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  Columbia shuttle breaks up over Texas
Time: 10:39 EST/15:39 GMT | News Source: CNN | Posted By: Todd Richardson

Thanks to all who sent this in. "JOHNSON SPACE CENTER, Houston, Texas (CNN) -- The space shuttle Columbia, with seven astronauts aboard, broke up as it descended over central Texas Saturday toward a planned landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Residents as far east as Shreveport, Louisiana, reported seeing and feeling an apparent explosion. "

2:22 ET - For more news: - 'Aerodynamics May Explain Space Shuttle Breakup' - Shuttle Breakup Debris Rains Down Into Texas - Astronauts mourn shuttle loss AP - Shuttle was oldest in fleet - Tragedy Over Texas - Witness describes house-rattling 'roar' - Officials: No evidence of terrorism MSNBC - Shuttle Timeline (interactive) - Witnesses describe 'big bang' and 'ball of fire' - Shuttle Crew (interactive) - Israel in mourning over astronaut loss - Israeli Astronaut Brought Joy to Troubled Nation - Miles O'Brien interviews Columbia's crew - First Indian-Born Woman in Space Was Homeland Heroine
AP - People in 3 States Report Seeing Shuttle - Bio: Col. Ilan Ramon
MSNBC - Space shuttle crashes on reentry - Bio: Cmdr. Dr. Laurel Clark - NASA STATEMENT ON LOSS OF COMMUNICATIONS WITH COLUMBIA - Bio: Col. Rick Husband - Profiles of Space Shuttle Columbia Crew - Bio: Pilot Capt. David Brown - Key Space Shuttle Missions Since 1981 - Bio: Dr. Kalpana Chawla
The Hindu - Emergency landing not possible: NASA - Bio: Lt. Col. Michael Anderson - 1986 Challenger explosion last shuttle disaster - Bio: Cmdr. William McCool - Radar Image of Shreveport, LA (Thanks, JaggedFlame) AP - NASA Lowers Flags To Half-Staff
AP - Former astronaut says landing problems unusual NASA TV (NTV) - Next briefing at 3PM ET
AP - Families in seclusion at Florida landing site Houston Chronicle - Stunned Space Center workers report for duty
CNN- Special Report CNN - Loss 'hasn't set in yet'
New York Times - Working through the pain in Room 10 Jerusalem Post - O'Keefe asks reporters to respect families privacy
AP - Ridge leads government's response to Columbia tragedy FOXNews- Columbia's Final Transmission With Mission Control - Columbia's path  

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#1 By 665 ( at 2/1/2003 11:22:02 AM
Grow up, this is no time for joking around like that.

#2 By 1295 ( at 2/1/2003 12:18:00 PM
dupe, you make me SICK!

this is a tragedy and is no time for joking... you should be ashamed!

I'm sure all of the families of those lost would be happy to hear you can make any sort of joke out of this.

AW: you should not take his post down. All should see how twisted he is!

This post was edited by Mr.Humpty on Saturday, February 01, 2003 at 12:20.

#3 By 135 ( at 2/1/2003 12:33:28 PM
The 15th Anniversary of the Challenger accident was January 28th. When I first woke up this morning and turned on the news I was confused and thought the news was commemorating that event.


I looked it up and the Apollo 1 fire was January 27th, 1967.

That's even weirder.

This post was edited by sodablue on Saturday, February 01, 2003 at 12:38.

#4 By 6859 ( at 2/1/2003 12:39:28 PM
Can we not put the infighting away for a while? Please?...

#5 By 2138 ( at 2/1/2003 12:40:42 PM
#11, the shuttle has a life of 100 missions. it was on its 28 mission i think. nasa does a thourough check only after the 5th flight. why not every flight? people are involved. lets not talk about the money involved. nasa wants to have a mars expedtion within the next 10 years? now this is the real joke.

#1 : you are tactless and besides everyone who cares what os nasa uses.

nasa should reevaluate their space program or they shoud just stop and let the euorpeans lead the way.


#6 By 665 ( at 2/1/2003 12:43:03 PM
#15, "nasa does a thourough check only after the 5th flight. why not every flight? people are involved. lets not talk about the money involved."

Do you get your car checked after every trip you take? Space flight is still safer than driving down the highway. Sadly, money has to be a factor.

"nasa should reevaluate their space program or they shoud just stop and let the euorpeans lead the way."

Haha, that's funny :)

#7 By 2110 ( at 2/1/2003 12:44:44 PM
Just HOPE is is not premonitory : Columbia is the peace symbol.

#8 By 1295 ( at 2/1/2003 12:53:41 PM
Small interactive from about the shuttle program... has some interesting info.

#15 as Todd said it would cost a helluva lot of money to do what you want... I would be for providing more in the federal budget for the space program but, for now, they must live within their means.

#9 By 7711 ( at 2/1/2003 1:00:12 PM
Soda...17th anniversary actually...

