#2, I lived, worked, studied and taught in various EU countries for more than 14 years. I can read and write in five of their languages. It was my duty to know every aspect of even the slightest detail regarding their legal systems, financial systems and without revealing much...certainly each detail attending their computing systems. This experience was vital to understanding the EU - most especially as the nations of the EFTA and EG formed the EEA and how it would change the face of Europe and the influence Asia, and the Pacific basin.
Based upon the evidence, I assert that this is but one example where the EU's largest members are attempting to leverage control over the world's economy - regardless of its impact on even smaller EU members. Doubt it? Live there and try to own so much as a couple of decent TV's or more than one microwave - you'll have the THK cruising your neighborhood perfectly willing to set aside what we know as the fourth ammendment and fine the very life out of you on the spot. Try that here, and guys like me would stick a Moss 590 between the intruder's teeth. [The THK can detect, based upon signatures, foreign electronic devices]. I once tuned a "scanner" for a man - ... what a trip...simple, harmless hobby he had for radios....you'd have thought the man was concealing a detonator for a three stage nuke - that's how concerned he was for so much as having an electronic toy!
MS ain't the bad guy folks...despotism masked as a craddle to grave social system is - these same despots are the same sort of men that have caused every major conflict in history and they're going to do it again.
This post was edited by lketchum on Saturday, May 14, 2005 at 13:39.