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  Anti-MS Group Aims to Block Vista
Time: 15:41 EST/20:41 GMT | News Source: BetaNews | Posted By: Todd Richardson

A public interest lawyer who is also intending to run as a Republican in the 2006 Illinois gubernatorial race is taking his fight to Microsoft in hopes of preventing the company from releasing what he calls "bad code." Andy Martin of The Committee to Fight Microsoft on Tuesday announced his intentions to block Microsoft from releasing its Windows Vista operating system. Martin intends to ask Microsoft for an unconditional warranty that the operating system is free of bugs that could result in security vulnerabilities.

"Bill Gates sells the public defective products, and then expects us to spend years being his guinea pigs, while he corrects the myriad of defects and vulnerabilities in his defective code. This is mass consumer fraud." Martin argued. "It is unacceptable corporate behavior. Over four years after Windows XP was released I still receive regular 'updates' and 'bug fixes,' which reflect a product that was originally scandalously defective."

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#1 By 7754 ( at 8/9/2005 4:30:38 PM
Great! As long as Sun, Novell, RedHat, IBM, Apple, and every other OS vendor out there is held accountable to release defect-free OSes, I'm all for it. Of course, we'd never see another OS release in our life, but hey, we took a stand!

#2 By 9589 ( at 8/9/2005 4:49:39 PM
Good 'ol Andy . . . One of the original I hate Microsoft crowd. They just don't make'em like they used to!

Oh, by the way, Andy, the sue the crap out of Microsoft crowd has moved on. There are over in the EU. Where even though they don't have a constitution that anyone would actually vote for, have been successful in extracting, without the hinderance of a full appeallate review, nearly 2/3 of a billion dollars from Microsoft. By comparison, Andy, you are an abject failure at bloodsucking from the corporate teat.

And, Andy, you won't be elected Governor because you hate Microsoft.

Sorry. . .

#3 By 15406 ( at 8/9/2005 4:57:18 PM
This guy is an idiot. As much as I dislike MS, what he's asking is impossible. What's surprising is that he's a pro-business Republican.

#4 By 61 ( at 8/9/2005 4:58:34 PM
In a way, it does come with a warentee, which is exactly why you get FREE updates.

#5 By 3653 ( at 8/9/2005 5:37:46 PM
proof that "republican" isn't always equivalent to "pro-business".

#6 By 1896 ( at 8/9/2005 7:24:44 PM
Why not keep political orientations out of this debate. IMO an incompetent is an incompetent no matter what his/her political opinions are.

#7 By 1926 ( at 8/9/2005 7:40:05 PM
1. Once again a typical lawyer and politician that will crowd our courts with crap.
2. He obviously isn't bright enough to make a better product
3. Doing a google search on his outfit brings up an interesting article that says MS hates the muslims,,,,,who cares?

#8 By 2332 ( at 8/9/2005 11:47:58 PM
Bwhahahaha.... what an idiot.

People like this should be unconditionally fired from whatever jobs they claim to have.

#9 By 1190 ( at 8/10/2005 2:04:21 AM
This is my favorite quote..

"Over four years after Windows XP was released I still receive regular 'updates' and 'bug fixes,"

No sh!t, welcome to the computer age, Mr. Bean. Priceless. So he would rather have no updates and bug fixes? Well in that case, switch to a Mac. Oops, that's right...OSX gets updated regularly with those pesky "bug fixes" as well. Oh I know! Linux is the answser. Darn, that won't work either seeing as IT TOO is regularly patched.

Does he fall for Phising scams as well? Somebody give me his email address so I can send him a special email..."Dear Andy, My name is Mr. Foo Fighter Mubutu of the Nigerian Treasury Ministry..."

#10 By 3653 ( at 8/10/2005 11:47:04 AM
True csmac. True.

#11 By 2960 ( at 8/10/2005 12:04:19 PM
Ok, clearly Microsoft needs to do much, much better but this guy is nuts.


#12 By 665 ( at 8/11/2005 12:43:05 AM
dave123, XP SP2 included a slew of upgrades - not just code fixes.

