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  Longhorn rocks
Time: 15:46 EST/20:46 GMT | News Source: WinInformant | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

Well, we finally got a lengthy Longhorn/Aero demo and ... my goodness. Longhorn is going to rock, and we're only disappointed that the build we got doesn't show this system's best features off effectively. The transparent window effects--called glass windows, appropriately enough--are beautiful. The ability to embed video and any other kind of media into documents, apps, and anything else you can think off--even small previews you see when you mouse-over a scrollbar--are just incredible, surpassing anything on any system available today (yes, including Mac OS X Panther). The visuals in Longhorn are just going to blow you away, and the good news is we have plenty of photos and video to prove it.

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#1 By 6859 ( at 10/27/2003 4:03:22 PM
Man, I"m going to have to get a whole new PC to get all the eye-candy. Someone give me $2000 for a new PC, please!

#2 By 3 ( at 10/27/2003 4:28:47 PM
I'm glad that it's finally going to have a good look to it (not like the build released today) guess we'll wait and see what else other operating systems have around the same time though, but I'm finally looking forward to a Windows OS release for the first time since 95

#3 By 8556 ( at 10/27/2003 5:35:36 PM
Its all marketing hype. Who cares if it has "glass windows"? pretty. After 15 years of Microsoft's highly skilled marketing BS, its hard to take any of the hype for more than it is. Vaporware marketing. Its vaporware since you can't buy it yet. Marketing to get your mouth drooling like Homer Simpson looking at a can of lard. I'll stick with Microsoft products, like most people, that are locked into using their OS's. But, remember every other time that you upgraded to a new version of Microsoft Windows with excited anticipation only to find at a later time that the honeymoon was over when the bugs showed up and went away only to be replace by new bugs? Unless Longhorn is PERFECT, NEVER CRASHES and NEVER BREAKS A PROGRAM we've been had again.

#4 By 1124 ( at 10/27/2003 5:44:22 PM
I'll bite. bobsireno, name one none MS OS that is "PERFECT, NEVER CRASHESand NEVER BREAKS A PROGRAM..."

I was happy with 95,98, 2000, and XP. I think I will be happy with Longhorn.

#5 By 135 ( at 10/27/2003 6:12:57 PM
"But, remember every other time that you upgraded to a new version of Microsoft Windows with excited anticipation only to find at a later time that the honeymoon was over when the bugs showed up and went away only to be replace by new bugs?"

Me neither.

I think someone suffers from unreasonable expectations.

#6 By 10022 ( at 10/27/2003 7:03:00 PM
now that panther is out I no longer have to keep quiet.


we have had at least 10 kernel panics in the 1.5 weeks that we had the damn thing!

there are so many problems with it. Simple every day stuff that ALL users will see have problems. way too many to list. I have used every dev build and they all sucked. OF course 10.2.x sucks too and 10.1.5 makes you want to kill your self whil eyou wait for the beach ball

qnd speaking of beach balls: they still happen for long peroids of time on the dual G5- $3000 to wait for a computer to do something... yeah good deal!!

#7 By 1845 ( at 10/27/2003 10:17:24 PM

I'm not sure that I can agree with many of your points, but that's OK. Let Microsoft know your thoughts on LH. They've opened up LH so early for this reason. By the time it RTMs, they want users to be happy with it, not because Microsoft said it is what users should like, but because users said it is what they like.

Personally, I don't care about digital photos or movie editing. I don't care if explorer.exe handles that or three different apps. However you slice it, I don't use it. As for music, if WMP9 knows where it is, that's fine with me. My non music files, I know exactly where they are and I manage them explicitly. If LH messes with that, I'll have issues.

Like, kev said, most features are turnoff-able. One thing I like in Windows XP is that you can mix and match. I hate the task based control panel, but I like directories of all images to automatically thumbnail for me or slideshow. That's very helpful for me when a client sends me a CD of imagaes for a website and I have to scan thru dozens of images.

