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  Windows XP ... Reloaded
Time: 12:39 EST/17:39 GMT | News Source: WinInformant | Posted By: Robert Stein

Despite Microsoft's repeated denials, the company will indeed release an interim version of Windows XP that will bridge the gap between the initial XP release and Windows Longhorn, which is currently due in late 2005 at the earliest. The interim XP version will ship as a new retail product that replaces existing retail boxed copies of XP and as a set of updates, called XP Reloaded, that existing XP users can install separately. According to sources I contacted this morning, XP Reloaded will include all the features from XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), which is due by midyear, as well as a host of other unique features, including Windows Media Player (WMP) 10. Other details about XP Reloaded are unknown at this time, although the update kit apparently will include a Web-based installer application that will let users choose optional features. Reports about an XP Version 2 release first cropped up more than a year ago, but Microsoft officials repeatedly denied that the company planned to issue such a release. In early 2004, when the company revealed the new security features that XP SP2 will include, the rumors resurfaced. But the XP Reloaded OS refresh will clearly include a lot more than security updates, possibly in a bid to revive consumer excitement about XP while Microsoft preps the ever-delayed Longhorn release.

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#1 By 20145 ( at 2/26/2004 4:54:36 PM
Another year, another $100+ to the Bill Gates foundation. After all, we had Office XP, and now Office 2003 less than two years later, why not Windows XP2004 two years after Windows XP? Next to Walmart, this is the greediest company in America using service packs that should be free and fix operating system problems to make money. Like, Windows 98 and 98SE to fix Windows 95.

#2 By 1868 ( at 2/26/2004 5:14:23 PM
What a horrible title.

Matrix Revolutions was terrible, so by calling this interuim build Reloaded it can only mean that LongHorn could be terrible.

Geez, what a bad idea of a name.

This post was edited by Zeo01 on Thursday, February 26, 2004 at 17:15.

#3 By 12071 ( at 2/26/2004 6:28:59 PM
Haaaaaaang on a second! Mr Gates could predict the end of passwords but he couldn't predict that his company would be making XP SE?

#8 "Apple is kind of greedy too"
Every corp. is greedy!

"displaying a disgusting reluctancy to patch older versions"
You mean a bit like MS patching a BMP integer overflow and then not telling anyone about it, hiding it in a secret patch that was included in IE6 SP1 and not bothering to release this very same patch for every single version of IE5, 5.01, 5.5 etc etc, instead telling those users to upgrade to IE6 SP1? See reluctance is everywhere! =)

#4 By 19992 ( at 2/26/2004 7:18:18 PM
#8 "Apple is kind of greedy too. Charging $129 a year for there upgrades"

Apple and MS have both done it, pot meet kettle yada yada yada.

"Although in a weird way, MS has released newer versions of Windows, if you count in different editions such as Windows XP Media Center 2003, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2003, Windows XP Media Center 2004 and the forth coming (free upgrade), Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2004. And lets not forget the 64 bit editions, versions 2002 and 2003."

Don't forget about Win95b, Win95c, and Win98SE.

#11 "Linux and Apple treat their users like dirt compared to Microsoft."

Give it a rest already. You are condemning Apple for taking a course of action used many times over by MS.

#12 "Microsofts approach to updating their software I consider to be superior"

How so? You like the 'all or nothing' approach of the Service Packs?

This post was edited by happyguy on Thursday, February 26, 2004 at 19:33.

#5 By 2459 ( at 2/26/2004 9:11:26 PM
From the source's mouth, this is not XP SE.

The features that would be included in an update are still under discussion, Windows lead product manager Greg Sullivan said in an interview.

"Calling it an interim release is overstating the current plan," Sullivan said. "We are exploring ways to add value to Windows XP."

This post was edited by n4cer on Thursday, February 26, 2004 at 21:12.