#13 By 166260 ( at 11/28/2008 9:31:11 PM
I finally got tired of getting virus and adware all the time from
using different software to get my mp3s from so I started to pay for
all my music on itunes, then last week my brother in Vegas shows me a
link to this site called where he gets all
his stuff from daily, totally free, he is a dj and uses the site to
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Ever since he showed me I have been hooked, its super fast to download
any songs or even full albums,they even have a play button beside each
song to hear it before downloading and also have an online playlist, I
loaded up my favorite 60 songs into it and now I just log in from anywhere
and play all my songs, the guys at work are totally hooked on the site
like I now am and I wanted to share the link with you all, remember it
is 100% free, nothing to ever pay for there.

#14 By 168626 ( at 12/2/2008 7:47:25 AM
Hello found a wonderfull website that has information on all types of snakes.
If you are a snake lover like me then you will find the website really interesting .

Click the link <a href=>What Do Garden Snakes Eat</a>


#15 By 168626 ( at 12/3/2008 8:59:37 AM
Hello found a wonderfull website that has information on all types of snakes.
If you are a snake lover like me then you will find the website really interesting .

Click the link <a href=>What Do Garden Snakes Eat</a>


#16 By 176859 ( at 12/15/2008 1:23:43 AM
Well if you are looking to get date with a wealthy rich guy or a gal then this is the way to get it. Try it and see
for yourself. Also the website gives you a way to get an elite gold membership completely free also.

You can go here <a href=>Dating Rich Men</a>

#17 By 181024 ( at 12/21/2008 10:09:38 AM
Often it becomes really difficult for single parents to get into a date or to find a date
when they have so much responsibility and also not much time. Luckily internet can be
a very good resource for parents to get a date using online dating agencies.

If you are looking to get into a relationship then this is a good place to start.

The best thing is once you get a adultfriendfinder membership then you can
can automatically get all memberships of other sites that are offered by adult friend finder.
These are all dating websites, best thing is you can get points by getting all memberships
and then redeem those points to get a gold membership absolutely free.

Click the link <a href=>Dating Agencies For Parents</a> to read how you can get a gold membership for any of the dating
sites that adult friend finder offers. Just use the points to get gold membership of
any website you want.

#18 By 185004 ( at 12/29/2008 10:01:54 AM
Hello All

For what I have seen Adult Friend Finder is the most widely used dating website on the internet.

What I wanted to know is that can you really get some nice date through them.<IMG></IMG>

I was looking to get their membership so was a bit curious.


#19 By 199141 ( at 2/3/2009 5:19:10 AM
Hello All,
Thought i should post this as this might help someone trying to get some percent off on their purchase. I am not the inventor of this method. I saw this on one forums sticky and was very popular just see if it works out for you.
Here it is i am pasting the method below

Since several have asked me how I get my Amazon gold box quick picks to look like the image I attached I decided to post the write up that I read which shows how to manipulate whats picked for your quick picks. So here we go:

Basically your Quick Picks are your personal Amazon Deals of the Day (DotD) that have been catered to your past purchase history.

This takes a day+ to work and is definitely hit or miss on what is offered.

To see your current "Quick Picks"

* Go to hxxp:// (make sure you are signed in)
* Click on "Today's Deals" next to the gold box at the top
* Scroll down to see Your Name's Quick Picks

Now onto the 'manipulation'

Step 1:
Let's say you want an Xbox 360, what you need to do is 'fake' Amazon into thinking you own something related to it, say an Xbox 360 Controller. So search for a Controller, and then at the details page do a search for "Rate this item to improve your recommendations" and next to Rate this item click on "I own it". What this does is link it to your recommendations

Step 2:

* At the top of Amazon's page, click on "Recommendations"
* This will list everything that is recommend broken down by category.
* Remove everything not related to Xbox by clicking "Not interested" this may take quite a bit of time if you've purchased a few items from Amazon. Another quick way to remove unwanted items is to click on "Fix This" on an item and then click on "Don't use for recommendations"

Step 3: Come back the next day and see what Amazon has put in your "Quick Picks"

Yesterday I did just this, I added that I owned an Xbox 360 Controller, cleaned up my non-related recommendations and then today I was offered a Quick Pick of 5% off the Xbox 360 Arcade bundle: $265.99 vs $279.99, a savings of $14

This should work for practically anything, be it a CD, a book, or whatever, just add something that is somewhat related to what you want and chances are it might show up the next day.

Resetting Your Gold Box Quick Picks (Thanks to baboymo)

for those getting random crap in their Gold Box deals, here's a trick that will reset your picks to what you want.

