Well, Chris, it really is about the EU and their lack of a constitution. What we have learned over this year is that the EU constitution was rejected by France and Belguim because their citizens, in large part, feared more competition not less. Given this fact, it is no wonder that they are trying railroad Microsoft into revealing their IP and fining the crap out of them before their legal rights have been fully exercised through the EU's own stated appeal process. An appeal process that has rejected the rulings of the so-called "Competitive Counsel" more often than not.
By the way, the US came to the rescue in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War for the Europeans through the use or threat of war, bombs, and violence. It seems to have worked, some 800 million people are free today because of it.
Woah! Chris is wearing panties on his head (again - smirk) - torture! torture! Abugreb! Abugreb! lol