#6 By 12071 ( at 2/26/2004 9:45:17 PM
#11 My point was don't condemn Apple for doing something which Microsoft have done in the past and continue to do!

#12 "It took Apple 4 re-iterations of OS X to make their OS seem ready for mainstream. Imagine if Microsoft decided to follow in there path"
You mean a bit like Windows 95, 95b, 95c, 98, 98SE, ME (oops it seems they took a few steps backwards with that one!) I love how you're so quick to judge others but you can't even open your eyes a bit - and I'm not an Apple fan!

"Microsofts approach to updating their software I consider to be superior"
Superior to? You think not disclosing information, patching things without telling anyone, bundling secret patches into a single rollout etc are all superior to what exactly?

#17 They "explored ways to add value" to Windows 98 too, I believe the release was Win98SE! It doesn't matter if this is XP Reloaded, XP++, XP SE or XP˛! Same diff!

#7 By 2459 ( at 2/26/2004 10:00:16 PM
#17 They "explored ways to add value" to Windows 98 too, I believe the release was Win98SE! It doesn't matter if this is XP Reloaded, XP++, XP SE or XP˛! Same diff!

Not fully. If they were actually treating this as an interim release, they would likely charge for the update. Currently, despite the press' need to make their predictions come true no matter how much MS denies them, MS isn't treating this as an interim release. Longhorn is still on schedule to be in beta by spring/summer 2004, and "XP Reloaded" is simply a free update that will also likely be used to refresh the current retail and OEM builds of XP, XP MCE, and XP TPCE, XP-64-bit, as well as add the (possiblly not free) 64-bit for ES version.

#8 By 1845 ( at 2/26/2004 10:08:28 PM
IE 5.5, IE 6, WMP 9 (among others) also added value to Win98...they didn't require a new OS version. WMP 9, WMM2 (among others) add value to XP without requiring a new OS version.

NT 4 SP3 added a lot to NT 4. The Option Pack added even more. Both were free, non OS upgrade, value adds.

Just because XP is getting new stuff doesn't mean it's XP SE.

#9 By 12071 ( at 2/26/2004 11:00:27 PM
#21 "For 98 users, most of 98SE was available to you if you used Windows Update."
Except for things like ICS, so most of the things in Win XP SE will be available to Win XP users too, except for a couple of new additions.

This post was edited by chris_kabuki on Thursday, February 26, 2004 at 23:01.

#10 By 12071 ( at 2/27/2004 2:50:26 AM
#23 "chris, I think your nitpicking is verging on the ridiculous, and it makes you look foolish."
Your blindness to everything Microsoft does is what makes you foolish. See we can both play this game if you really want. I have no issues whatsoever with a "XP SE", I never had, just as Win98 SE was a nice enhancement to Win98 users I'm sure XP SE will deliver the same. I only ever had an issue with Mr Dee doing a "parker", i.e. quickly turning around and going "oooh, well Apple do it to!". Like I said, I'm not an Apple fan and I think having to pay the same or close to the same amount of money for point releases (as oppose to having much much cheaper upgrades) is a joke. Having said that, Mr Dee looks very silly pointing out how Apple does this and that when Microsoft are doing exactly the same thing! And that is all I was pointing out when you came along and had issues with me daring to say anything negative about Microsoft!

"I won't give too much credence to your "predictions", since your are wrong about most things."
My "predictions" as you call them are just based on what Paul's sources have told him. I joke about the name because the prediction of an XP SE release was fairly simple to predict given that Longhorn is so far away - i a way it would be silly for Microsoft not to release any upgrades in the mean time! However, if I can make a request, can we give this release, and the releases from now on, some form of standard naming scheme. Windows 2005 is adequate. This whole mixture of version numbers, years, characters is a joke! I'm guessing years would probably be the best option given that most users will think they are downgrading if you tell them to upgrade their Win XP to Win 5.11 (5.11 given that XP is 5.1)!

