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  Firefox community weighs up IE 7 threat
Time: 12:45 EST/17:45 GMT | News Source: ZDNet | Posted By: Chris Hedlund

One Firefox contributor thinks the browser could grab a 25 percent market share before IE 7 even launches

Firefox supporters are confident that Microsoft's plans for version 7 of Internet Explorer will not hinder the open source browser's rapid growth. David McGuinness, a Mozilla contributor, claimed on Tuesday that by the time the next version of IE is released Firefox may already have taken a large proportion of its market share. "The Firefox download rate shows no signs of slowing down and at the current download rate it's possible that Firefox could reach a 25 percent market share well before the final version of IE 7 is released," said McGuinness, on the day that the Mozilla Foundation announced Firefox had been downloaded 25 million times. Already 4.8 percent of Internet surfers are using Firefox, while 92.7 percent are using IE, according to online measurement company WebSideStory's figures from January.

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#1 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 1:25:52 PM
December 27, 2004: We’re not changing our strategy. —Jim Allchin

December 30, 2004: Firefox is my current choice of a Windows Web browser. It is to IE in 2004 what IE was to Netscape in 1996 – the upstart that does a better job. —Walt Mossberg

January 12, 2005: Microsoft’s Internet Explorer has slipped 4.9 percentage points over the past six months, to 90.6%, the lowest in three years. —WebSideStory

January 21, 2005: The hot new browser called Firefox is rocking the software world. —Wired cover story

January 26, 2005: Firefox took another step forward in mainstream acceptance with the announcement that Speakeasy, a Seattle-based national broadband ISP, is offering a customized version of Firefox 1.0 to its customers. —eWeek,1759,1754842,00.asp

January 26, 2005: Google is gobbling up talent from the Mozilla Foundation, creators of the insurgent open-source Web browser Firefox; and the hires may feed into rumors that the search giant is quietly building an Internet Explorer-killer. - CNet's+way/2110-1032_3-5553877.html

February 15, 2005: Reversal: Next IE divorced from new Windows - CNet

February 15, 2005: Microsoft heard you. —IE team

February 15, 2005: Firefox reaches 25 million downloads. —Firefox team

#2 By 12461 ( at 2/16/2005 2:04:59 PM
And how many of those who download Firefox... switch back to IE soon after?
I downloaded it... never used it. So I am considered one of the 25 million.

This post was edited by mfaccone on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 at 14:05.

#3 By 3 ( at 2/16/2005 2:05:03 PM
The 25 million doesn't take incount the additional downloads of daily builds.

#4 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 2:17:51 PM
"How many of those 25 million are people downloading the daily builds to try and keep Firefox secure?"

Zero. The counter doesn't count nightly build downloads.

#5 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 2:19:29 PM
"I downloaded it... never used it. So I am considered one of the 25 million."

So why did you download it? Do you like wasting your own bandwidth? Do you often download stuff you never use? I know quite a few people who've installed it without downloading it at all. Installed either from a USB key or network share for example. So that more than makes up for people like you who download stuff they don't use anyway.

This post was edited by tgnb on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 at 14:21.

#6 By 135 ( at 2/16/2005 2:52:10 PM
I downloaded Firefox... I have two uses for it...

#1. To test websites to see if they display correctly.
#2. Quite honestly, so my girlfriend can use You see, if we load up hotmail in IE it immediately tries to use my Passport identity, and there is no easy option to say don't. I have to jump through some hoops to logout from and then get back in with her hotmail account.

But I wouldn't say I'm a majority user of it. Marketshare should count as number of hits on sites... not downloads.

#7 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 2:52:33 PM
"I did it because everybody was doing it"

Are you going to jump off the bridge too if everybody is doing it?

#8 By 135 ( at 2/16/2005 2:54:23 PM
Ok, that's it... just launched a popup denial of service on me. Damn popup came up and then started replicating itself. That's only encouraging me to not visit here, just so you know.

#9 By 15406 ( at 2/16/2005 3:06:45 PM
#4,#13,#14: Yeah, sure you did. Give us a break. You'd be too afraid that Gates would find out and cut you from his Christmas card list.

#10 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 3:15:43 PM
" just launched a popup denial of service on me. Damn popup came up and then started replicating itself. That's only encouraging me to not visit here, just so you know."

I use Firefox and I never get popups at Activewin or anywhere else.

#11 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 3:20:56 PM
You missed the point completely Mr. Dee. I was trying to point out to you that doing something just because everyone else is doing it doesn't exactly make you an independent thinker, it makes you a follower, a sheep. You'd be better served if you did things for different reasons like whether or not something interests you and dont worry about whether or not everyone else is doing it.

