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01:30 EST/06:30 GMT | News Source:
Linux World |
Posted By: Todd Richardson |
"It ain't Windows and nothing will make it Windows," Redmond says.
If Microsoft is forced to put out a version of Windows that is shorn of the Windows Media Player, Microsoft won't recognize it as Windows. It'll be a bastard program fathered by the European Commission, not by Microsoft, according to the company's general counsel Brad Smith.
#1 By
7390 (
3/28/2004 8:37:25 AM
By then Monti, who Microsoft supporters say is riding a huge ego wave, will be out of the picture. His five-year term is up in October and new countries will be admitted to the EU by then. Heck, there'll be plenty of time. Smith figures the appeals process could take until 2009.
I wouldn't expect anything less.
#2 By
3 (
3/28/2004 12:12:10 PM
#4 - well Real software isn't created by AOL for a start - it's made by a different company.
#3 By
135 (
3/28/2004 2:49:28 PM
Byron - Shouldn't people have a choice?
That's the thing which most irritiates me, and actually makes this lawsuit the all more farsical.
You have to have Windows Media Player, Real Player and Quicktime all installed at the same time on a computer. Otherwise you won't be able to se all the content out there.
These video formats should be standardized, and I should be able to choose to have only one player on my machine.
#4 By
3 (
3/28/2004 4:16:00 PM
Yes people should have the choice, thats what the whole EU thing was for - giving more choice in the media market instead of having the whole IE thing all over again.
#5 By
135 (
3/28/2004 6:44:01 PM
Byron - "Yes people should have the choice, thats what the whole EU thing was for - giving more choice in the media market instead of having the whole IE thing all over again. "
But I had a choice, and I choose to use IE. As did everybody else in the world.
Choice is great, but if all the choices are crap, people will be driven towards the good choice.
Real has started to realize this, their latest version no longer forces spyware down your throat. Maybe if they'd realized this before, they wouldn't have lost so much marketshare.
Saladaze - "bring it on - at least with Linux you have a choice. You aren't forced down a proprietary, badly written, security-ignorant lockin. "
No, you have a choice of using a badly written, security ignorant lockin, or looking at a box of microchips that does nothing.
#6 By
20505 (
3/28/2004 9:33:29 PM
gentlemen – i don’t give a hoot about a specific product.
give me innovation or give me death (figuratively speaking of course).
if the EU decision increases innovation then it is good. if it stifles innovation then it is garbage and my MS stock price be dammed.
#7 By
135 (
3/28/2004 9:34:40 PM
Saladdaze - No, I'm saying Linux is a piece of crap.
"It's banned in my company due to it's security flaws. "
Which browser do you use which has absolutely no security flaws?
"Open your mind!"
I've used all those. I have an open mind. It's just that mine doesn't have a hole in the bottom of it so that all the reason and logic leaks out.
#8 By
6859 (
3/29/2004 9:49:28 AM
The solution is clear. MS tells the EU to go to hell and pulls out all Windows support in Europe and then also immediately declares all Windows licenses nullified in Europe since it's no longer supported.
The EU can all switch to Linux or deal with the catastropic aftershocks from this dump.
Within a year they'll come crawling back to Microsoft. Linux is absolutely great--until you want to compete in a business environment using it as a desktop.
And lest we forget, the EU was designed from day one as an econimic front line against the power of the US--they didn't much like the idea of a uni-polar economic power. The term "EU" is just another way of saying "sour grapes."
#9 By
7797 (
3/29/2004 3:49:42 PM
The sodablue Hall of Shame:
"No, I'm saying Linux is a piece of crap."
"Keep in mind that for Redhat to become profitable, they had to move away from the GPL and adopt a proprietary subscription/support model."
"Because Linux is K-K00l RAD333ZZZZ!"
"Linux versions are so boring, they offer no new innovations or any real features that people would care about. Just not worth upgrading to."
"Granted, my main issue with Linux is it's old technology and not very fun to work with."
"It's funny, but actually Linux is too bloated to be used for embedded devices."
"Linux which is motivated entirely from hatred of Microsoft products"
"OSS development is cheaper... partly true, but since it's unreliable and slower you position yourself with a competitive disadvantage."
"The large problem is really that most open source zealots do not have any understanding of the computer world."
"The US should start investigating on whether Linux exists because of illegal dumping by foreign companies."
"most GPL code is of dubius quality"
"I don't have a problem with Linux but I do have a problem with the community's general lack of respect for other peoples work."
#10 By
11888 (
3/29/2004 5:59:45 PM
if those are the OSS flaws it scares me to think about what Microsoft isn't telling me
#11 By
12071 (
3/29/2004 8:00:48 PM
#18 "The solution is clear. MS tells the EU to go to hell and pulls out all Windows support in Europe and then also immediately declares all Windows licenses nullified in Europe since it's no longer supported."
If MS do that, the US economy will be in a bigger shit than it already is, think again Einstein!
"And lest we forget, the EU was designed from day one as an econimic front line against the power of the US--they didn't much like the idea of a uni-polar economic power. The term "EU" is just another way of saying "sour grapes.""
How dare someone else want to have some form of control! How dare the rest of the world no insist on relying on the US for everything! How dare the rest of the world demand independence! Get a grip on reality would you! Do you think the US would be responding any differently if situations were reversed?
#22 You don't have to worry... really... MS puts out security patches as fast, if not faster, than anyone else... they said so themselves! It's not as if they'd lie to you. And the only bugs they have are the ones they publish, they would never ever be so sneaky as to release a patch which changes things you don't know about! So just relax and enjoy the trustworthy secure environment that MS has provided for you.
#12 By
12071 (
3/30/2004 12:08:09 AM
#26 "I'm not overly worried about that."
2 High severity bugs that have been known about for 201 days, 1 low severity bug that has been known about for 174 days, 1 High severity bug that has been known about for 173 days... and the list goes on. And that's just 1 security firm! I'm glad you're not overly worried about your systems!
"I've been extremely happy with the tiny number of patches necessary for Windows 2003"
Only Windows 2003 Server? And what has quantity got to do with anything? You know as well as I do that we have no idea just how many actual patches MS decided to throw into that 1 patch. There could be 1, there could be 100, there's no way you or I will ever know. So quantity is meaningless. How critical those bugs are is far more important.
"I think there have been fewer patches for Win2K3 in one year than there have been for some OSS distros for one week."
Are you comparing that to a server distro? or are you comparing a server os to a desktop one?
#13 By
12071 (
3/30/2004 2:54:17 AM
#29 Honestly, read your own comments and then come back and tell us who's ranting. The crap you come out with from every direction is amusing at times, and when you're confronted you continue rambling on or you don't bother to reply.
No-one is saying that W2K3 isn't a very positive stepping in the right direction for Microsoft, it is! But learn the difference between a server OS and a non-server OS and stop comparing the two! Maybe you're so confused because with Microsoft there isn't a hell of a lot of difference. Their server OS still comes with IE and WMP and Paint!!! etc. because after all, you never ever know when you're going to need to use Paint as a systems operator! So I don't blame you, you've been using Microsoft products for such a long time you just have no idea anymore.
"Chris, you rant on about patches and the number of patches"
No, I am mearly pointing out that stating that product A has 2000 more patches than product B, whilst interesting, doesn't actually tell you anything. If product B has more critical holes that are remotely executable, and the patches for those take over 200 days to come out... that's far worse than 2000 little patches to odd little programs here and there. You obviously don't understand this concept, that's fine.