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08:28 EST/13:28 GMT | News Source:
ActiveWin.com |
Posted By: Brian Kvalheim |
- America's Army: Rise of a Soldier
- Doom 3 (Xbox) Preview
- FIFA Street Kicks It to the Net
- Xbox Live competition – “D.O.A. Ultimate Fight for Glory"
- EA Ships MVP Baseball 2005 For Playstation 2, Xbox, GameCube, And PC
- Microsoft taking no chances with replacement Xbox power cords
- Creature Conflict Erupts on Xbox
#1 By
7711 (
2/23/2005 4:10:07 PM
On the X-box cord recall.....
Ordered the cord on the first day of the recall....arrived US Mail today. 14 million cords...probably pre-made, so that when the recall was announced, they already had the cords in stock.
BTW, it looks like the cord on a hair dryer with a GFI/circuit breaker on the plug block. The block isn't too big either. It fits on a standard surge supressor strip without blocking other sockets.
This post was edited by jimlat on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 at 16:10.
#2 By
37 (
2/26/2005 9:20:39 AM
"I wonder what the exact nature of the original problem is and how a circuit breaker is actually supposed to prevent failure. I can see how it would prevent damage, but not prevent console failure. If they are merely prolonging the safety of your XBox and not fixing the real problem, then by the time you suffer your XBox may not be covered under warranty anymore. This really sucks."
Go figure. Halycon looks at an excellent move made by MS and turns it around into FUD.
"Not all replacement cords that Microsoft supplies to program participants
will look the same. The type of cord shipped will depend on the date the
console was manufactured and the country in which it is used."
That should tell you one obvious thing.
" The replacement power cords are designed to protect consumers and their
Xbox consoles from rare electrical component failures that can pose a fire
hazard. Fewer than one in 10,000 consoles have experienced these component
failures, and, in almost all instances, any damage caused by these failures
was contained within the console itself or limited to the tip of the power
cord at the back of the console."
This should tell you that Microsoft's powercords were not properly pushing the proper power to the Xbox, hence the burning of the power cord tip/internal. And since this was only experienced with Consoles that were left on as 24x7 consoles (probably set up as dedicated servers...which I have as well), it's obvious that the cords were not operating properly. With the improved cord and the circuit breaker attached, they are killing two birds with one stone.
But leave it to you Hal to again spread fear, doubt and uncertainty. I am confident that you have the same feeling about the past PS2 recalls? I assume you hold them to the same standards, right? We (AWIN) reported the recalls (multiple...including memory card problems, dvd drive problems, and utilities and disk drivers) and I don't recall you commenting.
And while we didn't report on the Playstation 1 that had a 50 million unit recall for overheating, etc, I would be interested in your comments:
#8 By
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