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  Xbox sings a new tune
Time: 00:17 EST/05:17 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

Microsoft announced the first nongame application for its Xbox video game console Monday and touted a handful of high-profile games intended to boost the system's cachet among hardcore players.

The unveiling of the Xbox Music Mixer was the most striking announcement at the company's press conference held in advance of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) trade show here. The $40 package, set to go on sale this fall, will include PC and Xbox software that will allow owners to transfer digital music and photos from their computer to the console's hard drive.

In related news, Microsoft announced that "Doom III," the highly anticipated shooting game expected to be released in a PC version possibly late this year, will come out for the Xbox. The software giant also showed previews of "Halo 2," the sequel to the million-selling shooter that helped drive initial Xbox sales.

Finally, there were new services for Xbox Live, the online gaming service for the console. These included Web-based services that will alert subscribers by cell phone, handheld computer and other devices when a buddy wants to play a game online.

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#1 By 10 ( at 5/13/2003 3:03:52 AM
#1, that's pretty cool, but you have to have a modchip :(

#2 By 7390 ( at 5/13/2003 7:30:59 AM
Big deal, I have and love my Xbox but I don't get the point of copy/transferring images and sound to it. Why? and don't tell just to see it on your TV. Hello, you already have a PC with MS media player installed.

I am more interested in those Halo 2 video, is there a link available?

#3 By 61 ( at 5/13/2003 10:42:30 AM

Hello, some people want to see/hear it on their home theater system, not their PC.

#4 By 135 ( at 5/13/2003 1:32:42 PM
JWM - Now that's a wasted software project if I've ever seen one.

#5 By 15705 ( at 5/13/2003 2:38:52 PM
RedHook, check out

#6 By 7390 ( at 5/13/2003 3:32:04 PM
CPUGuy, you mean that you have a fancy hit tech home theater system and don't have RCA jacks and wires coming from your sound card on your PC? you disappoint me.

I have 20 gigs of music linked to my home system. I don't need an Xbox for that. and if I found some S -Video cables long enough then I would enjoy my "adult videos" the proper way.

Thanks for the link JT

#7 By 61 ( at 5/13/2003 5:28:07 PM
Redhook: Just because I know how to hook up my system to the PC doesn't mean others do not.

#8 By 3339 ( at 5/13/2003 7:42:17 PM
CPU, I think you meant: "Just because I know how to hook up my system to the PC doesn't mean others do." But anyway...

are you suggesting that the same people who can connect their TV and console to their home stereo system can't do the same with their computer?

I don't see how a $40 bit of software makes that easier... Either it's very basic playback through the TV/console, or your TV/XBox is connected to your component system, or your PC is connected to your component system.

#9 By 7826 ( at 5/13/2003 8:05:42 PM
Sodajerk and Redhook,

I don't know what your house looks like. For me and most others I know, the computer room and TV room are usually far away and usually on different levels. Running analog cables between your PC and your HT system for such a long distance seems silly to me. With the Music Mixer, one can connect XBox and PC with wired or wireless network connections and transfer files through the LAN. A lot people who subscribe to XBL already have both system connected.

#10 By 3339 ( at 5/13/2003 8:51:54 PM
Foxbat, I have no disagreement with your point. I just disagree with the idea that the reason someone would want to pay for this is because they don't have the knowledge to set this up.

From my perspective, it seems silly that you have a home stereo in the room with the console but don't have your music available to your stereo because it's on the PC. For most, the flow of music goes the other way, and you already have your tunes in the TV/stereo/entertainment room.

#11 By 7826 ( at 5/13/2003 9:47:48 PM

Think of this way: a lot of porns, both pictures and videos, come from PC and now one can finally view it on big screen TV :)

#12 By 3653 ( at 5/13/2003 11:00:17 PM
i have to agree with other's sentiment... this isn't a big deal, product-wise. BUT, it is a big deal as MSFT pushes a bit further into the living room.

Speaking of XBox... has anyone else bought Return to Castle Wolfenstein? WOW. XBox LIVE is doing me right. 3 hours/night since last Thursday... I'm sort of sad to say.

One anecdotal sign that XBL is catching on... after being on sale for only 6 days... Wolfenstein has had over 32000 gamers on the leaderboard. So each of them ... 1) bought the game, 2) subscribe to XBox LIVE, and 3) logged in successfully. THAT is amazing.