#8 By 2332 ( at 10/27/2003 10:52:50 PM
Man... it's pretty obvious some people just don't understand that the majority of computer users are pretty confused by today's OS's. You want to keep the "C" drive, yet most people think the machine's "box" is called a "hard drive".

The way people use computer's today is archaic. Hierarchial file structures? Come on. People don't want to search through their "C" drive for the path "documents and settings\username\my documents\some other folder\blahblah". They want to say "Hey, give me my Word documents", or "give me all my vacation pictures".

It appears that Microsoft is the first to see this, or, at least, the first to do something about it.

As far as people not using the Task based user interface, baloney. Do I, a relatively experience software engineer that's been computing since around age 11, use the task based interface? Rarely. Does my cousin, who is a 55 year old woman who couldn't tell a floppy disk from a hard disk if you held a gun to her head, you bet.

And that's exactly how computers should be designed. They should be design for people who know nothing about computers, because inevitably, people who do know stuff about computers will turn those features off and go back to not what's necessarily the best way of doing things, but to what they're used to. I'm not used to task based interfaces, so I don't use them. But when a complete novice sits down at a computer, the way I do things doesn't matter... the computer should default to the easiest, best way to do things.

That's what Microsoft is trying to do. And I'm pretty damn excited about what I've seen so far.

The fact somebody here is a fan of the OS X Dock, which besides being pretty, is an almost completely useless version of Windows' Task Bar, says quite a bit.

Give Longhorn time. It's an alpha. By the time it finally ships, I'm willing to bet that you'll be eating your words... or people will at least be laughing at them more.

#9 By 1845 ( at 10/27/2003 10:58:54 PM
I meant to join the beta program and/or corporate preview program. Also, posting to blogs of Microsoft employees will ensure that at least those employees will hear you. ;-) Probably at least two, since Scoble seems to read everything.

#10 By 2332 ( at 10/28/2003 12:26:34 AM
#20 - LOL.

Enjoy you're over priced desktop and over priced laptop. It may be pretty, but when I can play Half Life 2 at 3x the framerate for 1/3rd the cost, you'll really have something to look foward to: a year of waiting for Mac hardware that can play year old games.

At least Microsoft is doing more than making pretty interfaces - they're doing really innovative stuff... that takes time, unlike making the case a different color.

#11 By 3 ( at 10/28/2003 3:42:03 AM
#23 - I haven't seen any Mac users doing any damage control, they have no reason to as there is no damage to control - I've seen the usual asses saying this is better than that etc just like yourself on both sides. No one should be saying anything like that for another 2 years when Longhorn is out and OS X 10.5 or whatever is also out the same time, then fair comparisons can be made.

Right now the look of the OS in the released build yesterday is all people should be commenting on as thats all that has really been properly shown, to me personally the color scheme looks like something fisher price has been working on, so hopefully the Aero GUI will make that look far better...I also don't like the fact that everything is filling the screen, whats with the clock - haven't microsoft heard of a digital clock to save space!

But the main changes will be underlying, those are the parts lots of people are not talking about.

#12 By 2201 ( at 10/28/2003 9:09:06 AM
Hear hear #25. I can't believe that Mac people would think that having seperate programs is better. And I can't also believe that Windows users think that lumping everything in one program is better also. As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

In my opinion there should be choice. The Windows interface (whether it's explorer or whatever) should be able to do all the tasks mentioned (viewing pics, vids, searching for whatever, etc.) BUT only on a basic level. Then if users want more functionality, then they can go out and buy it or download it. Simple. Best of both worlds. Beginners can check out photos, vids and search or whatever. Experienced users can get other programs (or unlock features of Windows) to do more complex tasks.

This post was edited by testman on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 at 09:10.

