#12 You named a list of tools to develop,"high-performance, compelling, clientside applications developed using 100% "pure" Java," not the applications themselves.
Its OK, you can level with us. There aren't any are there? lol
By the way, can you tell us how much McSqueally's "development" platform has contributed to ever deeper losses at Sun Microsystems and sub $5 share price? McSqueally saw that Microsoft had a development platform and so he had to have one (its the same with the office system). No matter that neither one contributes a wit to its bottom line. What McSqueally failed to realize is that the Microsoft development platform has always been a major factor in its profitability. Not only are there millions of developers making money creating Windows-based applications (to include many billion dollar revenue producing blockbusters that run on Windows) and custom code, but many products further enhance Microsoft's own products.
The more important question, for Sun, requires some specificity. Namely, what,"high-performance, compelling, clientside applications developed using 100% "pure" Java," have or are being developed for the Solaris OS.
Again, the answer is that there are none.