Another, "I love Linux" piece in which the author comes up with bizarre pro Linux conclusions in the face of pro Microsoft answers from his interviewees?
For example, the author states, "Although hardware OEMs are not admitting it, a shift is going on from Windows to Linux. Is there a chance a company like IBM would drop Windows from its lineup?"
And, his interviewee retorts, "Not likely, Melenovsky said, since Windows represents 60 to 70 percent of all Intel-based server shipments. "There's no way [they are] backing away from [Microsoft] anytime soon," he said."
What is also interesting is that IDC reported 2d quarter that Microsoft server sales had jumped - yes, yet again - and were 57% of all server OSs being sold. Melenovsky's states that number is somewhere in the 60 - 70 percent range!
The author's article should have been entitled: Microsoft is Trouncing the Competition Where Ever It Finds It! No wait, the author is writing for NewsFactor - forget it. <snicker>