets and 15 languages, MSN Search reveals the success of the service's efforts to provide the 270 million unique monthly visitors worldwide to the MSN network of Internet services with the most relevant results available on the Web.

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#1 By 3339 ( at 1/10/2002 3:42:41 PM
Baloney! Not coincidently, MS has rewritten IE to redirect missed connections to MSN Search... and that's where the numbers come from. Of course, this is a huge pain in the @ss because I usually know where I'm going but maybe inserted a typo -- before I could just insert or remove a character from the address bar, now I have to retype the whole address unless MS can match the site name with the typo... of course, this hardly ever happens. Thanks for making navigating the web harder, MS, and for inflating your own numbers!

#2 By 1295 ( at 1/10/2002 3:55:56 PM
ah yes... another penguin thumper who hasn't learned how to configure his browser yet.

Ok yet again i'll be your little helper

Tools -> Internet Options -> "Advanced" Tab -> Under "Search" Choose the "Do not search from the Address Bar" radio button.

Personally I would have figured you for a Netscrape user... but hey I'm always happy to help out a noob.

#3 By 3339 ( at 1/10/2002 4:37:14 PM
Great, thanks Hump. But yet again, you show your own silly prejudices -- I am not a Linux fan nor have I ever run a Linux distro.

My point remains about where these results come from...

And by the way, at home... I run 4 browsers: OmniWeb, then Opera, then Netscape, and lastly (if ever) Explorer.

At work, I use Explorer, and Opera and Netscape for testing.

#4 By 135 ( at 1/10/2002 5:02:19 PM
I guess I don't understand the point.

I thought the dotcom craze of getting hits didn't work towards profitability.

#5 By 3339 ( at 1/10/2002 5:19:57 PM
Actually anon, if you have the feature on you, are redirected to an msn page (not your typo address with an error page). Before "my" address would perist in the address bar while displaying the error page and I could just correct the problem. Now... although now I've shut it off, I get a new MSN search address, a search form, and a few suggestions that usually aren't right , and surprise, surprise, are usually owned by MS -- so I have to retype over to get to where I was going. I usually know where I'm going so I don't need the crap choices, and yes, it does create more work for me, idiot.

#6 By 3339 ( at 1/10/2002 5:54:37 PM
stubby, "so the address bar the MSN Search error page comes up with isn't good enough for you?"

I don't want any quality from this sort of page-- my problem is with what is displayed in the address bar.

"Not to mention that in many cases, if it is indeed a typo, there will be a list of possible corrections you can click on instead of having to retype the address itself."

No, kidding, unfortunately, it's correct about 1 in 40 times. Useless.

"I like the new error pages and I could care less if it is powered by MSN Search or Google. Did you ever think, however, that no other search engine offers this type of functionality?"

Did you ever think that I don't want this functionality so I don't give a damn who offers it or not. It's shut off now, it'll stay shut off.

"Perhaps if they did then there could be a way to tell IE which to use. Fact is Microsoft has given its users yet another useful feature that some will complain about and raise the spectre of anti-trust violations (with no reasonable argument as to why this is an anti-trust violation)."

I think it is clear that if a substantial number of these hits are being "artificially" produced by their product that, yes, their are concerns since these numbers are the basis for advertising revenue.

"You sir, are the idiot."

I didn't have anything particular to say about your character; I was responding to the anon who couldn't follow a straight forward sentence and can't admit that, yes, it actually throws an extra step in the way if you know where you're going. He's the idiot...

#7 By 3339 ( at 1/10/2002 6:55:28 PM
Boy, #18, I guess we shut 'em up. Can you believe it? Of course, some fool will come by in an hour or two and say, "Well, you can shut it off!" Of course, despite what Hump said, I'd consider myself pretty savvy, and it took me until now to figure it out.

#8 By 3339 ( at 1/10/2002 8:22:31 PM
Thanks, sunglasses, yes, that will help. Jagged, great, but irrelevent. The Search sidebar isn't something that get's forced on you. Address bar Searches do. And clearly, MS built this to be misleading: i.e. radio buttons are used when something has to be choosed, but in this case, you start with and can have NONE chosen? WTF? And as sunglasses says,"it resets on you."

Oh, further, Jagged, thanks for confirming my point in 19; that some softie will come out of the woodwork and say something stupid, "I don't ever make typos so it is not an intrusive feature." (I know you didn't say exactly that, but that's the gist -- i.e. if you did have a typo, it would be an annoyance to be redirected to a completely different address.) I don't care about an individual's way of circumventing an MS "feature"; I care about either eliminating it, getting benefit from it, hearing someone defend it, hearing someone attack it, etc...

Why do the softies always say, "It's not a problem because I do things this way." Instead of appreciating how a general audience approaches it and thereby seeing the problem or annoyance.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 20:30.

#9 By 135 ( at 1/10/2002 10:31:20 PM
"Just because we can find work-arounds doesn't mean that the average user will."

