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  Next Mac OS X Puts User at the Center
Time: 20:17 EST/01:17 GMT | News Source: eWeek | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

Apple Computer Inc. is planning to put the user at the center of its next major release of Mac OS X.

According to sources, that's the umbrella term the Cupertino, Calif., Mac maker is applying to an arsenal of innovative new features in store for Mac OS X 10.3, a k a "Panther," reportedly due to ship in September. They said User at the Center features will make it simpler for individual users to personalize their computing experience and to move seamlessly among Macs and other devices. And as a marketing strategy, Panther's User at the Center capabilities are intended to challenge user-centric capabilities of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows XP as well as its forthcoming "Longhorn" client.

Features of the OS reportedly won't be frozen until May, but a variety of enhancements are in the running that will encourage pervasive, mobile computing. For example, one proposed feature will let users take home directories they've saved on peripherals and networks and use them for file access or securely log into a Mac running Panther. Sources said the feature will let users synchronize their home directories with mobile devices or log onto a system via Apple's .Mac service. Another candidate feature will let users log out of OS X and then log back in as another user, without having to close open applications. This capability resembles the "Fast User Switching" feature of Windows XP.

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#1 By 116 ( at 4/21/2003 8:28:21 PM
"Apple Computer Inc. is planning to put the user at the center of its next major release of Mac OS X."

Sorry for being sarcastic but where has the user been with Mac all this time?

#2 By 116 ( at 4/21/2003 9:20:22 PM
Ha you beat me to it Neb!

#3 By 2332 ( at 4/21/2003 9:55:44 PM
Just went into one of those Apple stores in the CambridgeSide Galleria near Boston. Man, those stores (and those computers) sure are pretty.

It's all about image with Apple. That's really all they have.

#4 By 20 ( at 4/21/2003 10:20:27 PM
Another candidate feature will let users log out of OS X and then log back in as another user, without having to close open applications. This capability resembles the "Fast User Switching" feature of Windows XP.


You know that's what we'd be hearing the other way.

So if people copy from Microsoft, it "resembles" or is "similar to", but if MS does it, it's copying and theft and unoriginality.

#5 By 61 ( at 4/21/2003 11:01:27 PM

Yeah, they also have synchronizing folders as a 'major' new feature.

#6 By 3653 ( at 4/21/2003 11:26:19 PM
if a tree fell in the forest and no one was there to hear it, would it make a sound?

if apple releases another version of OS X, and another 10 people upgrade, was it really released?

#7 By 3 ( at 4/22/2003 9:16:49 AM
To me there is no perfect operating system. Right now I prefer OS X 10.2 over Windows XP, but thats just me, as for all the upgrades Apple release - its been no different to the Windows ones that used to come out on a yearly basis, the difference has been that Apple actually add a lot of new features and improvements to each new release. Yes Apple are catching up on some points that Windows XP has, but there are also points that Windows will be catching up on too, again the difference this time is that they may be 2/3 years down the road.

#8 By 135 ( at 4/22/2003 10:29:25 AM
I could care less about Macintosh news. I think it's nice that Apple has finally discovered color and multitasking.

#9 By 7390 ( at 4/22/2003 10:36:38 AM
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#10 By 3339 ( at 4/22/2003 12:56:51 PM
"from what I've heard... and what I know..." Ha, ha, ha, macross---apparently very little because you proudly rant a bunch of incorrect baloney.

"[blank] is so perfect... is so perfect.. is so perfect... is so perfect... is so perfect" Jeez, you sound a little jealous or something. You know that this is a retarded argument that isn't made by ANYONE but you so why waste OUR time?

daz: "OMG APPŁ€ IS SO COPYING FROM MICROSOFT!!! HOLY CRAP THEY CAN'T INNOVATE" Really? I thought they were ENABLING basic features of Unix that have been present in the OS already. Not copying Microsoft. Oh, that's right Windows invented multiple simultaneous logins and user switching. Uh, huh.

"I think it's nice that Apple has finally discovered color and multitasking." What game are you playing, soda? THe Apple Switch commercial game where you reference the state of the OS from years back? Hypocrisy, no? Pathetic Deflection, no? Ignorance? Which is it? Nevermind, whatever.