And you're right, it is really wierd having NASA's 3 fatal accidents within a week time frame (I know, over almost 35 years 1967-2003, but it's still wierd).

#3: supposedly NASA checked the tiles with ground based telescopes that can check the shuttle as it's flying for underside damage (!!!!???? wow!!!).

SAM's??? I love that speculation in the media. The only thing in the world capable of doing that is the new SDI system President Bush is deploying as ballistic missile defense. Stinger (or any SAM system) just can't reach anywhere near that high or go anywhere nearly fast enough to catch a 12,500mph target.

I guess the terrorism speculation is only natural (especially with an Israeli astronaut), but this happened at one of the most thermally and dynamically challenging and dangerous parts of the mission. Probably a tragic accident.

Jimlat (physics/astronomy teacher, former US Naval reserve officer)

#10 By 2138 ( at 2/1/2003 1:09:43 PM
#16, yes i do thourough check on my car after every trip i take. it is a machine like the shuttle. just like flying was safer than driving.

and what is so funny about the european space agency? they are at the same level as nasa or a small notch higher, but who cares. nasa's track record is getting tarnished about this money thing. why do not the planet make joint effort with this space stuff. there would be more success stories and less tragic ones like today's.

besides i do not want to argue,


#11 By 665 ( at 2/1/2003 1:13:07 PM
#20, I don't want to argue either, but European space programs are no where near NASA in many regards.

"why do not the planet make joint effort with this space stuff."

Tried with the International Space Station, the US has ended up bankrolling far more than its share.

#12 By 7711 ( at 2/1/2003 1:44:57 PM
#23: I seems incredable they can see with any detail the tiles on an 18,000mph orbiting vehicle. And you're right...there could have been an invisible creak or damage...

Unfortunately this isn't Challenger. We had downlink telemetry up to and even a few seconds after the explosion on STS-51L. With the communications blackout right at the time of the accident, we may never know for sure the cause of the accident.

Also, no there are no failsafe layers of tiles. The 15000+ tiles are Criticality-1 parts, meaning the failure of that part (well over 1200 of these classification of parts) will cause loss of mission, vehicle or crew.

#13 By 7711 ( at 2/1/2003 1:46:14 PM
#22 agreed....
These speculations are the infotainment part of the news.

#14 By 3 ( at 2/1/2003 1:54:37 PM
The theory on terrorism is probably Infotainment news sent out by Bush to make attacking Iraq looks sensible. Very sad to see these people die which should be what the news IS reporting on more and in other news 30 people died in a train crash today that doesn't get reported as top news.

This post was edited by Byron_Hinson[AW] on Saturday, February 01, 2003 at 13:55.

#15 By 3 ( at 2/1/2003 2:17:49 PM
I wasn't saying he did - but as you have proven - insinuating that Sam’s were involved or there was a terrorist act without any sign of proof makes the various so called "Top brass" news agencies look like asses. No one knows what happens, it looks like a break up but my view is people shouldn't speculate. If you actually thought I believed that then something is wrong.

As for my views on Iraq, everyone is allowed a personal view, mine being that Bush would attack them no matter what happens as his father couldn't finish the job he started all those years ago and it was obvious his son would try to as soon as he unfortunately got into power. Just like his son has yet to finish what he started in Afghanistan, something again he should complete before starting a war elsewhere.

All I'm concerned about are the people in the countries that get attacked, what happens to them yet again. As for today, I think of the people who died in the accident in the air and the accident on the ground in the train crash.

This post was edited by Byron_Hinson[AW] on Saturday, February 01, 2003 at 14:18.

#16 By 3 ( at 2/1/2003 2:41:41 PM
#33 - Repost without swearing, the comments were fine.

#17 By 135 ( at 2/1/2003 4:08:40 PM
stubear - "Saddam Hussein would gladly sell chemical and biological weapons to terrorist groups. "

Where do you think Saddam Hussein obtained those chemical and biological weapons?

"I believe that if we had and would keep our dirty, bloody, dollar-soaked fingers out of the business of these nations so full of depressed, exploited people, they will arrive at a solution of their own -- and if unfortunately their revolution must be of the violent type because the "haves" refuse to share with the "have-nots" by any peaceful method, at least what they get will be their own, and not the American style, which they don't want and above all don't want crammed down their throats by Americans. "

-- General David M. Shoup, May 14, 1966

Here's another one:

"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave national emergency ... Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant sums demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real."

-- General Douglas MacArthur, 1957

This post was edited by sodablue on Saturday, February 01, 2003 at 16:21.

#18 By 135 ( at 2/1/2003 5:25:01 PM
stubear - "A past President made a mistake so we shouldn't bother correcting it? Good logic. "

Who said that we shouldn't correct it?

You realize that General Shoup, whom I quoted, was called a Traitor by people such as yourself? General Shoup was Commandant of the Marine Corps from 60-63, he was a Medal of Honor winner during WWII. Why would anyone call such a man a coward for questioning a desire to go to war? By what basis did he not prove bravery? By what basis did he not prove his love of country?

