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  Study: Firefox still gaining on Internet Explorer
Time: 02:01 EST/07:01 GMT | News Source: CNET | Posted By: Robert Stein

Alternative Web browsers Mozilla and Firefox experienced another month of growth at the expense of Microsoft's dominant Internet Explorer, according to an online study. The percentage of Americans using Mozilla and Firefox, two open-source browsers funded by the Mozilla Foundation, grew to 6 percent in October from 5.2 percent in September and 3.5 percent in June. That 6 percent was split evenly between the two browsers. While Microsoft's IE continued as the overwhelming market leader, it witnessed another marginal decline, this time a dip of 0.8 percent. IE claimed 95.5 percent of users in June, 93.7 percent in September, and 92.9 percent last month. The Opera browser and Apple Computer's Safari combined reached just more than 1 percent of users.

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#1 By 2201 ( at 11/2/2004 6:18:58 AM
#1 pity you're talking rubbish... as usual! Addons? IE have had add-ons since back in the old days of Netscape, ActiveX wasn't created as an answer to Firefox's addons you know, doh! But granted about popup blocker, although Opera had it before Firefox so there you go.

#2 By 7797 ( at 11/2/2004 7:36:13 AM
Addins in IE aka BHO's? Which were previously almost only removable with 3rd party tools?

#3 By 2201 ( at 11/2/2004 10:37:41 AM
#3 um... nope. Addons are usually stored in the C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files folder. 3rd party tools just make it easier to get rid of them.

#4 By 3653 ( at 11/2/2004 11:00:02 AM
God, we can look forward to this headline every month for the next year... just like the headlines with Safari. And where is Safari now? Idle.

#5 By 21055 ( at 11/2/2004 11:59:00 AM
Nice to see some innovation, however. Wondering what MS can do with it's legions? I can't help but think that this is a good thing for us the (sometimes) humble consurmer.

#6 By 7797 ( at 11/2/2004 12:46:54 PM
"Addons are usually stored..."

Yeah all those spyware BHO's aka Addins were extremely easily removable from that folder. No idea why anyone would need a 3rd party program to get rid of those.

#7 By 8556 ( at 11/2/2004 1:28:16 PM
One of our customer’s business to business web site statistics for October 2004 shows Netscape/Mozilla at a surprising 16.1% level, with Opera and Linux’s Konqueror at about 0.5% each. These figures do not include the bots listed in the browser summary. IE is apparently being used less on manufacturing computers computers.

While this in only one site's figures it shows me that there is a trend, or fad, away from IE.

#8 By 37 ( at 11/2/2004 2:50:22 PM
There is no reason to use Firefox these days.

#9 By 2960 ( at 11/2/2004 2:59:39 PM

You're right. ActiveX was created as the front door for Spyware.



#10 By 2960 ( at 11/2/2004 3:06:06 PM

You ARE kidding, right?

I guess you don't spend 40-50% of your available support time removing Spyware that came in through IE like I do.


#11 By 7797 ( at 11/2/2004 3:08:39 PM
mOO as much as i'd like to agree with you, as someone who has downloaded nightly builds of Firefox since 0.5 I have to say that I distinctly seem to remember beta builds of SP2 having this top band on IE before it appeared in Firefox builds.

#12 By 7797 ( at 11/2/2004 3:29:13 PM
here are some links to places that show that Firefox mimiked IE SP2's popup notification bar rather than the other way around:

#13 By 7797 ( at 11/2/2004 3:30:27 PM
"There is no reason to read AW these days :D"

I was thinking about posting the same thing ;)

#14 By 7797 ( at 11/2/2004 9:09:56 PM
You're correct about the AddOns UI, although I think Firefox's is much superior to IE's. There is no option to "uninstall" an addon from IE's UI for example, only to disable them.

#15 By 7797 ( at 11/3/2004 9:31:41 AM
I find the view objects UI also lacking. Furthermore there is a discrepancey between whats listed in view objects and whats listed in the Manage Addins UI.

#16 By 37 ( at 11/3/2004 9:45:07 AM
"You ARE kidding, right?

I guess you don't spend 40-50% of your available support time removing Spyware that came in through IE like I do.

TL "

Nope, not kidding at all. Firefox is insecure, slow, unstable and renders pages poorly. If not for that, I would use it.

#17 By 7797 ( at 11/3/2004 12:22:19 PM
"Nope, not kidding at all. Firefox is insecure, slow, unstable and renders pages poorly. If not for that, I would use it."

Funny how so a growing number of people perceive Firefox to have exactly the opposite properties and are switching to it from IE precidely because of them.

#18 By 7797 ( at 11/3/2004 12:31:39 PM
Halcyon-X12 I think you are insulting AWBrian's intelligence with your questions and that isn't going to get you anywhere constructive.

#19 By 37 ( at 11/3/2004 4:23:36 PM

I have already mentioned in previous posts to these Firefox related articles that the extension manager fails and sends error reports on THREE completely different systems. I have already pointed a small selection of urls (out of a large selection) that don't render or work properly, and I have not kept a log of the send error reports that are generated by Firefox when hitting websites.

My PC isn't slow. As a matter of fact all of my systems are CLEAN installs of Windows XP, with 2+ghz P4's with 1gig ram. No spyware, no third party software except Firefox/Thunderbird and Acrobat. The rest is ALL Microsoft software. Every program runs very fast, and IE runs extremely fast, reliable and causes NO issues.