"Yeah, they also have synchronizing folders as a 'major' new feature." It is when it's done right and easy to use. What are you going to say it's copying the piece of sh1t known as the briefcase? Syncing ain't new, but simple user syncing available to the "average" user isn't very common. Considering this relates to Giampaolo's improved file system as well--yes, it's a new feature and major.

How come there's no discussion about piles and Giampaolo's new filesystem (the Dev'er of BeFS)? Hmmm? Oh, is it because you are just starting to realize that it will be very similar to if not on par with WFS's functionality, and will be available this summer?

Or how 'bout 64 bitness in a consumer OS? Or the many features not present in Windows available to the Mac community?

#11 By 3339 ( at 4/22/2003 2:15:55 PM
Jagged, I get the so-called "jokes"--they are just retarded.

"You're so quick to defend Apple against these claims, but when someone does the same for Microsoft, you call them "softies." "

I never say because one operating system has a feature "it's about time" another OS got the feature. I do say "it's about time" simply for features that are lacking and necessary to a system. Yes, I've wanted multiple logins for a while, and I was confused why it wasn't present at the release. Then I learned the difficulties in the implementation (Classic gets fcked--so further migration away from Classic was necessary, etc..) so I understand. But I don't say things like "a" has this, "b" gets it, so "b" is behind--"a" could easily be lacking x,y,z.

"Perhaps the "I'm Not Sodajerk And I Can Take A Joke, Honest" game."

Soda can't take jokes--he had my "joke" directed towards him the other day removed. I've never asked to have his pathetic constipation lines removed.

"Do you honestly think the briefcase is the only thing using synchronization in Windows?"

What, can't take a joke?

And can you use a "Documents and Settings" located on any device on the 'net as your user settings without complex server setup or Remote Services? No. Too bad.

"Yes, and we all know how much more important a 64-bit consumer OS is than features like multiple simultaneous logins and basic synchronization."

What a pathetic deflection. Did I say a 64bit OS would have anything to do with simultanbeous logins or basic synchronization? Or that it's more important? No, I said there are a number of features that aren't available to Windows users that you are all avoiding talking about. I mentioned three of them: piles, the Giampaolo-enhanced file system, and 64 bitness. This article is about new features to the OS. My point was there are features in OS X not in Windows... So tell me again why EVERYTHING has to BETTER THAN syncing and multiple logins? And do you really think EVERYONE is using multi-logins and syncing? Or that for some, 64 bitness will not be MORE IMPORTANT than the features you mention? Oh, that's right--you are avoiding the subject of discussing the features in OS X that aren't in Windows.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 14:47.

#12 By 11888 ( at 4/22/2003 4:47:08 PM
I also prefer OS X over XP.

I saw an interesting presentation by Dr. Bud Tribble, Apple's VP of Software Technology. One of his messages was that Apple was able to get these frequent OS updates out by leveraging OSS. Doing this has lowered the development time from years to months.

If anyone is interested, the presentation is available here / in WMV format.

#13 By 2459 ( at 4/22/2003 5:11:13 PM
How come there's no discussion about piles and Giampaolo's new filesystem (the Dev'er of BeFS)?

From what I have seen, piles is still basically a rumor. It also seems to resemble stacks, which has an implementation in leaked Longhorn alphas. RE: Filesystems - Too soon to tell, but you can guess where my chips are.

Or how 'bout 64 bitness in a consumer OS?

Ever heard of Opteron or Athlon64?

Or the many features not present in Windows available to the Mac community?


#14 By 3339 ( at 4/22/2003 5:29:46 PM
"jerk, the fact that you say I used three superlatives when I didn't use a single one just shows how your post is full of wishful thinking."

What did you say?

"Yes, and we all know how much more important a 64-bit consumer OS is than features like multiple simultaneous logins and basic synchronization."

What were my superlatives?

(1) "Or that it's more important?" (2) "has to BETTER THAN syncing and multiple logins" (3) "MORE IMPORTANT than the features you mention"

Where did I say you used three superlatives? I said I cited three examples. I used three superlatives trying to figure out what you are talking about... Simply to pose the question: are you serious? I did not say you used three superlatives.

