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#1 By
3 (
8/14/2003 5:04:52 PM
Poll should be fixed now
#2 By
7754 (
8/14/2003 5:33:11 PM
How about adding an option for both custom and OEM (more than one machine...)?
#3 By
7754 (
8/14/2003 6:53:49 PM
Use most in terms of what? I have a home-brew server that I run 24/7 and use for testing and other stuff (from the console as well as remotely), but I do more at-the-console work on a Dell workstation.
I found the same as #6--I couldn't build one cheaper than I could buy one at the time, once I added the software and shipping costs into the picture.
#4 By
5912 (
8/14/2003 7:34:40 PM
Bought my latest computer a couple of weeks ago: an Acer Aspire 1312LC laptop. Almost all of my previous computers where clones or custom built desktops, but I got fed up with the problems that incompatible and low-quality components gave me. Laptops seem to be a bit more reliable (at least the ones that I have worked with).
Btw: If I hadn't bought the laptop I would have at least gotten myself a branded machine.
#5 By
182 (
8/15/2003 12:06:45 AM
I remember a time when this comment space would be full of "anyone who pays extra money for a name brand is an idiot!"-type comments. I'm glad to see that most people who bother to comment have grown up and realized the value add that manufacturers bring to the table. As was mentioned earlier, Dell can often beat the price of the components by themselves, and you get a warranty to back it.
That said, I do still see a need for custom PC's; when you want specific parts for specific reasons, like ultra-high performance gaming PC's, often you can't find a vendor who will put it together for you.
I'm in the market for a system based on the Shuttle SB61G2 with a Plextor Premium and a WD Raptor SATA HD. Can't find anyone who will sell me a system with those three components. Which stinks, because I'd pay another $100 for the warranty.
If anyone knows of such a retailer, do let me know!
#6 By
12071 (
8/15/2003 1:25:56 AM
#12 "anyone who pays extra money for a name brand is an idiot!"
Maybe people are thinking that but they're just holding back =)
Honestly if you want to but a computer from DELL or Compaq or HP or your local computer shop then by all means do it. I haven't bought an off the shelf computer since by 386SX back in 1992 and that's not about to change. Then again I get all my parts wholesale so I can not only beat the price but I get better components at the same time in most cases. I understand that not everyone can get wholesale, not everyone wants to research the cheapest place to get a component and that not everyone wants to build their computer (as everyone can build their own computer, it's a small step up from lego blocks, everything has been color coded for a long time now).
I honestly do not see any value added by DELL etc (for my own needs). I can go and install every shareward program on the planet myself if I want to recreate the same value and as for warranty - every single component you buy has warranty already provided - usually these are 1 or 3 yr although for ram this is lifetime - do you don't need any additional value added warranties.
#7 By
5912 (
8/15/2003 4:56:06 AM
I have had too many bad experiences with machines with 'unbalanced' configurations that developed all kinds of vague problems. With a branded machine at least you have a guarantee (or should have that is) that the hardware has been tested properly AND that there's some serious technical backing if there are problems. Many clone builders just don't provide in that area: I've had a couple of very frustrating experiences with machines that developed 'mystery problems' where the company from which I bought them seemed completely incapable of doing anything. The unpleasantness of getting stuff fixed has made me realise that the extra money you pay for a branded machine is easily worth it.
Btw: obviously if you build your own computer then you know what you're in for. It's probably a better choice than buying from some clone manufacturer.
#8 By
7754 (
8/15/2003 5:03:01 AM
I use pricewatch and pricegrabber and the like all the time to find the best prices, but even then once various shipping charges and software licensing costs are added in, I had a hard time beating Dell for the hardware I wanted (I bought a refurbed workstation). Specifically, you save quite a bit on the Windows license and a single shipping cost. I did add some hardware afterwards, though--RAM is certainly cheaper that way.
#9 By
3465 (
8/15/2003 9:29:06 AM
#9-i know, this poll might be too advanced for you.
This post was edited by kirk26 on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 09:29.