1. Go to recommendations
2. Click link that says "These recommendations are based on items you own and more."
3. Click each product that you used to get items in your Gold Box.
4. Scroll down to "rate this item to improve your recommendations" and de-rate and de-own it (it will save automatically).
5. Search for a similar product and rate and own it.
6. Next day your Gold Box should be filled with what you want.

Note: It appears if you don't take advantage of the Gold Box deals, that's when you'll start to see random crap after several days. Just reset it and voila!

Enjoy <IMG></IMG>

#20 By 199141 ( at 2/4/2009 11:37:35 AM
Hello All,
Thought i should post this as this might help someone trying to get some percent off on their purchase. I am not the inventor of this method. I saw this on one forums sticky and was very popular just see if it works out for you.
Here it is i am pasting the method below

Since several have asked me how I get my Amazon gold box quick picks to look like the image I attached I decided to post the write up that I read which shows how to manipulate whats picked for your quick picks. So here we go:

Basically your Quick Picks are your personal Amazon Deals of the Day (DotD) that have been catered to your past purchase history.

This takes a day+ to work and is definitely hit or miss on what is offered.

To see your current "Quick Picks"

* Go to hxxp:// (make sure you are signed in)
* Click on "Today's Deals" next to the gold box at the top
* Scroll down to see Your Name's Quick Picks

Now onto the 'manipulation'

Step 1:
Let's say you want an Xbox 360, what you need to do is 'fake' Amazon into thinking you own something related to it, say an Xbox 360 Controller. So search for a Controller, and then at the details page do a search for "Rate this item to improve your recommendations" and next to Rate this item click on "I own it". What this does is link it to your recommendations

Step 2:

* At the top of Amazon's page, click on "Recommendations"
* This will list everything that is recommend broken down by category.
* Remove everything not related to Xbox by clicking "Not interested" this may take quite a bit of time if you've purchased a few items from Amazon. Another quick way to remove unwanted items is to click on "Fix This" on an item and then click on "Don't use for recommendations"

Step 3: Come back the next day and see what Amazon has put in your "Quick Picks"

Yesterday I did just this, I added that I owned an Xbox 360 Controller, cleaned up my non-related recommendations and then today I was offered a Quick Pick of 5% off the Xbox 360 Arcade bundle: $265.99 vs $279.99, a savings of $14

This should work for practically anything, be it a CD, a book, or whatever, just add something that is somewhat related to what you want and chances are it might show up the next day.

Resetting Your Gold Box Quick Picks (Thanks to baboymo)

for those getting random crap in their Gold Box deals, here's a trick that will reset your picks to what you want.

1. Go to recommendations
2. Click link that says "These recommendations are based on items you own and more."
3. Click each product that you used to get items in your Gold Box.
4. Scroll down to "rate this item to improve your recommendations" and de-rate and de-own it (it will save automatically).
5. Search for a similar product and rate and own it.
6. Next day your Gold Box should be filled with what you want.

Note: It appears if you don't take advantage of the Gold Box deals, that's when you'll start to see random crap after several days. Just reset it and voila!

Enjoy <IMG></IMG>

#21 By 218086 ( at 4/2/2009 7:26:40 PM
Wanted to share this technique with everyone. As most of the online relationship websites do offer
free subscription but they are limited and you can not contact the members, the basic membership
only allows to see the profiles. In order to get into contact you need to pay to get the gold membership
so that you can communicate with the people. Some one gave me this method to get gold membership of on of
the internet largest relationship website. It is perfectly legit as the website does recommend the users
to do so.

You can see the method here <a href=>Online Dating</a>.

#22 By 220759 ( at 4/17/2009 4:51:07 PM
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#24 By 230100 ( at 6/26/2009 3:06:38 AM
Hi All,

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Any other <b>Esnips Members</b> here who can walk me through this?

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#25 By 231131 ( at 6/30/2009 10:59:36 AM

I wanted to share with you the best site I’ve found to date teaching an online <a href=><b>ESL</b></a> Course.

I’ve been looking around for ages for proper <a href=><b>ESL Lessons</b></a> & <a href=><b>ESL for</b></a> adults course and I think I’ve finally found it!

Let me know what you think, and I would love to know about other sites offering these kinds of courses, I’m hooked ;-)

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