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09:44 EST/14:44 GMT | News Source:
eWeek |
Posted By: Robert Stein |
"The general economic environment is risk and driver number one, Linux and non-commercial software is risk number two. Growing new billings against a large base in a tight spend environment is number three, litigation is generally a fourth risk and, finally, executing with excellence on multiple fronts is the last risk," he said.
#1 By
6859 (
7/18/2003 12:09:44 PM
Parker, those numbers kinda take the shine off Linux, don't they? ;)
#2 By
20 (
7/18/2003 2:12:16 PM
Wishful journalism... if we write enough about something, it will eventually become true
#3 By
7754 (
7/18/2003 2:29:14 PM
Funny... so they still need the Windows licenses for 80% of their machines anyhow... and now they have *two* desktops to maintain for every one of those users. Brilliant.
#4 By
135 (
7/18/2003 4:23:18 PM
Someone better get Microsoft some tweezers to remove that thorn.
#5 By
16451 (
7/18/2003 4:24:24 PM
#10 he probably got it from parker
This post was edited by RH7.3 on Friday, July 18, 2003 at 16:24.
#6 By
20 (
7/18/2003 5:48:46 PM
#20: Well, I mean, we are dealing with Linux supporters, so IQ is in question to begin with. Parker should've known that :)
#7 By
9549 (
7/18/2003 8:32:06 PM
aaahhhhhh silence
#8 By
3653 (
7/18/2003 9:08:03 PM
damn... thats a thorough arsekicking. Parker must be wearing new boots.
#9 By
135 (
7/19/2003 2:02:53 PM
People should be honest with themselves.
"Hey all you MicrosoftOnly lovers... what's the deal... if Microsoft was gone tomorrow, are you afraid you wouldn't "understand" computers anymore? "
No, but it sure wouldn't be any fun working with Linux.
"And by the way, I think it makes sense to migrate rather than switch cold turkey. But then, I'm not an extemist like so many of you. "
Wouldn't the extremist be the one recommending spending 2-3 times the money for a solution which is technically inferior just to get warm fuzzies?
#10 By
3653 (
7/19/2003 5:09:41 PM
a democrat denouncing the warm fuzzies. I just had to laugh. :-) no harm meant soda.
#11 By
135 (
7/19/2003 6:09:13 PM
mooresa56 - You're stereotypes are why you and daz keep losing political arguments.
#12 By
3653 (
7/20/2003 11:57:24 PM
soda, stick with technology. thats the only topic you seem gifted in. politics dont agree with you. i havent seen you present a reasonable case yet.
#13 By
135 (
7/21/2003 12:57:12 AM
mooresa56 - I've noticed a lot of Republicans these days in deep denial. Not all of them, fortunately, but certainly those blinded by ideology rather than doing what's right.
Don't be one of them.
#14 By
135 (
7/21/2003 1:08:40 AM
tw0rk0wsk1 - "Now, why does the pro-Microsoft camp get into such a big snit when stuff like this happens?"
I don't understand. Why do you think the pro-Microsoft camp has gotten into a big snit?
"If you are technically superior and/or have the super-majority marketshare, why do you care?"
The same reason I care when daz and mooresa56 post political opinion here. I don't like lies and distortion. These news articles claiming great triumphs for Linux turned out to be based on warm and fuzzy reasoning rather than technical merit, not what I would call a triumph for Linux.
"Do you have something to loose or is there more to the story?"
Well maybe I have a screw loose, but other than that...
We certainly have something to lose. I've devoted a major portion of my career to learning Microsoft technologies. I also have background in Unix, Vax and other technologies, but I choose to follow a Microsoft path because I saw technical and financial advantage there.
It would be a shame to witness a market shift because of a whole lot of FUD.
As an example, I turn back to daz and mooresa56's political ideology. These GOP ideologues spread a lot of FUD in 2000 concerning the Clinton administration(and still do) and convinced a handful of people to vote for Bush. The results have been catostrophic to the nation.
"Sorry, but Americans complaining about "wasted tax dollars" in Germany is either ridiculous or dishonest. WTF?"
I do have to agree with that comment. In the US we often choose to purchase from vendors from the US even though the cost might be higher and I find that a perfectly justifiable reason in some cases. If that is Munich's reasoning, then ok, but don't sell it as anything other than that.
#15 By
7754 (
7/21/2003 10:54:30 AM
Now, why does the pro-Microsoft camp get into such a big snit when stuff like this happens?
tw0rk0wsk1, I believe that the problem comes up regarding articles like last week, in which a group is lobbying governments around the world to more or less prohibit anything other than OSS: http://news.com.com/2010-1071_3-1025268.html.
#16 By
135 (
7/21/2003 2:32:51 PM
"And you can bet that the MS Anti-trust outcome would have been very different... "
Actually I don't think so, because the MS Anti-trust outcome was based on legal arguments, not political, as it should be. I watched the C-Span recording of Gore's speech before Microsoft in April of 2000 and neither he or Clinton were interested in taking down Microsoft, they simply wanted to halt a problem that was occuring in the marketplace.
A lot of people purposefully distort arguments to get attention. The unfortunate problem with this is the chicken little syndrome. People now can't see the real problems from the fake ones, they are so used to the fake moral outrage.
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