I see--we're talking nonsense now. No wonder I can't keep up with you. Not. What the fck was your point?

Reading classes can be provided if any of you would like to step out of your delusions, idiocy, or childishness, whatever you want to call it.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 19:40.

#15 By 3339 ( at 4/22/2003 6:07:48 PM

"It also seems to resemble stacks, which has an implementation in leaked Longhorn alphas." Resembles? Too bad piles were invented in the early 90s, were patented in '94, and hence why MS's alternative are being referred to as 'stacks.' (Not for any oneupmanship sake, only for the sake of clarification.) Especially since stacks so far are being represented similarly to 'folders' and don't really have a visual interface cue as to what they are. Piles are only in rumors, but I can confirm they are real. Oh wait, Apple keeps quiet about features until they are ready rather than announcing them three years in advance--well, I'll be damned!

As for the filesystem, anyone who was a serious user knows that BeOS file system speed was exquisite. If Dominic has produced similar results, I would much prefer a fast indexing system with useful and extensive metadata to the complications of integrating a DB with the filesystem--the functionality achieved by either method can be the same.

As for Athlon64 and Opteron, it isn't going to be pitched as a consumer option, and if you think that it's seriously going to be used at 64 bit rather than 32 bit to any great extent for any time in the near term, I'd have to disagree.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 18:35.

#16 By 135 ( at 4/22/2003 6:20:16 PM
Is anybody else falling asleep?

#17 By 7390 ( at 4/22/2003 6:23:04 PM
Only when sodajerk says something

#18 By 2459 ( at 4/23/2003 12:14:57 AM
Especially since stacks so far are being represented similarly to 'folders' and don't really have a visual interface cue as to what they are.

Really? It looks like a stack of papers. You see a stack of papers and think, folder? Wierd. And how do you know 1) how long MSR has been working on this, and 2) if it doesn't have a better implementation? All you have to go on is a non-public alpha and a rumor.

Oh wait, Apple keeps quiet about features until they are ready rather than announcing them three years in advance--well, I'll be damned!

Yeah, and many times that's bit them in the but, with people passing off actual PC products as Apple rumors wich Mac users buy into only to be dissapointed when nothing of the kind is announced at the following MacWorld. Video iPod anyone (Arcos MP3 player, PocketPC, Media2Go), Portable Apple Monitor (Smart Display), Apple Tablet computer (TabletPC), Faster CPU/64bit (Opteron/Athlon64/Itanium).

As for the filesystem, anyone who was a serious user knows that BeOS file system speed was exquisite. If Dominic has produced similar results, I would much prefer a fast indexing system with useful and extensive metadata to the complications of integrating a DB with the filesystem--the functionality achieved by either method can be the same.

I currently have a filesystem with indexing and support for metadata in the form of NTFS. I'd rather go beyound that. Why emulate a DB when you can have a DB?
If Dominic produces similar results, I hope Apple can put in just as much work on speeding up the rest of the system.

As for Athlon64 and Opteron, it isn't going to be pitched as a consumer option, and if you think that it's seriously going to be used at 64 bit rather than 32 bit to any great extent for any time in the near term, I'd have to disagree.

Athlon64 is a consumer part. It replaces Athlon XP. Opteron is geared towards high-end, but is still cheap enough to make a consumer system that's a lot cheaper and a lot faster than a Mac, just like Athlon MP or Xeon is. Heh, even at the Itanium's $2500+ per CPU price, I can get a system for less than some PowerMacs, but Itanium is definitely not aimed at the consumer. Speaking strictly about the consumer market, as I said, Athlon64 and to a somewhat lesser extent, Opteron, will be available in the consumer market. Athlon64 is aimed squarely at the consumer market. Watch in the coming weeks/moths as people gobble up these CPUs.

I, AMD, Microsoft, and many others disagree with your thoughts on the AMD64's use as a 64-bit CPU. MS is creating both server and desktop versions of Windows XP to run as 64-bit. They've already had past experience in this territory. MS is working on 64-bit applications. Epic will have versions of the Unreal engine and games that run as native 64-bit apps. I suspect Carmack will have a 64-bit port of Doom 3 judging from his past behavior of taking advantage of whatever's available. Microsoft will have 64-bit versions of the .NET runtime that can take advantage of the .NET apps that are currently available (I suspect that this is where the majority of apps will come from), and you'll also be able to run 64-bit Windows while keeping all of your legacy apps. 64-bit has never been more ready for the consumer.