All I'm asking for is the Administration to be honest with the American people, and the World. Is that too much to ask?

We've been down this path before, we know where it leads. Why make the same mistake again?

#19 By 135 ( at 2/1/2003 5:28:50 PM
Fredzilla2000 - Agreed. I hope that this doesn't further limit the foward movement of our space program like the Challenger did.

#20 By 3 ( at 2/1/2003 5:34:53 PM
#37 - I wasn't saying he did do that, I was following up on a post that someone made about the news stations coming up with rubbish just like I did there I just forgot to put in the quotes, Of course I don't think he would have done that, although I wouldn't put anything past a Bush. And you didn't correct my comments as you can't correct an opinion just because I belive Bush and Blair are going it alone when the majority of people are this time against them.

#40 I agree with you, they should be honest but majority of the time are not. I hate to say it but just about everyone must have known when bush came in he would attack iraq at some point, and that to me just isn't right. I agree Iraq are not making it easy on themselves to get out of it, they really should just leave the inspectors to do their job just as Bush should do.

#21 By 3 ( at 2/1/2003 5:35:38 PM
#41 - I hope it doesn't stop any other programs either, but lets hope they find out what went wrong and that it never happens again.

#22 By 3 ( at 2/1/2003 5:40:27 PM
"The goal of the Gulf War was to liberate Kuwait, not to remove Saddam Hussein. Bush Sr. accomplished that in spades. At the time it was felt that removing Saddam Hussein would have needlessly destailized the region. After 9/11, it was apparent that containment was no longer a useful strategy to employ in the Middle East. Saddam Hussein would gladly sell chemical and biological weapons to terrorist groups. "

So because American got attacked by a terrorist organisation they should just go into anywhere that they like and bomb them? That makes great sense, we had terrorism in the UK via the IRA for years, thankfully no one here was idiotic enough to go in and bomb them out as it would have caused outrage and mass deaths to civilians, like it would do in Iraq and has done in Afganistan, why fight fire with all means if Saddam is proven to be a threat to the world right now then deal with him, but there has so far been no full proof of this.

And having a go at the French and Germans for not agreeing with the US and UK is ridculous, anyone can see that the UK and US are trying to rush into war, I am not arguing that it possibly should happen, but right now it certainly shouldn't but everyone knows that America has the power to do it itself if bush wants to, and he will get his way. It will just be the people of Iraq who suffer yet again, but what does that matter to bush who won't have to deal with it.

This post was edited by Byron_Hinson[AW] on Saturday, February 01, 2003 at 17:42.

#23 By 135 ( at 2/2/2003 1:15:06 AM
#45 - "The people of Iraq live in fear of being tortured to death by Hussein."

Do they? Right now they live in fear of being slaughtered by American soldiers.

"The same lies were said about Afghanistan. Instead, the people cheered when they were liberated by the US as did the people of so many other countries when liberated."

Strange I don't recall any lies being told about Afghanistan. The situation of the Taliban was pretty well known and had been receiving escalating news coverage over here especially in 2001 when they destroyed the Buddha statues, etc.

"The people of Iraq will cheer the US and UK when they are finally liberated. "

Today they are cheering the explosion of our Space Shuttle. If you think they are going to cheer us "liberating" them, you are deluding yourself greatly.

Shoup was right, people only appreciate freedom if they fight for it themselves. Thank god we didn't sit around waiting for the French to liberate us in 1776.

"People like you who wish the people of Iraq to stay enslaved are sick."

People who debate adult arguments like children make me sick. Why don't you knock it off with the hyperbole?

This post was edited by sodablue on Sunday, February 02, 2003 at 01:33.

#24 By 3653 ( at 2/2/2003 2:03:18 AM
you all make me sick... not willing to help the Iraqi people to a better life for themselves and countless generations of their children. Have some friggan compassion for those people. Their daily lives are hell, and you would have them stay that way for the next 50 years.

#25 By 3 ( at 2/2/2003 9:36:56 AM
#45 I don't remember saying I wanted them inslaved? nice of you to actually put the sick words into my mouth though, I actually said going in and bombing them in a rushed way is going to cause more heart ache for the people, and being concerned about those people doesn't make me sick. I'm all for getting Hussein taken out of there, but the funny thing is that you think it will make a major difference, while it may slow what is happening there down, the majority of people there hate the U.S and will fight Saddams cause after his death, if the US can't think of a better way to deal with things other than bombing them, then leaving them again then it is senseless.

Stating that the people of Afganistan cheered when the "U.S" liberated them is all well and good, but have you heard much about the area since? No very little, people are still being killed over there all the time, a lot of the support Bush said would be made to help the people there hasn't happened either...thats what I am concerned about happening elsewhere with his rushed judgement.

Now stop putting words into peoples mouths and discuss like an adult, everyone is entitled to a view on it even if theirs is different to yours.

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