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  MSN Toolbar Beta
Time: 00:52 EST/05:52 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Robert Stein

Thanks Paul. Features:

  • Search the Web from any Web page.
  • Use the Highlight Viewer to quickly locate your search words.
  • Use Quick Links to launch MSN Hotmail, MSN Messenger, and your personalized MSN home page.
  • Get rid of pop-up ads with the Pop-up Guard.
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#1 By 1845 ( at 1/26/2004 2:06:10 AM
Might be worth using if it used Google for searching.

#2 By 12071 ( at 1/26/2004 6:30:06 AM
I see ClosedStandards has a twin =)
Very fitting given that the MSN Toolbar is an almost identical twin of Google's toolbar!

#3 By 37 ( at 1/26/2004 4:20:58 PM
Downloaded and installed, thank you very much. Works great.

#4 By 1845 ( at 1/26/2004 4:27:54 PM
Thanks for the tip. I'm about as optimized as I can get with the IE tool bars and still be comfortable - one row for menu, images (only a few - small no text), address bar (smooshed as close together as possible w/o chevrons, then locked). One row for Google.

#5 By 11888 ( at 1/26/2004 9:09:26 PM
It's almost like it's some kind of weird joke.

#6 By 1845 ( at 1/26/2004 10:42:02 PM
The popup blocker is available in XP sp2. MSN Search has been part of IE for years. What part of this was unique to MSN subscribers?

MSN Premium has firewall and AV from McAffee, bill payment, bigger email box, all of encarta, etc. I don't think this new toolbar bears much resemblance to it.

#7 By 9589 ( at 1/26/2004 10:49:08 PM
Yipes! There goes the Google IPO! lol

#8 By 61 ( at 1/27/2004 1:54:16 AM
Bob: It's certainly not for MSN users, MSN 9 has a great pop-up blocker already built in (what I find nice is that you can set it to show a thumbnail of blocked pop-ups, which slide up for a couple seconds, then slide out, so you can see if you wanted that particular pop-up or not).

#9 By 12071 ( at 1/27/2004 3:28:42 AM
#8 =)

If "open source" clones a whole OS, down to the exact same file names, parker has a mental fit!!!
If Microsoft clones Google's toolbar, parker still manages to try and have a mental fit over "open source"!

Ho hum ...

#15 "set it to show a thumbnail of blocked pop-ups, which slide up for a couple seconds, then slide out, so you can see if you wanted that particular pop-up or not"

So then it doesn't actually BLOCK them as such (as it needs to download them to create a thumbnail!), it just hides them from you whilst giving you the option whether or not to view them. Nice feature if that's what you're after but I'd rather it just block them rather than have to download things I'll never want to look at.

This post was edited by chris_kabuki on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at 03:31.

#10 By 1845 ( at 1/27/2004 7:37:55 AM
kabuki, you're not much different from parker in that regard. Pot. Kettle. Black.

CPU, it has some nifty features that Google's doesn't. I wonder how similar the MSN toolbar blocker is to the MSN 9 Explorer blocker.

JWM, ah, gotcha. I was on the MSN 9 beta, so I'm relatively familiar with its features. I never thought much about the popup blocker, since I'd been using the Google toolbar 2.0 for quite a while. That's why your comments caught me offguard. I think the ready information sidebar, access to all of Encarta, bill pay services, AV and firewall from McAfee, etc. are better selling points. To many, I guess, the popup blocker is a big deal. Either way, it'll be a moot point for all XP users in a few months when SP2 is released.

#11 By 12071 ( at 1/27/2004 8:58:48 AM
#17 "kabuki, you're not much different from parker in that regard. Pot. Kettle. Black."
Based on your comments I find it a little ironic that you're saying "Pot Kettle Black", but let's leave the personal comments to parker shall we.

Maybe you won't admit it, perhaps I'm wrong in thinking this, but I can just imagine if this scenario was reversed (i.e. MSN creating their toolbar first and then Google coming out with an almost perfect replica!). We'd have parker informing us all how all OSS do it copy, no doubt he'd throw in a few completely irrelevant statements about security or market share or whatever the fun word of the week is, and the rest of the MS-only-gang (we all know who they are) having a poke here and there about how Microsoft continues to "innovate", whilst the rest of us feel ill everytime we hear the word "innovation" being thrown around! The last great "innovation" (before this one of course) was the innovation of putting all the data for a single document in a, wait for it, single xml file! Ingenious!