#12 By 3653 ( at 2/16/2005 3:26:02 PM
tgnb - "I use Firefox"

Congratulations, but don't try to push that bug-ridden browser on the rest of us.

For further conversation... lets assume the 25 million downloads don't count multiple downloads and that all those copies are still in use (I know this is unrealistic). But even given those two impossibilities, how many IE downloads/upgrades have occurred during the same time period? That 25 million number needs some PERSPECTIVE.

#13 By 29664 ( at 2/16/2005 3:40:24 PM
I love IE users biatching about Firefox being buggy.

Sad. I've been using it for months and there's no reason to go back now. NONE.

No pop-ups, no banner ads. Tabbed browsing.

Security holes my ass. You're so clueless

25 Million downloads? Must be people downloading it twice!!! HAHAHAHAH! -whatever.

Wake up.

#14 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 4:06:32 PM
"Congratulations, but don't try to push that bug-ridden browser on the rest of us."

I have no intentions of pushing anything on anyone. Don't you think its amusing how sodablue lists his only 2 uses of Firefox but fails to see any use in Firefox's ability to block the Activewin popups he is complaining about in his other post? I got a chuckle out of it :)

#15 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 4:26:44 PM
"Does that only go for Firefox users? Do they all go "Baaahhhhh"?"

It goes for anyone who chooses to do things because everyone else does it regardless of their choice of browser.

#16 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 4:32:08 PM
"Or 3 times. Or 4 times."

I'm glad you have fun poking fun at the 25 million download number. :) What program have you written that has been downloaded 25 million times? 0? Ok, thats what i thought.

#17 By 61 ( at 2/16/2005 4:37:55 PM
^ sasser

haha, I guess that's not really all that funny.

#18 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 4:52:53 PM
"Actually I have been getting pop unders with FF lately."

Mind telling me on what site? I'd like to investigate this.

#19 By 29664 ( at 2/16/2005 4:54:41 PM
' Actually FF has problems, lots of sites do not render properly, lots of private (read secure)sites will not work with it. IS it a standards fault or bad programming by web designer? Who cares, I will stick with IE for most of my work since it functions properly for it. '

I found that to be true in .8 but no longer. I get into my bank sites and in fact I no longer have any sites I can't get into.

Sorry I missed one: Windows Update.

#20 By 29664 ( at 2/16/2005 4:57:51 PM
#23 "Does that only go for Firefox users? Do they all go "Baaahhhhh"?"

See post #2 here:

#21 By 7754 ( at 2/16/2005 5:12:06 PM
I use FF quite a bit... while it does block the pop-ups on, it also kind of chokes on the forums (after the page loads, there is a long delay before I can scroll). Maybe not a FF issue, but it is frustrating nonetheless. Also, I had a problem with yesterday--the text shows up on top of graphics. I cut and paste the address into IE... no problems. I'm not switching anytime soon!

By the way, to those that suggested the FFDeploy utility... I checked out that site. It certainly does not look like an enterprise-grade upgrade utility... nothing like SUS or SMS. Try again. SMS is beautiful in that it gives you reports of what machines were successfully upgraded, which is essential to a well-run patching process. Re-running the installer I think is a pretty lousy option for a number of reasons... not the least of which is that I did not uninstall previous versions of FF before running the installer for the latest version, and now mine does not render images properly for many sites (, for example).

#22 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 5:23:37 PM
bluvg, your right and i dont think anyone denies that there are some sites out there that Firefox has a problem with :) But the MS apologists try make it seem like a bigger issue than it really is.

I suggested that you look at FDDeploy, but i told you at the same time that is working on enterprise deployment stuff for 1.1 and 1.5.

#23 By 3 ( at 2/16/2005 5:49:36 PM
I hate to say this but some of you really lose the plot when it comes to anything that isn't Microsoft. The press are the ones to blame for saying Firefox will not have security holes in it, what they should have said is for a version 1 browser its a superb start and an excellent stand alone to IE. It still has bugs, no software will ever not have any. Personally I really like it, it's become the main browser I use, but I still use IE for other stuff. If you believe that MS hasn't started work on IE7 because of Firefox then you really don't understand the worry that the browser has caused them. Overall Firefox is a great first version, remember what IE1 was like? no of course not, nor version 2 either.

#24 By 3 ( at 2/16/2005 5:50:59 PM
#33 - yeah there are quite a few sites that have problems with Firefox, same happened when IE3 first came out and people actually started to use an MS browser. Some of it is certainly buggy but I think it'll be fixed in upcoming versions and some of it is to do with design problems from web designers.

#25 By 7797 ( at 2/16/2005 6:06:33 PM
#35 I would say most sites that Firefox has a problem with don't work properly because of design problems or the fact that they use IE specific non-standard stuff. And i believe that your correct when you say that over time there will be less and less of such sites with problems.

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