#27 Funny how you are continuing to see A GROWING NUMBER of vulnerabilties with Firefox as it becomes more popular? Why am I seeing a growing number complaints about Firefox's security threats, slow start up, and poorly rendered pages?

tgnb, do you have anything to offer besides insults?

#20 By 7797 ( at 11/3/2004 5:43:56 PM
AWBrian: ANY program can be said to have a GROWING NUMBER of vulnerabilities. Thats just the nature of software. The reason why you are seeing a growing number of complaints is because simply a growing number of people are using it. Pretty logical no?
With IE its actually the opposite currently. Less people complain, because less people are using it! Wow an amazing concept huh?

"tgnb, do you have anything to offer besides insults?"

You get what you give!

See what i mean? -->

"There is no reason to use Firefox these days."
"Nope, not kidding at all. Firefox is insecure, slow, unstable and renders pages poorly. If not for that, I would use it."

This is simply insulting to those of us who DO like Firefox. Ok, you dont like it fine. Nobody is forcing you to use it. Move on and stop complaining!

#21 By 37 ( at 11/3/2004 7:45:36 PM
#31 - Sorry, but I never once insulted you or anyone else. If you want to be pedantic, I can say that I am insulted by those that say IE is insecure, slow, and unstable. However, I don't have double standards.

And your analogy that I see more problem with Firefox because more people are using it should give you a clue that there are MANY issues with Firefox. If Firefox only has less than 1% of the market, could you imagine the complaints if it were in the hands of 95% of the people like IE? It would be a nightmare...and it would be the hackers new and favorite attack. Then the next thing will be an all new browser from some other company....and here we go, in circles.

Let's see if you can provide an educated post next time.

#22 By 37 ( at 11/3/2004 7:54:11 PM

Fact: Using Firefox on the sites I listed either didn't work or rendered improperly.
Fact: Others in my organization (and on the internet as well as friends) on their computers experience similar issues using Firefox
Fact: In our experience, Internet Explorer renders and operates (speed) better than Firefox
Fact: In my experience (as well as others) that no matter what machine I have put Firefox on, it has not been as fast as IE. In fact, besides Acrobat 6, it is also the slowest application to load on my OS. This same experience is found in my company as well as across the internet by others. It has nothing to do with my machine setup or "pipelining"
Fact: Normal usage of the Extension Manager for me in my experience so far was the use of Themes and Tab Browsing Extensions that have caused the majority of the send error reports.

And thanks for your opinion. However, whether or not I like it isn't really something for you to worry about. Nor is it for you to worry about as to why I actually have used it. But I am welcome to share my experience (which is shared by others) to these comments as you are entitled to. And if it helps someone decide whether or not they prefer to stick with IE or Firefox. I can't see what makes you god and thinks you can speak for EVERYONE by saying "it is not enough for anyone to care"

My guess is that if someone experiences the same slow performance, poor page rendering and error reporting as I (and others) have experience, THEY WILL INDEED CARE.

This post was edited by AWBrian on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 at 19:56.

#23 By 37 ( at 11/3/2004 8:56:28 PM
"There is no reason to use Firefox these days."

That was tongue in cheek. I wouldn't have it on my system if I truly felt there is no reason to have it (should have it for web designers). But IE does everything Firefox does, and does it better and faster in my experience.

"All you can do is guess. One trend we are currently observing is that Firefox is gaining in popularity. Apparently these problems you bring up are indeed subjective and not barring the adoption rate of the product. A lot of people do not care, "

And all *you* can do is guess. And yes, adoption rate is gaining in popularity, they are advertising their product on the net, and it is getting into advanced users hands. And when a new product is released, only one can assume that it should GAIN popularity before it can lose popularity (like Opera).

And the inherent problems that had plagued IE in the past didn't encourage them to switch to Netscape, Mozilla, or Opera either. People probably just didn't care, as you said.

Remember, IE6 has been around for quite sometime now, and is in dire need of new features. People are now adding the new free shells, such as Maxthon...or trying Firefox. There is no doubt in my mind that if MS listens to the public and gives them the features they want in IE7, people will be content with that once again.

#24 By 7797 ( at 11/4/2004 11:45:48 AM
"Sorry, but I never once insulted you or anyone else. If you want to be pedantic, I can say that I am insulted by those that say IE is insecure, slow, and unstable. However, I don't have double standards."

Just because you never WANTED to insult me or anyone doesn't mean you didn't. That is for others to decide and not you. Also, no one in this thread called IE insecure slow and unstable. It was YOU who started the insults in this thread.

"And your analogy that I see more problem with Firefox because more people are using it should give you a clue that there are MANY issues with Firefox. If Firefox only has less than 1% of the market, could you imagine the complaints if it were in the hands of 95% of the people like IE?"

I hope Firefox or any other browser for that matter never again get 95% market share. But that wouldnt happen over time and a lot of the issues people are seeing would most likely be solved by then and (hopefully less) newer issues and problems introduced :)

"Let's see if you can provide an educated post next time."

Here you go again trying to insult me :) Didn't you say you never once insulted me or anyone else? Hmmm.. ok.. whatever.

#25 By 37 ( at 11/4/2004 3:18:05 PM
I had to insult you so that at least if I am going to be accused of it, I might as well do it :)

And no, IE's stability and security was never mentioned in THIS thread.

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