In any case, this toolbar brings a lot of handy features to users so bring it on, I myself will stick with the Google toolbar as the Google search engine is superior and the MSN toolbar doesn't bring me any additional functionality that I am looking for.

#12 By 12071 ( at 1/27/2004 10:20:41 AM
#19 "you do recognize the lack of innovation in the OSS world."
Not sure where you read that or what you're on... but good luck with it =)

"I mean, the coolest project in OSS right now is mono ... a clone of C# and VB"
Perhaps you meant a non-Microsoft version of .NET, based on those parts that have been made open standards, rather than a "clone of C# and VB"? And if the biggest insult that you can throw at Mono is that it's trying to provide a .NET platform for Linux, then that's fairly poor. After all, I thought you would be behind other developers when they chose to use Microsoft technologies? Maybe not. And lets not forget what .NET is a clone of!

Also, I'm curious, how did you come to the conclusion that the "coolest" OSS project is Mono? And by what definition of "coolest"? Surely you've heard of a couple of slightly bigger OSS projects, things like Linux, Apache, MySQL etc. Are they not as "cool"?

#13 By 19992 ( at 1/27/2004 11:43:44 AM
double post

This post was edited by happyguy on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at 11:47.

#14 By 19992 ( at 1/27/2004 11:43:57 AM
Emacs (one of the first on screen editors - definate pioneer in its field)
CERN httpd (first webserver)
TeX (word processor)
Spell-checker (first spell checker ever) OSS software developed for users of ARPAnet
ed (word proc with search capabilities based on regular expressions)
SGML (from a student paper written by Charles F. Goldfarb, Ed Mosher, and Ray Lorie)

And a lot of the commercial unices were reimplementations of features that were already in ITS, which was arguably open-source.

I mean, the coolest project in OSS right now is mono ... a clone of C# and VB

Oh yeah, forgot one:
Tcl (where VB obtained alot of it's feature from)

Now then, what has MS innovated?

This post was edited by happyguy on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at 11:46.

#15 By 166260 ( at 11/28/2008 7:42:03 PM
I finally got tired of getting virus and adware all the time from
using different software to get my mp3s from so I started to pay for
all my music on itunes, then last week my brother in Vegas shows me a
link to this site called where he gets all
his stuff from daily, totally free, he is a dj and uses the site to
get all his new stuff and classics.

Ever since he showed me I have been hooked, its super fast to download
any songs or even full albums,they even have a play button beside each
song to hear it before downloading and also have an online playlist, I
loaded up my favorite 60 songs into it and now I just log in from anywhere
and play all my songs, the guys at work are totally hooked on the site
like I now am and I wanted to share the link with you all, remember it
is 100% free, nothing to ever pay for there.

#16 By 170323 ( at 12/5/2008 7:39:49 PM
Hello All, Found this method to get free gold membership of Adult Friend Finder.
Some one told me about this. Have tested it and works. Perfectly legit way to get the gold membership.

You can see the details here
<a href=>How To Get Adult Friend Finder Gold Membership</a>

Hope it helps you if you are looking to get one.

Take Care

#17 By 170323 ( at 1/1/2009 11:27:51 PM
Hello All, Found this method to get free gold membership of Adult Friend Finder. .

Some one told me about this. Have tested it and works. Perfectly legit way to get the gold membership.

You can see the details here
<a href=>1Month Adult Friend Finder Gold Membership</a>

Hope it helps you if you are looking to get one.

Take Care

#18 By 199141 ( at 1/28/2009 9:17:55 AM
Hello All,
Thought i should post this as this might help someone trying to get some percent off on their purchase. I am not the inventor of this method. I saw this on one forums sticky and was very popular just see if it works out for you.
Here it is i am pasting the method below

Since several have asked me how I get my Amazon gold box quick picks to look like the image I attached I decided to post the write up that I read which shows how to manipulate whats picked for your quick picks. So here we go:

Basically your Quick Picks are your personal Amazon Deals of the Day (DotD) that have been catered to your past purchase history.

This takes a day+ to work and is definitely hit or miss on what is offered.