"You are blinded by your jealousy."
Ha ha ha! You got me! I thought I would be able to get away with it. I guess not. Fine, I admit it, I'm sooooo jealous of you parker! :)

#11 By 19992 ( at 2/27/2004 7:53:11 AM

Thanks for the link, helped sort out Pauls' normal BS from the story.


"95b and 95c were OEM versions, generalled installed on new PC's, and generally not available at retail. "

Which made it even worse. If you wanted the newer features of 95b or 95c, you had to buy a new PC. What a bargain.

"I myself was on the WinNT track where the new versions were several years apart and they offerred great value for every upgrade. And lots of value between upgrades were offered for free if you wanted to download them."

As was I, I avoided the 9x track as much as possible on my own machines. What in between upgrade values are you referring to? Service Packs?

#12 By 19992 ( at 2/27/2004 8:09:30 AM

Just look at his profile here on ActiveWin, that should answer your questions. While we are looking at posts from OSNews, I couldn't resist copying this over (from modded down comments).

"What's next?

... Windows XP Revolution?
... Windows XP The Fellowship of Bill ?
... Windows XP The Two Browsers ?
... Windows XP Return of the Win?
... Windows XP Kill Bill ? (hmm may be this one not :) )
... Windows XP And the Philosphal OS ?
... Windows XP And Prisioner of Redmond? "

#13 By 3 ( at 2/27/2004 12:38:55 PM
Personally I am happy to pay out for updates to Windows each year or so if they have the kind of improvements the the OS X updates have done, far more features, excellent additions and streamlining.

#30 - Microsoft used to charge for what you class as "Service Packs", apart from those that ONLY fixed bugs, that is after all - what service packs do. Incremental updates to OS's like OS X are not service packs, they add new features . The fact is that OS 10.2 and 10.3 have added loads of new features and improvements, if Microsoft does it this way too, I wouldn't complain either. The ones you have talked about are more application additions rather than OS improvements. You complain about others for the sake of complaining most of the time, it gets boring.

#14 By 19992 ( at 2/27/2004 1:41:17 PM
Parker, calling a Service Pack an 'in between upgrade value' is a bit of a stretch. These are clusters of bug fixes. Occasionaly they added some new functionality, but the primary purpose was to fix bugs.

The NT Option pack was available as a seperate download from Service Pack 4. Most of the apps you have listed were/are available as seperate downloads from the service packs.

"All Operating Systems have updates that the manufacturer has offerred for free.

Except for Linux, and Apple OS X which have chosen a different solution."

I've never paid for a kernel upgrade on my Linux machine. Samba, sendmail, Gnome, KDE, Qpopper, Snort and all other updates are free as well.

"Linux just ditches support after 1 year and calls its Service packs a new version of the OS and these come out once a year. If you don't upgrade you don't get any more enhancements. "

I've never purchased a newer Linux kernel. Also, Sendmail, Samba, Qpopper, Snort, etc all are updated for free. Linux kernel 2.0 is still being actively maintained (laest updated on 2/8/04). What are you talking about?


That was a different article that was deleted after this one was posted.


I don't like the idea of renting the license. I'm fairly comfortable with the current support schedule that MS has in place. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

#15 By 7754 ( at 2/27/2004 1:41:20 PM
Hmmm... seems like the other story on this (the earlier Neowin one) was deleted, along with my comments. Anyhow...

First off, chris_kabuki (or anyone, for that matter), can you please point out *anywhere* that it says that existing XP users will have to *pay* for the upgrade? From what I've read (granted this is early on, but we are all reading the same thing thus far), it says: "The interim XP version will ship as a new retail product that replaces existing retail boxed copies of XP and as a set of updates, called XP Reloaded, that existing XP users can install separately." That would indicate to me that the boxed version will simply be XP plus all updates (rather than the current retail version, which requires a lot of updating once installed). However, it will also be available so that "existing users can install [them] separately." *Where is the upgrade fee???*

Also, happyguy, Byron (when did they charge for service packs?), et al, you seem to forget that Microsoft's NT 4 service packs used to come with many new features--for free--and that this was *heavily criticized* in the media, as well as by many IT managers. When Microsoft introduced W2K, they addressed this criticism by saying that service packs for the OS were no longer going to include any significant new functionality. Incidentally, parker, Windows Movie Maker, WMP, etc., are not part bundled with service packs, but are separate free downloads (WMM for XP, WMP for every supported OS).

