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  Active Network Competition - Updated 6/25 (Who is Winning)
Time: 00:00 EST/05:00 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Robert Stein

We have a rather big competition for you all to enter (well take part in anyway). Firstly the prize, it is a boxed, production version (though NFR) Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition 25 CAL worth $3999. So how do you enter? Well it's simple, the person who posts the most comments across our group of sites over the course of the competition, that is ActiveWin, ActiveXbox, ActiveMac and Anetforums will be awarded the prize, of course there are a few rules:

  • No spamming
  • No single word posts for no reason

The competition will begin 6/4 and end on July 5th. We are not going to be picky on the one word posts; just do not abuse it! So get posting!!! Good Luck!

Update!: Here is the list of people thus far who are in the lead. We excluded the # of posts to keep the competition rough. But, it is anyone's game at this point and even a newbie could come up and win from behind. Msucks is close behind Mr. Dee. In addition, there are some newcomers to the list. No one's position is secure...

  1. Mr. Dee
  2. msucks
  3. Phaedrus
  4. Halcyon-X12
  5. sodajerk (disqualified)
  6. monkeydog
  7. humor
  8. Parkker (tied)
  9. diaphanein (tied)
  10. happyguy
  11. Cthulhu
  12. sodablue
  13. ClosedStandards
  14. tgnb
  15. bobsireno
  16. TechLarry
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#1 By 2 ( at 6/3/2004 5:12:27 PM
Good Luck :-) We need to get some good arguements going!

#2 By 1868 ( at 6/3/2004 5:41:10 PM
WTF? Monkeydog is going to win this one, this will only produce garbage posts. Arrrggghhh.. I could compete but I like to give insightful comments. Besides NO-ONE posts on Active X-box!

#3 By 1868 ( at 6/3/2004 5:45:28 PM
I guess in the spirit of the contest, I'll open up the floor.

Longhorn....Latehorn? What will the Microsofties be up to over the oncoming summer months?

And another point of controversy, what was up with that party they had for Longhorn last summer?

#4 By 665 ( at 6/3/2004 5:48:26 PM

#5 By 665 ( at 6/3/2004 5:48:35 PM

#6 By 665 ( at 6/3/2004 5:49:02 PM
wow! :-D

#7 By 11888 ( at 6/3/2004 7:00:35 PM
This has disaster written all over it.

#8 By 116 ( at 6/3/2004 8:06:23 PM
Sounds great! ;)

#9 By 37 ( at 6/3/2004 9:06:00 PM
I already win cuz I rule.

#10 By 2 ( at 6/3/2004 10:34:54 PM
Contest starts tomorrow.... :)

#11 By 135 ( at 6/3/2004 10:36:48 PM

#12 By 3 ( at 6/4/2004 1:56:59 AM
Double points if you post on activexbox!

#13 By 163 ( at 6/4/2004 3:45:28 AM
Don't forget ActiveMac :) So far Parker is the only person posting there regularly :)

#14 By 1401 ( at 6/4/2004 9:12:29 AM
It should be fun to watch all these vultures posting like crazy to get something for free

#15 By 1124 ( at 6/4/2004 9:18:57 AM
If the prize was $3500 I would post like crazy.

#16 By 135 ( at 6/4/2004 10:55:29 AM
#20 - I think you should do that, because I would surely win the competition by responding.

#17 By 2 ( at 6/4/2004 12:57:39 PM
No, that wouldn't generate any traffic increase that way. Although, now that I have set the precedent I might surprise folks in the future

#18 By 2 ( at 6/4/2004 2:26:25 PM
Mr. Dee....because the licenses can be used in a production environment...if you were to buy the licenses otherwise with the software it'd be $3500 retail. Folks, this is a sealed box that you can use fully as if it were retail...just don't try to resell it.

#19 By 2 ( at 6/4/2004 6:17:28 PM

#20 By 6859 ( at 6/5/2004 1:55:46 PM
Wow, this is an amazing prize, considering that W2K3 EE is $3999 a copy (retail.) I'm impressed. Seriously.

#21 By 2 ( at 6/6/2004 7:28:47 PM
No, I followed up on #37's comment, the actual MSRP is $3999

#22 By 8556 ( at 6/8/2004 10:42:41 AM
The 25 CALs are a real nice prize. Anybody that subscribes to Action Pack already has MS Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, but it only comes with 5 CALs. A small companycould really benefit here. My thanks to both Billy Gates and to Active Win for this creative competition.

This post was edited by bobsireno on Tuesday, June 08, 2004 at 10:44.

#23 By 116 ( at 6/10/2004 1:31:38 AM
I would find it entirely comical if msucks won the contest...


#24 By 19992 ( at 6/10/2004 8:06:31 AM
Hows about a cookie?

#25 By 6859 ( at 6/10/2004 8:55:36 AM
I'm not sure exactly how I got on the top list, but that's pretty cool! :)

I still remain in awe that you guys would give something like this away. Wow.

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