To see your current "Quick Picks"

* Go to hxxp:// (make sure you are signed in)
* Click on "Today's Deals" next to the gold box at the top
* Scroll down to see Your Name's Quick Picks

Now onto the 'manipulation'

Step 1:
Let's say you want an Xbox 360, what you need to do is 'fake' Amazon into thinking you own something related to it, say an Xbox 360 Controller. So search for a Controller, and then at the details page do a search for "Rate this item to improve your recommendations" and next to Rate this item click on "I own it". What this does is link it to your recommendations

Step 2:

* At the top of Amazon's page, click on "Recommendations"
* This will list everything that is recommend broken down by category.
* Remove everything not related to Xbox by clicking "Not interested" this may take quite a bit of time if you've purchased a few items from Amazon. Another quick way to remove unwanted items is to click on "Fix This" on an item and then click on "Don't use for recommendations"

Step 3: Come back the next day and see what Amazon has put in your "Quick Picks"

Yesterday I did just this, I added that I owned an Xbox 360 Controller, cleaned up my non-related recommendations and then today I was offered a Quick Pick of 5% off the Xbox 360 Arcade bundle: $265.99 vs $279.99, a savings of $14

This should work for practically anything, be it a CD, a book, or whatever, just add something that is somewhat related to what you want and chances are it might show up the next day.

Resetting Your Gold Box Quick Picks (Thanks to baboymo)

for those getting random crap in their Gold Box deals, here's a trick that will reset your picks to what you want.

1. Go to recommendations
2. Click link that says "These recommendations are based on items you own and more."
3. Click each product that you used to get items in your Gold Box.
4. Scroll down to "rate this item to improve your recommendations" and de-rate and de-own it (it will save automatically).
5. Search for a similar product and rate and own it.
6. Next day your Gold Box should be filled with what you want.

Note: It appears if you don't take advantage of the Gold Box deals, that's when you'll start to see random crap after several days. Just reset it and voila!

Enjoy <IMG></IMG>

#19 By 199141 ( at 2/3/2009 3:39:47 AM
Hello All,
Thought i should post this as this might help someone trying to get some percent off on their purchase. I am not the inventor of this method. I saw this on one forums sticky and was very popular just see if it works out for you.
Here it is i am pasting the method below

Since several have asked me how I get my Amazon gold box quick picks to look like the image I attached I decided to post the write up that I read which shows how to manipulate whats picked for your quick picks. So here we go:

Basically your Quick Picks are your personal Amazon Deals of the Day (DotD) that have been catered to your past purchase history.

This takes a day+ to work and is definitely hit or miss on what is offered.

To see your current "Quick Picks"

* Go to hxxp:// (make sure you are signed in)
* Click on "Today's Deals" next to the gold box at the top
* Scroll down to see Your Name's Quick Picks

Now onto the 'manipulation'

Step 1:
Let's say you want an Xbox 360, what you need to do is 'fake' Amazon into thinking you own something related to it, say an Xbox 360 Controller. So search for a Controller, and then at the details page do a search for "Rate this item to improve your recommendations" and next to Rate this item click on "I own it". What this does is link it to your recommendations

Step 2:

* At the top of Amazon's page, click on "Recommendations"
* This will list everything that is recommend broken down by category.
* Remove everything not related to Xbox by clicking "Not interested" this may take quite a bit of time if you've purchased a few items from Amazon. Another quick way to remove unwanted items is to click on "Fix This" on an item and then click on "Don't use for recommendations"

Step 3: Come back the next day and see what Amazon has put in your "Quick Picks"

Yesterday I did just this, I added that I owned an Xbox 360 Controller, cleaned up my non-related recommendations and then today I was offered a Quick Pick of 5% off the Xbox 360 Arcade bundle: $265.99 vs $279.99, a savings of $14

This should work for practically anything, be it a CD, a book, or whatever, just add something that is somewhat related to what you want and chances are it might show up the next day.

Resetting Your Gold Box Quick Picks (Thanks to baboymo)

for those getting random crap in their Gold Box deals, here's a trick that will reset your picks to what you want.

1. Go to recommendations
2. Click link that says "These recommendations are based on items you own and more."
3. Click each product that you used to get items in your Gold Box.
4. Scroll down to "rate this item to improve your recommendations" and de-rate and de-own it (it will save automatically).
5. Search for a similar product and rate and own it.
6. Next day your Gold Box should be filled with what you want.

Note: It appears if you don't take advantage of the Gold Box deals, that's when you'll start to see random crap after several days. Just reset it and voila!

Enjoy <IMG></IMG>

#20 By 218086 ( at 4/2/2009 4:57:35 PM
Wanted to share this technique with everyone. As most of the online relationship websites do offer
free subscription but they are limited and you can not contact the members, the basic membership
only allows to see the profiles. In order to get into contact you need to pay to get the gold membership
so that you can communicate with the people. Some one gave me this method to get gold membership of on of
the internet largest relationship website. It is perfectly legit as the website does recommend the users
to do so.

You can see the method here <a href=>Online Dating</a>.

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