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 23:13.

#13 By 135 ( at 5/14/2003 11:33:39 AM
sodajerk - "For most..."

Innovation is realizing that just because most people do something one particular way does not mean people might not be interested in doing it another way.

#14 By 3339 ( at 5/14/2003 1:00:24 PM
Foxbat, I didn't know you prefered to do your jacking off in the family room--I apologize. If you need this to get off, you're right, you should spend the $40 to get this.

soda, come on, you are saying this is innovative? Everybody's uncle anticipated this 2 years before the first XBox came out.

#15 By 135 ( at 5/14/2003 3:33:43 PM
sodajerk - "soda, come on, you are saying this is innovative? Everybody's uncle anticipated this 2 years before the first XBox came out. "

Is this concept innovative? There have been products on the market already for years that streamed music off your PC to your home stereo. Sonicblue Rio, Audiotron, etc. all come to mind. The combination with the game console, the tight integration into the home PC environment is all innovative, however.

But you change the subject...

I was responding to your claim that nobody would possibly want this functionality, because "For most..." You claim to want innovation, yet you stomp your feet and refuse to investigate when innovation comes along.

The only thing consistent about your arguments is the anti-Microsoft bashing.

#16 By 3339 ( at 5/14/2003 5:29:47 PM
Oh, baloney, soda. Your constant need to respond to me is ridiculous.

Where did I ever say I want and need innovation with every product? And it simply is NOT innovative, anyway.

Change the subject? You brought up innovation--my original point was this accomplishes very little and the small percentage of users who want this have had the ability to do so a number of ways for a long time: RCA cables to a component system, a Media PC, OS and shareware software, already have a stereo that can access a PC, or have a stereo.

I didn't bash MS--all I said was big deal--no one really needs this. My point being there are numerous ways to accomplish this without a similar hassle or dishing out $40.

If you disagree with this, please do. Tell me what percentage of XBox users want this. And please justify why this software is worth $40. Those were the only questions I posed, and I don't see how that's MS bashing.

#17 By 61 ( at 5/14/2003 6:01:40 PM
jerk, you ALWAYS think that just because YOU don't want it, and it's not worth the price to YOU that nobody else would want it, and is worthless to everyone else.

Grow the heck up. The world does not revolve around your needs.

#18 By 3339 ( at 5/14/2003 6:23:29 PM
I don't think this way because of my own needs and desires.

I haven't seen anyone jump up and say they want this. The only poster remotely supporting this is you, and you haven't even said---"Oh boy, I have to have this!"

Me, JWM, and Foxbat are completely unimpressed. Even Red and mooresa, two of the biggest Xbox lovers, don't care. Soda hasn't said he's buying it. You haven't said you're buying it.

So, from a community of MS diehards, there is virtually zero interest.

So, CPU, show me a few people who want, need, and are going to buy this before saying that I am speaking for everyone. I have no intention of speaking for everyone, but so far, the majority seems to be in agreement with me.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 18:24.

#19 By 61 ( at 5/14/2003 6:45:59 PM
Yes, but we are computer nerds.

#20 By 135 ( at 5/14/2003 7:16:04 PM
sodajerk - "Your constant need to respond to me is ridiculous. "

Naw, it's your constant need to bash Microsoft that is ridiculous.

I don't understand the rest of your argument, or why you even feel you need to bring it up. If people want this, they will buy it. If they don't want this, they won't buy it. It's that simple.

For myself this appears to be a very attractive solution. XBox is in my rec room, my stereo is in the living room and my computer is in my office. But I have a wireless ethernet bridge to my rec room and so I can easily hook up my XBox through this software to my PC and have music and for only $40, which is far cheaper than the $300 to buy an Auditron.

So I'm going to buy this. Obviously you aren't going to, but then that's because you don't have an XBox because to buy one would be to admit you've been wrong all along.

#21 By 3653 ( at 5/14/2003 7:57:24 PM
sodablue isn't alone in his desire to buy this. It does NOT appeal to me, but there are a couple of guys at work who cant wait to spend money on it.

You gotta think this product will have a huge profit margin, but its value STRATEGICALLY is much higher.

#22 By 4240821 ( at 10/26/2023 5:35:34 AM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 9:27:31 AM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 6:15:43 AM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 6:53:01 PM

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