I always love the argument that the average user is stupid, that is why they won't <fillintheblank>.

The average user knows how to do several things quite easily, one of them is changing their default web page to I've yet to see an end user who did not know how to do this simple task.

#10 By 3653 ( at 1/10/2002 10:31:32 PM

Get a life people. Do you have so little going on in your life... that you are only left with being amazed by so little.

You people are wierd! Get away from your computer once in awhile. Jeez!

#11 By 1295 ( at 1/10/2002 11:39:33 PM
OK... this is cracking me up that this has turned into a war on microsoft making their browser easy for people to use

We are all "advanced users" here (/me cringes). So since everybody should and I hope does use since it owns I'm going to make your life sooooooo fucking easy right now.

In IE6 do this to get a google search from the address bar:

Tools > Advanced > Search > "Choose One but not Do not use address bar"

Click the Search Button on the toolbar
In the search pane click "Change Preferences"
Click "Change Internet Search Behavior"
Click "With Classic Internet Search"
Choose Google from the list of over 13 Search Engines (Which includes AOL!!!!@!!$@!$@)
Click OK
Close the search pane

Type in a search phrase into the address bar.

Now with that said you do not get that kind of functionality from Netscrape or others.

Sodajerk... you need some serious help.

#12 By 116 ( at 1/11/2002 8:56:42 AM
I swear this is the lamest complaint I have ever heard. Have you written Microsoft that you don't like this feature? They are a business and they listen to their customers. If enough people don't like it they will change it. In my opinion this is a pretty lame thing to get all bent out of shape about. Its like arguing that they changed the icons in Internet Explorer thus FORCING me to look at their new icons. This is of course brought about by MS using their monopoly power to force users to see new icons everytime they are in internet explorer. And heres the real shocker on Windows XP the IE World GLobe logo is replaced with a Windows Flag!!!!

The sky is falling the sky is falling!!!

#13 By 2960 ( at 1/11/2002 10:24:47 AM
You mean most of the people have not heard of Google!

Google is the BEST search engine on the net, period.


#14 By 2960 ( at 1/11/2002 10:27:49 AM
Mr. Humpty,

While useful information, your answer to #1 is, well, uncalled for.

MS pre-sets the browser prefs to do EXACTLY what SodaJerk indicates.

Not everyone is a Geek. Millions and millions and millions of people have no idea about this option, will ever know to change it, and THAT is how MS racks up these numbers.


#15 By 2960 ( at 1/11/2002 10:33:03 AM

Now THAT was a useful post.



#16 By 1845 ( at 1/11/2002 12:00:38 PM
You're awesome Red! Yes, to me this is quite a stupid debate. I'm quite surprised that nobody mentioned the default when installing yahoo messenger is the ever so annoying Yahoo companion search bar thing. I'm surprised nobody complained that Microsoft has been using MSN autosearch since, IE 4, if I remember correctly.

Also, one thing I do before I buy a product is try it out. If the company offering the product doesn't offer evals (servers, for instance) I'll do research to find its features and find what other purchasers have said about it. Then I'll make the decision to buy it or not. I tested previous of both IE 6 on Windows2000 and WindowsXP. I liked it, so I installed the release on my daily use machines. I've tried Opera 6, Mozilla .9, Netscape 6.2, and others. I didn't choose them. I don't attack them and say the control me, I say, I didn't choose them. All of you have the same choice.

The moral of the story is this, if you don't like it, don't use it!

#17 By 1845 ( at 1/11/2002 12:06:48 PM
#39 You are really annoying. Just FYI.

#18 By 135 ( at 1/11/2002 1:51:45 PM
#42 - I don't think people believe that. People simply believe you are an annoying jerk.

#43 - Let's assume that you are correct, and users are morons who don't know how to change their default home page. Then does it not seem reasonable that Microsoft should install defaults that give the user a satisfying user experience without them having to go in and muck with things?

You have placed yourself in an interesting logic loop. If you are correct, then Microsoft has done the right thing. If you are incorrect, then what Microsoft does does not matter.

You may have started with the right argument, but you ended with the wrong conclusion.

#19 By 116 ( at 1/11/2002 2:21:59 PM
Dude you need to go chill out #42.

#20 By 116 ( at 1/11/2002 6:33:52 PM
Hopefully not you #48.

#21 By 135 ( at 1/11/2002 7:48:00 PM
#47 - As a user do you appreciate being asked lot's of stupid questions? I know I don't.

I use for searching because I find it better and easier to use than yahoo. I don't use because I don't like it. As long as people provide a better product, it doesn't matter what the default settings are, people will go look elsewhere.

That has been consistently proven.

I'm afraid I just see a lot of anti-MS people whining.

#22 By 135 ( at 1/12/2002 12:41:45 AM
#51 - Who cares who is #1?

#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/25/2023 7:04:55 PM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/29/2023 6:51:45 PM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 3:53:30 AM

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