This post was edited by n4cer on Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 00:31.

#19 By 61 ( at 4/23/2003 2:40:15 AM
soda: Actually there is this feature in Win2k called synchronizing folders.... you should try it some time.

#20 By 3339 ( at 4/23/2003 2:19:14 PM
Jagged, My point was rebutting dumbasses who were saying that it was about time they got such and such a feature because Windows has it. You said: "Yes, and we all know how much more important a 64-bit consumer OS is than features like multiple simultaneous logins and basic synchronization." Suggesting that any number of new features not present in Windows have to be better than simult. logins and syncing to be relevent to you (for some strange reason). I pointed out that this is a highly subjective claim and irrelevent to my point.

Do you get that yet?

enforcer, I should clarify because I now realize I was confusing two concepts: virtual folders (which is what piles accomplishes) and stacks which are just iconic groupings of files. My point was that virtual folders do not have a unique UI concept to navigate and organize them. Stacks appear to me to only be a way to group folder contents by metadata--they are not virtual groups which transcend the file system. Also they have no vidual/spatial navigation apart from stack and unstack. So Apple is including virtual directories (an updateable query or static groupng of files located anywhere) and stacks (grouping of files) AND a new means of navigating.

As for filesystems, NTFS doesn't come close to providing the capabilities of BFS. As is evident by the fact that NTFS doesn't accomplish what BFS did and also by the fact that most of what WFS is intended to do was already available in BFS. From what I am learning about what is going into Panther there is no need for a database. It's not a matter of emulating a DB--why use a DB when it is unnecessary. It's actually overhead to use a DB, not the other way around.

We'll see how AMD fares and what sort of application support is available.

Your comment about rumors is silly--people who have bad info are morons. I haven't been burnt by any rumors, and I don't see how silly misperceptions by PC users hurts Apple. Also, I've already said that being first usually doesn't matter. However, Apple can still easily deliver a couple of the things you mention first (since they still don't exist on the PC side--Media2Go, 64bit chips w/system and apps, etc.) and they can still do the others better or differently when the time is right.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Wednesday, April 23, 2003 at 14:19.

#21 By 2459 ( at 4/23/2003 6:10:36 PM
I won't waste more time speculating on how stacks will work vs. piles because it's something I can't predict, and I haven't used any leaked alpha builds of Longhorn, so I can't say what the UI is like beyond what's been shown in screenshots. The most I've seen of piles is a 3rd party flash demo . I can say that if Apple's piles work similarly, a scroll wheel could be of value.

RE: Virtual Folders
These also exist in the Longhorn alphas

Can't say if final implementation will resemble the current one. Probably won't since WinFS isn't yet implemented.

RE: DB Filesystem

The original plan was for BeOS to use an actual relational database as its filesystem. They didn't use it because they couldn't figure out how to get good performance out of it. If MS is able to accomplish what Be couldn't, I'd say they were ahead of the game. Again, something we'll have to wait for to see.

I'd say widespread 64-bit support a given since they are replacing their entire line with AMD64 CPUs. With MS moving everything to .NET for the next product cycle, native support won't be a big deal (though this is about 1-1.5 years out). Games and A/V encoding/decoding will be the big drivers for adoption in the consumer market initially (that, and as previously stated, AMD going 64-bit for their entire product line).

RE: Rumors

Silly, but it has consistently happened for at least the last three MacWorlds.
Apple will have to hurry if they want to deliver first. Not forgetting that PocketPC is already pretty good for portable music and video, Media2Go devices will be shipping this holiday season. 64-bit chips w/system and apps are already here in the PC space in the workstation/server markets. Support for AMD64 on Windows is currently in beta testing. I can't say for sure, but I imagine it will be RTM before Athlon64's September launch.

#22 By 4240821 ( at 10/26/2023 5:27:01 AM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/29/2023 2:59:40 PM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 9:23:07 AM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 7:43:21 AM

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