#15, assuming your denigrating term, "mouse monkeys" refers to Microsoft administrators, what has their past success or failure as MS admins have to do with their success or failure managing a company's internetwork or their security?
I work at a very large company and I can't remember when we hired outside for internetworking and security administrators. As complex as our internetwork and security are, we train already experienced personnel from other areas in IT that think that they have an interest in these areas and can quickly prove that they have an aptitude for it.
Our security administrators are particularly under the gun. It is a pressure cooker job that is not well appreciated. No on calls to say, "I am really enjoying this secure internetwork you've created. Thank you!" But, they sure know how to yell, "me first - fix it yesterday!" when something comes apart.
By the way, happyguy, it is funny that you should mention CCNAs in that Cisco is proprietary, "closed source" all the way. There is zero open source market share in this area of IT. And, Cisco, by far, has a much stronger presence in IT than Microsoft. Yet, funny thing, I never hear you *nix fan boys nailing Cisco. Must be something about all that internetworking "under the covers," "out of sight; out of mind," kind of think. Huh? lol