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14:28 EST/19:28 GMT | News Source:
Wired |
Posted By: Byron Hinson |
A new version of Microsoft Outlook makes it harder for spammers and scammers to invade users' computers through their e-mail. The software, available at the end of October with the release of Microsoft Office 2003, boasts more-aggressive security features, more options to disable malicious or snoopy code embedded in e-mails and attachments, and additional ways to block spam and other unwanted e-mail.
#1 By
2960 (
10/14/2003 3:26:36 PM
Ok, if you use previous versions I guess it won't be fixed. Wonderful...
#2 By
6859 (
10/14/2003 3:33:20 PM
I bet Valve wishes they had used this version of Outlook...
I feel sorry for them.
#3 By
116 (
10/14/2003 3:34:09 PM
Well its not broken in previous versions...
You can turn off HTML email and then noone can snoop on you. This version of Outlook adds "features" to make it easier to block spam and make it to where you can block images from unknown senders. Have you seen the new version of Outlook Larry? It rocks and you can't just bolt that stuff onto old versions of outlook.
I see nothing wrong with them charging for these new features.
#4 By
1295 (
10/14/2003 4:15:03 PM
I have officially left outlook and and about to drop office as a whole.
I say this as a MS supporter. I have always loved MS and their software but I'm finding it harder to defend the amount of money that Office costs with the other options available. Open Office (yea I said it) is starting to mature. And OO provides everything a normal user could need in an office program.
Hell if you want everybody to be able to read your docs you can always buy Acrobat personal and you still save $ for the software at OEM prices.
Basically they need to drop the price. I know its a "good deal" at its price most of the time. But there are options out there now that are cheaper and these days Office and Windows can more than double your cost for a decent computer.
#5 By
1896 (
10/14/2003 4:17:08 PM
OK 2003 is completely different then previous versions. The Anti Spam is a new feature in this release and I can assure you that works extremely well.
#6 By
37 (
10/14/2003 4:34:18 PM
IMO, OO and StarOffice are very poor substitutes. Their conversion of Word and Excel documents is very poor (except for the basic letter and the normal spreadsheet). They don't offer a similarly equipped Outlook alternative, and their apps are very slow to load (adding the apps to the startup folder slows down startup and takes too many resources while idle). The bugs appear to be endless with numerous freezes and failed graphic conversions in their *draw* program. The interface seems very dated, even on the Star Office 7.0 suite that I have. Of the thousands of people in our corporation, nobody is using anything other than Office, which makes document transfers flawless, and meeting room bookings via Outlook flawless. OO offers no support, and Star Office 7 offers support at a price.
#7 By
2960 (
10/14/2003 4:38:42 PM
I'm sorry, but turning off features, especially features that I need and use every day, is not an acceptable 'cure' for the inherent security problems in Outlook.
I like Outlook. I want them to FIX Outlook so I can continue using it. I do not feel that this should be at my expense, at >$400 a pop for a new Office license.
Frankly, I'll switch before doing that.
#8 By
116 (
10/14/2003 5:41:31 PM
TL you dont have to spend 400 bucks to get just Outlook. You are prolly looking at somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 bucks.
Why upgrade all of Office when Outlook is what you want?
#9 By
1868 (
10/14/2003 5:48:56 PM
Now if only Microsoft would release the Outlook 2003 Notes Connector then we'd all be fine. I guess I'll have to wait another 2 weeks before I move over.
#10 By
1845 (
10/14/2003 9:03:18 PM
cba, that's a good point. .doc and WordML are well documented. Why can't OO get it right? Why should Word open .sxw files? Have even 1% of Word customers asked for it?
#11 By
135 (
10/14/2003 9:22:11 PM
Halcyon-X12 - Well Eudora is $50. I don't know of anything else comparable.
But I'm of the belief Microsoft should dump Outlook Express and just include Outlook 2003 in their XP bundle. So I'm somewhat in agreement with you, however after they make this move you will accuse them of being anti-competivie to Eudora.
#12 By
7754 (
10/15/2003 1:47:18 AM
From PC Mag--StarOffice and OpenOffice "warn of possible data loss when saving in a Microsoft format--a problem we observed first-hand. After several rounds of editing this article in Word, WordPerfect, and StarOffice, we found that StarOffice's spell-checker marked every word misspelled, and Word would not open it at all. We recommend saving files in your application's native format and exporting to the corresponding Office format only when needed."
OpenOffice may work just fine for home use, but that's the kind of "compatibility" businesses can't afford. There are free PDF writers out there as well for document transfer, but if you need the recipient to do more than just view your document, Office is a standard for which there is no good substitute at the moment.
Halcyon-X12, if you check "Read all messages as plain text" under Tools>Options>Read in Outlook Express, you'll read nothing but text. There may be HTML formatting in there, but it's rendered as plain text only. If you're experiencing something other than that, your Outlook Express may be hosed up somehow....