Below text was derived from a comment on Groklaw:
Date: November 18, 2004
TO: Steve Ballmer, Microsoft
FROM: Joint Committee of Everylinuxdistributor and Everylinuxuser
RE: Infringement of Microsoft Patents
Dear Steve:
It has come to our attention that you have been suggesting that Linux uses
patents that belong to Microsoft. Apparently you are upset about your own suggestion
and foresee a day of reconing when Users and Distributors of Linux will be held
to account for this infringement by voluntary payments or court action.
Please be assured that we meant no offense. No one intentionally uses any of
your patents. Indeed the appearance of infringement probably arises from the
fact that some software patents are vague, or obvious and cover simplistic
hardware procedures. Linux has been carefully created and is open.
In order to clear the air, we ask you to tell us which of your patents are being
infringed. Please tell us specifically about the patents and then tell us
specifically about what code in Linux infringes upon the respective patents.
This should be a simple task since Linux is open and the source code is freely
Certainly we can agree that any unquestionable patents should be respected. We
will remove offending code immediately and spare you further pain.
We realize that complying with this request may take you a few days. However,
our unpleasant lawyers insist that we say that until you comply with this
request, we can not be considered to have done you any harm. They also say that
your idle threats without specifics is harmful to us. We ask that out of a sense
of fair play, you forebear with your monopoly power, and accuse us no longer
without specifics.
Good luck with the next patch. Regards to Bill.
This post was edited by tgnb on Friday, November 19, 2004 at 16:45.