One thing that I would see as legitimate criticism, though, is for those that bought Software Assurance on Windows XP. Where's the benefit? The new version rights don't help much if the next version takes several years to release.

#16 By 3 ( at 2/27/2004 1:50:23 PM
#35 - i was responding to parkers view - stating that what Apple have been releasing are service packs, if thats the case then he can't say Windows 98 SE, Windows Me were any better than that either, they actually offered far less in terms of improved features than the Apple ones have done, so pretty unfair in my view.

#17 By 19992 ( at 2/27/2004 1:50:34 PM

The original claim made was that (and I'm paraphrasing) Apple have charged for upgrades in the past. MS has as well. There really cannot be any arguement over that fact. Win95b was an upgrade (feature wise) over Win95a. I never claimed that MS has ever charged for Service Packs, not sure where you got that idea from.

As far as them dropping the new features from the Service Packs with the release of Win2K, I was pissed when they made that announcement back then. I rather liked (and still do) the inclusion of new functionality in Service Packs.

This post was edited by happyguy on Friday, February 27, 2004 at 14:57.

#18 By 7754 ( at 2/27/2004 2:57:41 PM
Charging for upgrades and charging for service packs are rather different things. I think perhaps where the confusion is introduced is that in the NT line, the version releases go for several years with free upgrades through service packs and functionality added to the OS (particularly NT 4, whereas W2K has mostly separated new functionality into free downloads), while Apple has charged each year for new functionality added to OS X. However, if you look at Windows 9x, the release dates were much more frequent. If Microsoft hadn't charged for 98SE and if they had never blighted the world with ME, the argument would be stronger.

At any rate, it would not appear from this story that they plan to charge existing users for the updates. For people just buying XP, however, it will be a lot better to have this package on the shelves, rather than buy the current XP retail package and spend awhile updating it.

#19 By 19992 ( at 2/27/2004 9:44:25 PM
dup post

This post was edited by happyguy on Friday, February 27, 2004 at 21:46.

#20 By 19992 ( at 2/27/2004 9:46:09 PM
#40 I think it's hilarious how every time someone posts something you disagree with you feel compelled start up with the cries of 'Linux isn't free' and 'Using Linux causes your privates to shrivel and fall off'. Give it a rest already. Linux is a tool that meets some of our needs that Windows cannot fill. If you have actual problems (use some based in fact) with Red Hat I suggest you go to a Red Hat forum and post your concerns, much as we are posting our concerns about Microsoft in a Microsoft forum.


For the forseeable future (this means probably never) you won't see one company managing the source in Linux.

The idea is that with the source being in the open that anyone can also review to remove any code allowing for a DOS attack. Nonetheless, the concern that someone is going to search the code and use what they find to launch attacks is less likely than the script kiddie (I refuse to call them hackers) reverse-engineering the patch and going from there (this applies to open and closed source).

This post was edited by happyguy on Friday, February 27, 2004 at 21:58.

#21 By 19992 ( at 2/29/2004 8:35:29 PM
"Real corporations buy support with their software."

Wrong. Maybe the smaller companies that cannot afford a tech department buy support contracts, but not a single company I've ever worked for bought support for their software. And yes, this includes Linux software. Never seemed to bother management in the slightest.

#22 By 4240821 ( at 10/26/2023 10:51:13 AM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/29/2023 12:22:36 PM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 10:25:04 AM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 12:50:42 PM

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