A new Fist de Yuma has been updated over at The Olthoi's Lair. Here is a snippet from the update:
Cheaters, macroers and those who cannot play within the rules are hurting us again. From the very beginning of the game people have been finding ways to get advantages over others with exploits.
The first big exploit was the ability to use Quarry shafts with bows. They had the speed of a bow with the increased power of a crossbow. Perabuffs, macros, overrunning the buffer, duping and many other exploits have all been used to the honorable players disadvantage.
The question given a lot is what does this cost the normal player? Well we have a much worse game because of them for one. Time and resources have to be put into fixing these problems. How much more would the game have today in quests and events if a whole month was not put into fixing the island quest?