#13 By 135 ( at 10/28/2003 10:48:09 AM
Byron - "I haven't seen any Mac users doing any damage control, they have no reason to as there is no damage to control "

No? They're not going around claiming a $129 service pack is a major upgrade for MacOSX?
They're not going around bashing on Longhorn, a product they've never seen?

It might be impolite to call it damage control, but it would be dishonest to claim otherwise.

#14 By 3 ( at 10/28/2003 10:55:44 AM
Sodablue - I guess that is dependant on what you call an upgraded OS, 10.3 is certainly far better than any service pack is, As any proper Mac user will tell you (oh and the in print and in press reviews also will).

As for any (a minority few) who are bashing Longhorn, its no different to you all hyping up both an OS that is 2 years away and most of you haven't tried, and a new GUI no one has really seen properly. It's annoying to me from both a Windows and a Mac users point of view that people are arguing over basically, nothing.

#15 By 61 ( at 10/28/2003 11:08:24 AM
steveston: You really shouldn't cross post, it really brings out the fact, even more than your post itself, that you are a troll.

#16 By 3 ( at 10/28/2003 11:58:29 AM
#32 - No - I see various posts here are from Trolls with any backup for their points...kind of like your idea of me being a Mac fanboy

#17 By 61 ( at 10/28/2003 12:40:21 PM
Byron: I'm thinking that Apple needs to put the new features, basically expose and fast user switching, into a 'feature pack', if you will, and sell that, but offer things like the VERY MUCH needed speed upgrades for the compositing engine, and other bug fixes for free.

#18 By 2332 ( at 10/28/2003 12:44:50 PM
#28 - Having wasted the last few years on .Net, Xbox, MSN and smartphones

You're kidding right? With that statement, you've made yourself look so incredibly stupid that any further dialog is pointless.

#19 By 3 ( at 10/28/2003 1:03:26 PM
Preferring one OS over another doesn't make anyone a fanboy, it means...nothing!

So because you always talk about Windows, like Windows, use Windows only, are you a Windows fanboy? well possibly, but i'm not the kind of ass to say so.

#20 By 3 ( at 10/28/2003 1:10:33 PM
#35 - I see your point, but you are missing out on all of the other enhancements that have been made for instance. But yes its a shame the speed isn't as good in the older operating system - but then again it's speed across the board, with the best boot up time of any OS i've seen. But MS have been milking what should have been free upgrades like 98/98se/me - but people ended up stopping complaining about those, doesn't make it right to me - but invalidates the point.

#21 By 3 ( at 10/28/2003 1:19:25 PM
#40 - exactly like OS 10.3 now does for me, yet I use Windows a lot. I just use what is better for myself, doesn't make me a fanboy, just means I'm able to use lots of OS's without being a moaning SOB like many others.

#22 By 3 ( at 10/28/2003 2:32:57 PM
#42 - shows how little you know about me posting on this site and me myself, as I've always stated how Microsoft used to go about things was wrong, a good 4 years before i "switched". Check with bob who I set this site up with, I've always stated the same to them. So again, come back once more when you actually have something to backup your comments, i'm sure you can find something out there.

#23 By 135 ( at 10/28/2003 8:33:28 PM
Byron - "shows how little you know about me posting on this site and me myself, as I've always stated how Microsoft used to go about things was wrong, a good 4 years before i "switched"."

I've been critical of Microsoft for 20 years.

Doesn't mean I'm going to go buy a Macintosh.

#24 By 3 ( at 10/29/2003 12:14:10 AM
#45 - where did i say you were spouting rubbish about MacOS? I haven't seen you write anything that properly complains about a feature or part of it - all i've complained about is the fact you think i'm a massive mac "fanboy" for no reason other than the fact I own a mac.

#46 - No it doesn't probably because you have no reason to or need to, the difference here being I like the Mac, i like the OS and it works better for my line of work than my PC does. Doesn't make me a fanboy or anymore critical of MS than I have been for the last 10 years - and it doesn't stop me buying a new PC next year either.

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/26/2023 6:42:19 AM

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