Perhaps you should ask companies like JetBlue, Dell, NASDAQ, the London Stock Exchange, and many others that have saved millions of dollars by standardizing their enterprise on Microsoft software.
"25 percent of them were already in the process of replacing Windows servers with Linux"
In a word... bullsh*t. That number is FAR higher than ANYTHING I've ever seen reported before. By most accounts, Linux growth has all but stalled... and in the few places it's gaining ground it's taking market share not from Microsoft, but from Sun.
"Linux is going to take over all those applications where Unix (news - web sites) is already strong"
Well, duuu.
"Linux scales as well as Windows does and has much better clustering capabilities"
Huh? By whose account? Where, exactly, is Linux on the TPC list? And how, exactly, is Linux better at clustering than Windows?
We've heard all of this stuff before... and nothing has come of it yet. Time, of course, will tell... and I'm putting my bet on MS, thank you.
This post was edited by RMD on Monday, May 12, 2003 at 23:21.