Unisys Corp. posted the top result Monday on the SAP benchmark for SAP's own e-business application using the Unisys ES7000 server with 32 Intel processors and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server.
#4 I think that's a pretty accurate description.
Everywhere our companys turn we find more and more people starting all new development on SQL2k and not on oracle.. though I have to say noone is in a rush to just dump or convert all old stuff to sql2k.. However this 'new stuff on sql2k' trend I've seen before... I remeber the NT3.51 vs Novell 3.11\3.12.. then when it we had novell 4.0 vs. NT4.. people just left the well performing 3.11\3.12 servers in place and put NT on every new box\server\project they got. and look at the NT vs novell market now.
#2 By
4240821 (
10/25/2023 6:27:18 PM